All Stories

  1. Heuristic principle to evaluate interfaces of collaborative systems
  2. Emotions recognition in synchronic textual CSCL situations
  3. Emotions recognition in synchronic textual CSCL situations
  4. Detecting conflicts in collaborative learning through the valence change of atomic interactions
  5. Disruptive Innovation: A valuable experience in the teaching and learning process of Artificial Intelligence
  6. Diagnóstico inteligente de flebotrombosis
  7. A Technique for Conflict Detection in Collaborative Learning Environment by Using Text Sentiment
  8. A Preliminary Analysis of Gender and Team Roles in Forum Interactions
  9. An Automatic Identification of Team Roles in Forums
  10. Mining Associations Between Collaborative Skills and Group Roles in Collaborative E-Learning Environments
  11. Caracterización de las interacciones colaborativas en ambientes de e-learning considerando conductas grupales y habilidades de colaboración
  12. COLLAB
  13. Group Behaviors and Team Roles Identification in Collaborative E-learning
  14. A Multi-Agent Model for Personalizing Learning Material for Collaborative Groups
  15. Detecting collaboration skills to calculate indicators in moodle
  16. June
  17. Using data mining for discovering relationships between collaboration skills and group roles
  18. An assistant agent for monitoring collaborative groups dynamics
  19. Applying data mining to discover successful collaborative groups styles
  20. Genetic algorithm for automatic group formation considering student's learning styles
  21. Towards e-tutors training in on-line collaborative learning
  22. Personalización en aprendizaje colaborativo soportado por computadora mediante sistemas basados en agentes
  23. Algorithms and Machine Learning Techniques in Collaborative Group Formation
  24. An assistant agent for group formation in CSCL based on student learning styles
  25. Multi agent model for skills training of CSCL e-tutors
  27. A Multi-agent Model That Promotes Team-Role Balance in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
  28. Group and Students Profiles to Support Collaborative Learning in a Multiagent Model
  29. Using Agents for Training Students Collaborative Skills
  30. Training collaboration skills to improve group dynamics
  31. Una red neuronal backpropagation aplicada a la MicroHistología
  32. Data Mining Applications in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  33. The knowledge-based simulation