All Stories

  1. Knowledge spillovers or R&D collaboration? Understanding the role of external knowledge for firm innovation
  2. Does entrepreneurship hold the key? Steering through income inequality towards happiness
  3. Resilience and digitally-advanced entrepreneurship
  4. Entrepreneurial growth, value creation and new technologies
  5. Collaboration strategies and SME innovation performance
  6. Effects of open innovation in startups: Theory and evidence
  7. Unraveling the resource puzzle: exploring entrepreneurial resource management and the quest for new venture success
  8. Enabling social entrepreneurship: examining the impact of state, market and religious factors
  9. Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance and Technology
  10. Theoretical and empirical differences between the interlocked boards of family and non-family firms
  11. From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: The importance of context
  12. The role of institutions in latent and emergent entrepreneurship
  13. Innovative entrepreneurship in emerging and developing economies: the effects of entrepreneurial competencies and institutional voids
  14. An absorptive capacity-based systems view of Covid-19 in the small business economy
  15. Start-ups, Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers
  16. Web marketing in agri-food industry: Challenges and opportunities
  17. Knowledge management and entrepreneurship
  18. Investment in training and skills for innovation in entrepreneurial start-ups and incumbents: evidence from the United Kingdom
  19. Governance and network: cross-national differences
  20. Directorate ties: a bibliometric analysis
  21. Explaining emerging-market firms’ acquisitions of developed-market firms: A resource based perspective
  22. Knowledge frontiers and boundaries in entrepreneurship research
  23. From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the knowledge spillover construction circle
  24. An Institutional Contingency Perspective of Interlocking Directorates
  25. Guest editorial
  26. Innovation for sustainability: a conceptual framework
  27. Internationalization of SMEs in high potential markets
  28. The effect of strategic partnership on innovation: An empirical analysis
  29. Innovation and its diffusion: process, actors and actions
  30. Factors fostering students’ spin-off firm formation
  31. Drivers of innovation in Italy: food vs. pharma
  32. Innovations in the agro-food system
  33. Creating value chains: the role of relationship development
  34. Food supply in a network context
  35. A model for measuring technology capability in the agrifood industry companies
  36. Business model innovation in the agri-food sector: a literature review
  37. What we do know and what we need to know about knowledge in the growth process
  38. Guest editorial
  39. Innovation in Agro-Foods: A Comparative Analysis of Value Chains
  40. Economic geography and multipolar strategies: an empirical analysis
  41. Cross-Border M&A: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Business Environment
  42. New drivers and challenges in a multi-polar world
  43. Global supply chain: The consolidators’ role
  44. A cross-national analysis of policies affecting innovation diffusion
  45. Technology transfer and entrepreneurship: cross-national analysis
  46. New Geography of M&As: A Framing Device of Firms' Strategies
  47. Research on M&As – time for consolidation
  48. Directors’ role in inter-organizational networks
  49. Knowledge effects on competitiveness: from firms to regional advantage
  50. rosa caiazza
  51. Explaining innovation in mature industries: evidences from Italian SMEs
  52. Mudança tecnológica ou inércia: uma análise comparativa internacional com vistas ao caso brasileiro
  53. Can a sport mega-event support hosting city's economic, socio-cultural and political development?
  54. M&A process: a literature review and research agenda
  55. Policy and institutions facilitating entrepreneurial spin-offs: USA, Asia and Europe
  56. Benchmarking of business incubators
  57. Innovation in agro-food chain
  58. Main rules and actors of Italian system of innovation: how to become competitive in spin-off activity
  59. Identifying international market opportunities: the case of Italian companies in Egypt
  60. Factors affecting spin-off creation
  61. The Emerging Factors Affecting China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investments
  62. Corporate strategies of automotive firms: how to become global leaders
  63. What drives firms to operate in south Mediterranean countries?
  64. How Campanian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Can Compete in the Global Agro-Food Industry
  65. Advisors’ role in cross‐border acquisitions: new challenges and opportunities
  66. M&A between giants: the fastest way to dominate the world economy
  67. The Italian system of innovation: strengths and weaknesses
  68. Interlocking directorates' effects on economic system's competitiveness
  69. Cross national analysis of different systems of governance: developing versus developed economies
  70. Internationalization in Egypt: Risks and Opportunities
  71. Strategies and Financial Instruments for Facing Main Risks in Cruise Industry
  72. The Global Agro-food System From Past to Future
  73. How does learning intent affect interlocking directorates dynamic?
  74. Interlocks network structure as driving force of coopetition among Italian firms
  75. How to turn crisis into opportunity: perception and reaction to high level of uncertainty in banking industry