All Stories

  1. Effectiveness of Intergenerational Programs to Reduce Loneliness: A Scoping Review and Reflections
  2. Subjective healthy aging indicators in a the Mediterranean and Latin American context. A comparison by gender and age in older adults of lifelong educational programs
  3. Propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Espiritualidad en Adultos Mayores de Costa Rica
  4. Uso de la checklist en la actividad de simulación clinica para la formación de los estudiantes de postgrado en Psicologia y su relación con la satisfacción y percepción de aprendizaje
  5. Older adults and use of video games
  7. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home professionals: results of the RESICOVID project
  8. Psychometric properties of the SF-8 Health-Related Quality of Life Scale in Costa Rican older adults
  9. Expectativas y preferencias de cuidados en hombres adultos homosexuales durante la vejez: barreras o dificultades asociadas a la orientación sexual
  10. Fundamental rights of older women, vulnerated by forced disappearances in Colombia and Mexico: dilemmas and challenges
  11. Envejecer en casa sí, pero con los recursos adecuados y en el territorio. Estudio de caso de La Vall dels Alcalans (Ribera Alta, Valencia)
  12. Evidencias psicométricas en escalas de medición de recursos de apoyo social y emocional durante la vejez en una muestra de personas adultas mayores en Costa Rica
  13. Generatividad y autocuidado en personas mayores en diálisis
  14. Psychological and functional impacts associated with restrictions in long-term care facilities (LTCF) due to the COVID-19 pandemic: A multicentre study
  15. Aging in Place: Connections, Relationships, Social Participation and Social Support in the Face of Crisis Situations
  16. Introduction to the Special Issue on Productive Aging in Honor of Frank Caro
  17. The Role of Generativity in Later Life in the Case of Productive Activities: Does the Type of Active Aging Activity Matter?
  18. Measurement invariance of the self-care Scale for older people in Costa Rica and Spain
  19. El peor año de mi vida. Agotamiento emocional y burnout por la COVID-19 en profesionales de residencias. Estudio RESICOVID
  20. Engaged Scholarship in Gerontology: Frank Caro’s Lifetime Contributions
  21. Older Women’s Loneliness and Depression Decreased by a Reminiscence Program in Times of COVID-19
  22. Effects of a Reminiscence Program on Meaning of Life, Sense of Coherence and Coping in Older Women Living in Nursing Homes during COVID-19
  23. Llamamiento a las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento para fortalecer la Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
  24. Factors Influencing Intention to Technological Use in Older Adults. The TAM Model Aplication
  25. Effectiveness of a Supervised Group-Based Otago Exercise Program on Functional Performance in Frail Institutionalized Older Adults: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
  26. Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on a Long-Term Care Facility: The Role of Social Contact
  27. Effects of an Educational Program for Professional Caregivers on Behavioral Alterations in Nursing Home Residents: Pilot Study
  28. Testing a Proactive Model of Successful Aging Among Older Adults in Costa Rica and Spain
  29. Impacto psicosocial de la COVID-19 en las personas mayores: problemas y retos
  30. Validation of the University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (version 3) in Spanish older population: An application of exploratory structural equation modelling
  31. Active Aging and Learning Outcomes: What Can Older People Learn From Participation?
  32. Subjective well-being key elements of Successful Aging: A study with Lifelong Learners older adults from Costa Rica and Spain
  33. Identidad narrativa en cuidadoras informales familiares y no familiares de personas en diálisis
  34. Loneliness and social support: Differential predictive power on depression and satisfaction in senior citizens
  35. Literatura y transgeneracionalidad. Un proyecto intergeneracional de apadrinamiento lector en ámbito residencial
  36. The Experiences of Retired Managers Acting as Volunteers in an Entrepreneurial Mentoring Organization
  37. Validity of the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale in Spanish older population: competitive structural models and item response theory
  38. Mujeres mayores en el cine. Una evaluación de los proyectos fílmicos
  39. Sharing points of view about education: An intergenerational program with seniors of the third-age university (u3a) and students in the teacher education degree
  40. The Professional Profile of Intergenerational Program Managers: General and Specific Characteristics
  41. Social representations of latin american immigrants about immigration, care and elderly caregivers
  42. Introducción. Envejecimiento activo y solidaridad intergeneracional
  43. Older Adult Mentors and Youth at Risk: Challenges for Intergenerational Mentoring Programs in Family-Centered Cultures
  44. Menores criados por sus abuelas. Mejora de la pautas de cuidado a menores en acogimiento familiar en familia extensa a través de un programa de intervención psicoeducativo
  45. Efficacy, Efficiency … and Stability of Intergenerational Programs?
  46. How students evaluate university programmes for older people: A comparison between two models in Spain
  47. Intergenerational Learning: A Way to Share Time, Experiences, and Knowledge. A Field to Develop
  48. Family Reciprocity and Caring Relationships in Ageing Societies
  49. The Teacher's Perspective in Older Education: The Experience of Teaching in a University for Older People in Spain
  50. Grandparents and Their Adolescent Grandchildren: Generational Stake or Generational Complaint? A Study with Dyads in Spain
  51. Older people's university students in Spain: a comparison of motives and benefits between two models
  52. Intergenerational Caregiving. Young Auxiliary Caregivers
  53. Aging Societies and Intergenerational Solidarity
  54. Reasons for Older Adult Participation in University Programs in Spain
  55. Custodial Grandparents: The State of the Art and the Many Faces of this Contribution
  56. Forum Response
  57. Mentoring: How to Harness the Full Potential of Youth Mentoring Relationships?
  58. Introduction
  59. La relación entre abuelos/as y sus nietos/as adolescentes: comparación de perspectivas generacionales
  60. Committee Co-Chair's Comments
  62. Introduction
  63. Motivaciones y expectativas de los estudiantes mayores de 55 años en los programas universitarios
  64. Evaluating Social Integration and Psychological Outcomes for Older Adults Enrolled at a University Intergenerational Program
  65. The Meaning of Grandparenthood
  66. An Intergenerational Program,“Nau Gran,”at the University of Valencia (Spain)