All Stories

  1. Developing leader identity across the lifespan
  2. Introduction
  3. Leadership and Virtues
  4. Reconceptualizing Multilevel Leader-Follower Shared Outcomes
  5. Positive family relationships across 30 years: Predicting adult health and happiness.
  6. Charismatic leadership: Eliciting and channeling follower emotions
  7. The Authors Speak: Six I-O Psychology Textbook Authors Discuss How They Decide What to Cite
  8. The Licensure Issue in I-O Psychology: Are We Trying to Police the Police?
  9. Teaching Leadership
  10. Belief in Generational Stereotypes: Why There Is a There There
  11. Incorporating “Soft Skills” Into the Collaborative Problem-Solving Equation
  12. A Critical Review of Theories and Measures of Ethics-Related Leadership
  13. If We Do Our Job Correctly, Nobody Gets Hurt by Nepotism
  14. Followership theory: A review and research agenda
  15. Nepotism in the Hiring of Leaders
  16. Leader Interpersonal and Influence Skills
  17. Leading groups: Leadership as a group process
  18. Exploring Distance in Leader-Follower Relationships
  19. Italian-American leadership in Hollywood films: Images and realities
  20. Relationships between Transformational and Active Transactional Leadership and Followers’ Organizational Identification: The Role of Psychological Empowerment
  21. The impact of ethical political leadership on the public: The mediating role of confidence in political leaders
  22. The effect of authentic transformational leadership on follower and group ethics
  23. Who emerges as a leader? Meta-analyses of individual differences as predictors of leadership emergence
  24. A longitudinal analysis of relationships between adolescent personality and intelligence with adult leader emergence and transformational leadership
  25. Adolescent family environmental antecedents to transformational leadership potential: A longitudinal mediational analysis
  26. Childhood and adolescent antecedents of social skills and leadership potential in adulthood: Temperamental approach/withdrawal and extraversion
  27. Introduction to the special issue: Longitudinal studies of leadership development
  28. Motivational roots of leadership: A longitudinal study from childhood through adulthood
  29. The Effect of Leadership on Follower Moral Identity: Does Transformational/Transactional Style Make a Difference?
  30. Leadership in Multiplayer Online Gaming Environments
  31. Introduction to special issue on defining and measuring character in leadership.
  32. Virtue-based measurement of ethical leadership: The Leadership Virtues Questionnaire.
  33. Appearance-Based Trait Inferences and Voting: Evolutionary Roots and Implications for Leadership
  34. Leadership development: The current state and future expectations.
  35. The emotional and social intelligences of effective leadership
  36. Emotional and interpersonal competencies and leader development
  37. Social skill imbalances in mood disorders and schizophrenia
  38. Transformational Leadership
  39. Presidential leadership and charisma: The effects of metaphor
  40. Applications of Nonverbal Communication
  41. Charismatic Leadership in Crisis Situations
  42. The role of social and emotional communication skills in leader emergence and effectiveness.
  43. Using Assessment Center Methods for Measuring Undergraduate Business Student Outcomes
  44. A new frame for frame-of-reference training: Enhancing the construct validity of assessment centers.
  45. Individual differences in ability to encode complex affects
  46. Use of the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank With Adolescent Populations: Implications for Determining Maladjustment
  47. Epilogue
  48. Gender Differences in Attributions of Blame for Male Rape Victims
  49. Social skills, social support, and psychosocial adjustment
  50. Agreement between subordinate and superior ratings of supervisory performance and effects on self and subordinate job satisfaction
  51. Beauty is More Than Skin Deep: Components of Attractiveness
  52. Social and academic intelligence: Conceptually distinct but overlapping constructs
  53. The display of personality in expressive movement
  54. Social skills and self-esteem
  55. Effects of reciprocal peer tutoring on academic achievement and psychological adjustment: A component analysis.
  56. Social skills and empathy
  57. The Relative Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior, Appearance, and Social Skills on Evaluations Made in Hiring Interviews1
  58. Personality and deception ability
  59. The role of social skills in encoding posed and spontaneous facial expressions
  60. Effects of Prior Training and Verbal Errors on Students' Performance in Job Interviews
  61. Verbal and nonverbal cues as mediators of deception ability
  62. Assessment of basic social skills.
  63. Impression formation: The role of expressive behavior.
  64. Actual and perceived emotional sending and personality correlates
  65. The Role of Nonverbal Cues and Physical Attractiveness in the Selection of Dating Partners
  66. Individual differences and cues to deception.
  67. The interrelationships of self-monitoring factors, personality traits, and nonverbal social skills
  68. Effect of individual differences in nonverbal expressiveness on transmission of emotion
  69. Understanding and assessing nonverbal expressiveness: The Affective Communication Test.
  70. Personality and the enactment of emotion