All Stories

  1. Mediation and moderation of the relationship between men’s endorsement of traditional masculinity ideology and intentions to seek psychotherapy.
  2. Extending the gender role strain paradigm to account for U.S. males’ gun violence.
  3. Masculinity and compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended health practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Variance composition, reliability, validity, and measurement invariance of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 in nonclinical samples.
  5. Gay men’s perceptions of the normativeness of health-promoting behaviors for gay and heterosexual men.
  6. The Fathers’ Current Expectations About Son’s Masculinity Scale (FCEASMS): Development and validation.
  7. The politics of men’s and women’s traditional masculinity ideology in the United States.
  8. The Reference Group Identity Dependence Scale-Adults: Creation of a short form, validity assessment, and measurement invariance by race/ethnicity.
  9. Measurement invariance of three gender ideology scales across cis, trans, and nonbinary gender identities.
  10. Development and evaluation of a new short form of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI-30).
  11. Event-related brain potentials reveal differences in emotional processing in alexithymia
  12. Development, variance composition, measurement invariance across five gender identity groups, and validity of the Health Behavior Inventory–Short Form.
  13. The Aging Men’s Masculinity Ideologies Inventory (AMMII): Dimensionality, variance composition, measurement invariance by gender, and validity.
  14. The Development and Evaluation of a Brief Form of the Normative Male Alexithymia Scale