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  1. Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour
  2. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence.
  3. Actuaciones adaptivas y culturales en la caza MBYA Guarani frente a las presiones de contacto
  4. gestão de 2021/2022 do Conselho Municipal de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional de Curitiba - Brasil sob a ótica do Modelo de Coalizões de Defesa
  5. Perceptions of food insecurity and access to programs among elderly females living in Colombo, Brazil: Qualitative investigation
  6. A COVID-19 em meio a uma “tempestade perfeita” no capitalismo neoliberal: reflexões críticas sobre seus impactos no Brasil
  7. Práticas e comportamentos alimentares de famílias de crianças com perturbação do espectro autista
  8. Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the fear of COVID-19 scale in three Portuguese-speaking countries
  9. Care Itineraries, Social Support and the Experience of Breastfeeding
  10. Os corpos etéreos dos blogs pró-ana: comunidades emocionais e espaços de sociabilidade na web
  11. Risk perception of COVID-19: Susceptibility and severity perceived by the Brazilian population
  12. The science between the infodemic and other post-truth narratives: challenges during the pandemic
  13. Links between ecofeminism, agroecology and food sovereignty
  14. Validation of the FCV-19 Scale and Assessment of Fear of COVID-19 in the Population of Mozambique
  15. Discourse of the Collective Subject and Content Analysis on qualitative aproach in Health
  16. The inequalities in health are directly linked to food and to the nutritional profile
  17. Psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version of the FCV-19 scale and assessment of fear of COVID-19 in a Southern Brazilian population
  18. “Xilala is only treated with a good hand”: a study on the treatment of malnutrition in Mozambique
  19. Gender and pandemic perception
  20. Fear of COVID-19 scale: Assessing fear of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil
  21. O cuidado com o corpo e a obrigatoriedade da saúde: sobre hexis e poder na modernidade
  22. Body dissatisfaction as a predictor of disordered eating behaviors in undergraduate women: an integrative review
  23. Social representations on baby feeding among health workers in primary care
  25. Maternity and breastfeeding: identity, body and gender
  26. Women and water, men and fire. Gender and transformation in the Guarani cuisine
  27. O corpo sentido e os sentidos do corpo anoréxico
  28. A auto-imagem corporal na anorexia nervosa: uma abordagem sociológica