All Stories

  1. HCI Research in Sensitive Settings: Learning Researcher Reflexivity, Ethical Conduct and Empathy in Participatory Design Approaches
  2. Exploring Participants’ Representations and Shifting Sensitivities in a Hackathon for Dementia
  3. HCI Research in Sensitive Settings: Lessons Learned from Technology Design and Ethical Challenges in Dementia
  4. PDC Places: Landscapes of Participatory design in Ireland
  5. Relational, Flexible, Everyday: Learning from Ethics in Dementia Research
  6. Student Engagement in Sensitive Design Contexts
  7. The Struggle for Recognition in Advanced Dementia
  8. Am I lazy, a drama queen or depressed? A journey through a pluralistic approach to analysing accounts of depression
  9. Intersections in HCI, Design and Dementia
  10. Care and Design
  11. Printer Pals