All Stories

  1. A National Evaluation of Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Curricula
  2. Consensus-based recommendations for the care of women with a breech presenting fetus
  3. Phenomenography: A useful methodology for midwifery research
  4. Gender-neutral language use in maternity.
  5. Single registered midwives contributing care for general patients: a scoping study
  6. Development of a tool to identify barriers and enablers to practice innovation in midwifery: A participatory action research study
  7. Woman-centred ethics: A feminist participatory action research
  8. Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic for midwifery and nursing academics
  9. Effects of Tai Chi on the quality of life, mental wellbeing, and physical function of adults with chronic diseases: Protocol for a single-blind, two-armed, randomised controlled trial
  10. Navigating midwifery solidarity: A feminist participatory action research framework
  11. A mixed-methods pilot study exploring midwives’ job satisfaction: Is being of service to women the key?
  12. Adherence to screening and management guidelines of maternal Group B Streptococcus colonization in pregnancy
  13. Care ethics framework for midwifery practice: A scoping review
  14. Women’s experiences of breech birth decision making: An integrated review
  15. Effects of a nurse-led Tai Chi programme on improving quality of life, mental wellbeing, and physical function of women with breast cancer: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  16. Midwives’ strategies for coping with barriers to providing quality maternal and neonatal care: a Glaserian grounded theory study
  17. Using social media in contemporary nursing: risks and benefits
  18. Barriers to Quality Midwifery Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Data
  19. Peripheral thermometry: Agreement between non‐touch infrared versus traditional modes in an adult population
  20. Breech presentation management: A critical review of leading clinical practice guidelines
  21. Clinical supervisors' perspectives of factors influencing clinical learning experience of nursing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds during placement: A qualitative study
  22. Women’s experiences of breech birth and disciplinary power
  23. Development of a Breech-Specific Integrated Care Pathway for Pregnant Women: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study
  24. Midwifery leaders’ views on the factors considered crucial to implementing evidence-based practice in clinical areas
  25. Group B Streptococcus Screening Guidelines in Pregnancy: A Critical Review of Compliance
  26. Graduating midwifery students’ preferred model of practice and first job decisions: A qualitative study
  27. Facilitating midwifery students on an international placement: Clinical facilitator perspectives
  28. Implementing Evidence Into Everyday Practice: Midwifery Leaders’ Views About What Helps and Hinders Clinical Innovation.
  29. Importance of vitamin D during the antenatal period for maternal well-being
  30. 'Going off track': The consequences of barriers to Ghanaian midwives’ ability to provide quality care.
  31. Shared learning on an international clinical placement: Promoting symbiotic midwifery practice knowledge
  32. “Doing Magic With Very Little”: Barriers to Ghanaian Midwives' Ability to Provide Quality Maternal and Neonatal Care
  33. Perinatal mental illness and the midwifery role
  34. The power of online connectivity: is the future of Australia's midwifery education a flexible online learning experience?
  35. Midwives use of best available evidence in practice: An integrative review
  36. Indigenous Doulas: A literature review exploring their role and practice in western maternity care
  37. Millennial midwifery: Online connectivity in midwifery education
  38. Chiropractic care of the pregnant woman and neonate
  39. Midwifery student's perceptions of caring for substance-using pregnant women
  40. Do midwifery International clinical placements influence students’ practice and employment decisions?
  41. The F word: Midwifery students' understanding of feminism
  42. Efficacy of oral glucose tolerance testing of pregnant women post bariatric surgery
  43. Suicidal Ideation in the Perinatal Period: A Systematic Review
  44. Are male partners of pregnant women treated negatively in maternity care?
  45. Weaving midwifery student's reflections
  46. The development of a midwifery specific tool to enable midwives to identify barriers and enablers to change within the midwifery clinical setting
  47. Midwives’ attitudes towards pregnant women using substances: Informing a care pathway
  48. Newborn Care Practices of Mothers in Arab Societies: Implication for Infant Welfare
  49. Fighting a losing battle: Midwives experiences of workplace stress
  50. Moxibustion: An alternative option for breech presentation
  51. Are midwifery students adequately prepared for vaginal breech birth in clinical practice?
  52. Midwifery students’ understanding and knowledge of normal birth before ‘delivery’ of curriculum
  53. In the shadow of the ivory tower: Experiences of midwives and nurses undertaking PhDs
  54. Pre-eclampsia: Praxis and application
  55. iMidwife: midwifery students’ use of smartphone technology as a mediated educational tool in clinical environments
  56. Gastroschisis: A review of practice
  57. Are male partners of pregnant women treated negatively in maternity care?
  58. Casual for a cause: Exploring the employment status of nursing in Australia and China
  59. Midwifery students’ understanding of normal birth, the role of the midwife, and breastfeeding
  60. Amphetamine use in pregnancy: Perinatal approaches to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes
  61. Genital herpes: Silent but not ignored
  62. Is faculty practice valuable? The experience of Western Australian nursing and midwifery academics undertaking faculty clinical practice - A discussion paper
  63. Midwifery students and routine discussion of birth experience in the early postnatal period in hospital
  64. Providing sun safety advice: The midwife's role
  65. Domperidone as a galactagogue: A case for approval?
  66. Uterotonics for post-partum haemorrhage
  67. Bugs, babies and birthing: midwifery management of sepsis
  68. Epilepsy in pregnancy: Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  69. Mind over Matter: Inside Hypnobirthing
  70. Reconstructing compassion: should it be taught as part of the curriculum?
  71. Thalassaemia in pregnancy: Contemporary care for a timeless disease
  72. Evaluating postgraduate midwifery students' experiences of a model of blended learning
  73. Intimate partner violence and pregnancy: How midwives can listen to silenced women
  74. Balancing the risks and benefits of sun exposure for infants: Skin protection and vitamin D uptake
  75. Mind matters: Developing skills and knowledge in postnatal depression
  76. African immigrant parents' understanding of their teenagers' newly diagnosed diabetes status in Perth, Western Australia
  77. Exploring the Professional Issue of Group B Streptococcus Screening in Pregnancy
  78. Papanicoloau smear uptake among substance-using mothers in Western Australia
  79. The implementation of the first outreach antenatal clinic for incarcerated, substance-using pregnant women in Western Australia
  80. Placenta praevia, placental abruption and amphetamine use in pregnancy: A case study
  81. The use of naltrexone in pregnancy in opiate-dependent mothers
  82. An Australian Perspective: the Art of Being with Students