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  1. Effects of Ca substitution on quasiacoustic sliding modes in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41
  2. Thermionic enhanced heat transfer in electronic devices based on 3D Dirac materials
  3. A review of terahertz detectors
  4. Superficial and Fundamental Correspondences in the Terahertz/IR (6–15 THz) Absorption Spectra of Aspirin and Benzoic Acid
  5. Electrical Versus Optical: Comparing Methods for Detecting Terahertz Radiation Using Neon Lamps
  6. Distinguishing Quinacridone Pigments via Terahertz Spectroscopy: Absorption Experiments and Solid-State Density Functional Theory Simulations
  7. Azimuthal dependence of the Garton-Tomkins orbit in crossed magnetic and electric fields
  8. Semiconductor hydrogen analogue candidates for observation of quasi-Landau oscillations associated with semi-classical electron orbits
  9. Optical reflectance studies of highly specular anisotropic nanoporous (111) InP membrane
  10. Laser-induced oxidation kinetics of bismuth surface microdroplets on GaAsBi studied in situ by Raman microprobe analysis
  11. 3D Printed Terahertz Diffraction Gratings And Lenses
  12. In situ micro-Raman studies of laser-induced bismuth oxidation reveals metastability of β-Bi_2O_3 microislands
  13. 3D printing of aspherical terahertz lenses and diffraction gratings
  14. Absorption spectra of benzoic acid in the 5–15 THz range
  15. Pump polarization dependence of optical rectification for 112A GaAs
  16. THz absorption bands in Sr14Cu24O41 by synchrotron radiation
  17. Terahertz sources
  18. THz photomixer with milled nanoelectrodes on LT-GaAs
  19. Complementary terahertz absorption and inelastic neutron study of the dynamic anisotropy contribution to zone-center spin waves in a canted antiferromagnetNdFeO3
  20. Effect of heavy noble gas ion irradiation on terahertz emission efficiency of InP (100) and (111) crystal planes
  21. Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: optical determination of carrier concentration
  22. Closed-orbit dependence on the field direction in the anisotropic diamagnetic Kepler problem
  23. THz photomixer with a 40nm-wide nanoelectrode gap on low-temperature grown GaAs
  24. Spherical, cylindrical and tetrahedral symmetries; hydrogenic states at high magnetic field in Si:P
  25. Raman scattering studies of strain effects in (100) and (311)B GaAs1−xBix epitaxial layers
  26. Energy loss rate of a charged particle in HgTe/(HgTe, CdTe) quantum wells
  27. Dielectric properties of Bi doped Sb2Te3 thin films studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
  28. High temperature anisotropy of NdFeO3 determined using time-domain THz spectroscopy
  29. Optical characterization of novel terahertz emitters
  30. Signature of aromatic carbons in the terahertz spectroscopy of bio-chars
  31. Time-domain spectroscopy of novel nematic liquid crystals in the terahertz range
  32. Parameters Controlling Emission of Terahertz Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation from InAs and GaAs: An Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation Study
  33. Collective librations of water molecules in the crystal lattice of rubidium bromide: experiment and simulation
  34. Photomixing in topological insulator HgTe/CdTe quantum wells in terahertz regime
  35. Infrared phonon anomaly and magnetic excitations in single-crystal Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl
  36. Terahertz surfoluminescence
  37. Optical parameters of ZnTe determined using continuous-wave terahertz radiation
  38. Terahertz photon mixing effect in graphene and topological insulator
  39. Complementary techniques for probing terahertz magnetic excitations in Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl
  40. Material characterization at low frequencies using THz and Raman spectroscopy
  41. Nonlinear response of topological insulators in the terahertz regime
  42. The importance of scattering, surface potential, and vanguard counter-potential in terahertz emission from gallium arsenide
  43. Spatial dispersion in three-dimensional drawn magnetic metamaterials
  44. Probing and modelling the localized self-mixing in a GaN/AlGaN field-effect terahertz detector
  45. Role of vanguard counter-potential in terahertz emission due to surface currents explicated by three-dimensional ensemble Monte Carlo simulation
  46. Characterising Zinc Telluride wafers using continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy
  47. Geometrical factors in the emission of terahertz radiation from semiconductors under excitation by sub-picosecond pump pulses
  48. Stacked-and-drawn metamaterials with magnetic resonances in the terahertz range
  49. Direct-drawn metamaterial fibers with magnetic response in the 100GHz range
  50. Optical rectification for terahertz generation
  51. Fiber metamaterials with negative magnetic permeability in the terahertz
  53. Bulk and surface field-induced optical rectification from(11N)zincblende crystals in a quasireflection geometry
  54. Heavy noble gas (Kr, Xe) irradiated (111) InP nanoporous honeycomb membranes with enhanced ultrafast all-optical terahertz emission
  55. Mechanisms of x-ray emission from peeling adhesive tape
  56. Characterization of semiconductor materials as terahertz emitters under the effect of in-plane magnetic field
  57. Comparison of expressions for terahertz generation for bulk optical rectification away from normal incidence
  58. Detection of biochar components for soil fertility using THz-TDS
  59. THz-TDS of filter paper at differing humidities
  60. Extremely broadband characterization of a Schottky diode based THz detector
  61. Reconciling expressions for terahertz generation by bulk optical rectification
  62. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of nematic liquid crystals
  63. Energy States of Phosphorous Donor in Silicon in Fields up to 18 T
  64. Terahertz emission from InP
  65. Generation of terahertz radiation by bulk and surface optical rectification from crystal planes of arbitrary orientation
  66. A terahertz system of units
  67. THz generation by optical rectification involving high-index planes
  68. Terahertz generation by optical rectification in GaAs and related materials
  69. Peeling adhesive tape emits electromagnetic radiation at terahertz frequencies
  70. Metastability in the resistance of polycrystalline La0.8Li0.2MnO3
  71. The role of optical rectification in the generation of terahertz radiation from GaBiAs
  72. Comparison of photoexcited p-InAs THz radiation source with conventional thermal radiation sources
  73. Small electroresistance (SER) in bulk La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 below
  74. New modes of THz generation by low-temperature-grown GaAsSb
  75. Efficiency in nanometre gap vacuum thermionic refrigerators
  76. Terahertz Physics
  77. Investigation of THz Emission by p-GaAsSb
  78. Publisher’s Note: Investigation of p-GaAsSb as a THz Emitter [J. Electrochem. Soc., 155, H734 (2008)]
  79. Single-cycle azimuthal angle dependence of terahertz radiation from (100) n-type InP
  80. Time-domain THz spectroscopy using acceptor-doped GaAs photoconductive emitters
  81. Emission of terahertz-frequency electromagnetic radiation from indium phosphide under excitation by short pulses of near-infrared radiation
  82. Never a dull moment
  83. Electroresistance of La0.8Li0.2MnO3
  84. Subterahertz Josephson plasma emission in layered high-TC superconducting tunnel junctions
  85. Terahertz Zeeman spectroscopy of boron in germanium to high magnetic fields
  86. Electronic and thermal transport in hot carrier solar cells with low-dimensional contacts
  87. Thermionic refrigeration in low-dimensional structures
  88. Reflectance studies of candidate THz emitters
  89. Investigation of p-GaAsSb as a THz Emitter
  90. Semiconductor terahertz emitters
  91. Physical Phenomena in Electronic Materials in the Terahertz Region
  92. Terahertz imaging: materials and methods
  93. Thermionic refrigerators with non-Richardson current
  94. Low thermal conductivity short-period superlattice thermionic devices
  95. THz Emission from Mercury Cadmium Telluride Films Grown on Cadmium Zinc Telluride Substrates
  96. Magnetospectroscopy to 30T of donor states in InP
  97. THz generation in InAs
  98. Far Infrared Spectra of La1−xCaxMn0.9Li0.1O3
  99. Power generation with nanowire resonant tunneling thermoelectrics
  100. Conventional and total momentum filtered thermionic devices
  101. The effect of barrier shape on thermionic refrigerator performance
  102. Magnetopolaron interactions inn-type indium phosphide
  103. Strong terahertz emission from (100) p-type InAs
  104. Electronic efficiency in nanostructured thermionic and thermoelectric devices
  105. Infrared-active phonons of perovskite HoMn/sub 1-x/Co/sub x/O/sub 3/ (x=0--0.8)
  106. Solid-state thermionics and thermoelectrics in the ballistic transport regime
  107. Magneto-optical far-infrared absorption spectroscopy of the hole states of indium phosphide
  108. Principles of charge and heat transport in thermionic devices
  109. The effect of the electron energy spectrum on electronic efficiency and power in thermionic and thermoelectric devices
  111. Phonon spectra of cobaltite/manganites in strong magnetic fields
  112. Zeeman spectroscopy of Be impurity in GaAs to
  113. High-field magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron gas in quantizing magnetic fields and intense terahertz laser fields
  114. Magnetospectroscopy of Be in GaAs
  115. Zeeman spectroscopy of the Zn acceptor in InP
  116. Investigation into space charge effects in I–V characteristics of multi-layer semiconductor thermionic devices
  117. Far-infrared reflection and transmission of La1−xCaxMnO3
  120. Photoconductivity of Be-doped GaAs under intense terahertz radiation
  121. Electronic thermal transport and thermionic cooling in semiconductor multi-quantum-well structures
  122. Numerical calculation of thermionic cooling efficiency in a double-barrier semiconductor heterostructure
  123. Phonon modes of A(Co1/2Mn1/2) O3 (A=La, Nd, Dy, Ho, Yb)
  124. Synthesis and magnetic properties of perovskite La1−xCaxMn0.9Li0.1O3
  125. Far-infrared spectroscopy of the zinc acceptor in indium phosphide
  126. Infrared absorption of lanthanum manganites
  127. Internal transitions of confined neutral magnetoexcitons inGaAs/AlxGa1−xAsquantum wells
  128. Cyclotron resonance in undoped, top-gated heterostructures
  129. Piezospectroscopy of thep3/2and Fano series of singly ionized zinc in germanium
  130. Quantum point contact in a magnetic field: Far-infrared resonant heating observed in photoconductivity
  131. Zeeman spectroscopy of the Be acceptor in GaAs to intermediate fields
  132. Central-cell corrections for Si and S in GaAs in a strong magnetic field
  133. Far-infrared studies of extremely high mobility gated GaAs/AlGaAs structures in magnetic fields
  134. Magneto-photoconductivity of a 2DEG under intense terahertz radiation
  135. Magneto-plasmon spectrum in a semiconductor under intense laser radiation
  136. Magneto-Spectroscopy of Beryllium Impurity in Gallium Arsenide
  137. Far-infrared laser photoconductivity of n-GaAs multiple quantum wells in a pulsed magnetic field
  138. Spectroscopy and piezospectroscopy of the Lyman transitions and Fano resonances of indium in silicon
  139. Magneto-oscillations and field-induced phase transitions in organic conductors
  140. Energy states of Be in GaAs
  141. Video introductions to laboratory: Students positive, grades unchanged
  142. Piezospectroscopy of the and fano series of singly ionised Zn in Ge
  143. Cyclotron resonance measurements of the hole mass in [0 0 1] and [1 1 1] InxGa1−xSb/GaSb quantum wells
  144. Cyclotron resonance of mixed phases of the 2-D system in the ultra-quantum limit
  145. Computer assignments and problems classes for physics students
  146. Student scanning tunneling microscope
  147. Fano resonances in the absorption spectrum of singly ionised zinc in germanium
  148. Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of Multilayer Thermionic Power Devices
  149. Terahertz Absorption by Magnetoplasma Sound Wave Excitation in Semiconductor Heterostructures
  150. The Electron Energy Spectrum and Thermionic Device Efficiency
  151. Thermionic cooling of optoelectronic and microelectronic devices
  152. Far-infrared measurements of cyclotron resonance and impurity transitions in bulk n-GaAs in pulsed magnetic fields