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  1. Impfpräventable Erkrankungen: Wissen, Einstellung und Impfstatus von Medizinstudierenden
  2. Healthcare workers’ training and information levels over an occupationally acquired Ebola virus disease
  3. Vaccination of health care workers against influenza: Is it time to think about a mandatory policy in Europe?
  4. Vaccination of healthcare personnel: Spotlight on groups with underlying conditions
  5. Flu vaccination goes mobile
  6. Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines: Important occupational vaccines differently perceived among medical students
  7. Kommentar zu: Darius et al. Arbeitsmedizinische Aspekte in der Allgemein-(Viszeral-)Chirurgie - Infektionsgefährdung durch Nadelstichverletzungen (was der Chirurg wissen sollte) Zentralbl Chir 2013; 138 : 88-93
  8. Sind Medizinstudenten ausreichend geimpft? / Are medical students sufficiently vaccinated?
  9. Are medical students sufficiently vaccinated? 1