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  1. The ongoing fight for population oral health
  2. Differential effect of social mobility on tooth loss by race in adulthood: 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study
  3. Brazilian primary dental care in a universal health system: Challenges for training and practice
  4. Life course social mobility, race and tooth loss in adulthood: The role of dental health services
  5. Associations between psychological stress, discrimination, and oral health-related quality of life: the buffering effects of social support networks
  6. Racial inequality in complete dental prosthesis delivered: can public services reduce inequities?
  7. Research on racial/ethnic inequities in oral health over the past 80 years: The role of racism
  8. A qualitative analysis of denture wearing experience affecting the quality of life of older adults
  9. Challenges in operationalizing conceptual models in aetiological research
  10. Conceptualizing inequities and oppression in oral health research
  11. Oral conditions associated with oral health related quality of life: A population-based cross-sectional study in Brazil
  12. Quais aspectos influenciam a priorização da Atenção Primária à Saúde pelos gestores municipais do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil?
  13. Association between socioeconomic contextual factor, dental care service availability, and prevalence of periodontitis in Brazil: a multilevel analysis
  14. Cobertura do Programa Bolsa Família e fatores associados à realização de procedimentos odontológicos no Brasil, entre 2007 e 2011: um estudo ecológico
  15. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on completed treatments and referrals during urgent dental visits
  16. Percepción de calidad de vida por adultos mayores uruguayos: un estudio cualitativo
  17. The Concept of Quality of Life in the Perception of Older Uruguayans: a qualitative study
  18. Gender inequities in dental research publications: Findings from 20 years
  19. Instrumentos de calidad de vida asociados a la salud oral. Revisión sistemática
  20. Association between cash transfer programs and oral health—A scoping review
  21. Long-term risk factors for old-age social exclusion in Sweden: a 30-year longitudinal study
  22. Residual dentition, prosthesis type and oral health‐related quality of life in Uruguayan adults
  23. Cost-related variables in the public purchase of dental materials for endodontic application
  24. Structural validity of the Brazilian version of the Sense of Coherence scale (SOC-13) in oral health research: exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
  25. Tooth loss over 13 years of follow-up: Can regular dental visits reduce racial and socioeconomic inequalities?
  26. Correction: Where are race-based oral health inequities bound? Protocol for a systematic review on interventions to tackle racial injustice in dental outcomes
  27. Comparison of the efficacy of different techniques to seal the alveolus during alveolar ridge preservation: Meta‐regression and network meta‐analysis
  28. Relationship between Professional Training of Dentists and Outpatient Clinical Production
  29. Where are race-based oral health inequities bound? Protocol for a systematic review on interventions to tackle racial injustice in dental outcomes
  30. Influência da autoavaliação para melhoria do acesso e da qualidade no quantitativo de procedimentos dos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas
  31. Assessment of the contextual effects on the prevalence of periodontitis: a systematic review
  32. Impact of dentists and equipment in the performing dental imaging examinations: a longitudinal analysis
  33. Impact of economic factors and knowledge translation on public procurement for dental adhesive systems
  34. Implementation in restorative treatments in public health: a 10-year analysis of resin composite procurement in Brazil
  35. Urgent dental care in the Brazilian public health system: learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for future situations
  36. Pay‐for‐performance and dental procedures: A longitudinal analysis of the Brazilian Program for the Improvement of Access and Quality of Dental Specialities Centres
  37. Secondary dental care quality in Brazil: What we are talking about?
  38. Procedimentos de imagem em Odontologia no Sistema Único de Saúde e a expansão da atenção secundária: série entre 2000-2016
  39. Accuracy of a spontaneous breathing trial for extubation of neonates
  40. Social Mobility and Tooth Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  41. Adult oral health‐related quality of life instruments: A systematic review
  42. Parenting practices and oral impact on daily performance in southern Brazil
  43. Contextual determinants for use of dental services according to different healthcare financing systems: Andersen's model
  44. Developing a Standard Set of Patient-centred Outcomes for Adult Oral Health – An International, Cross-disciplinary Consensus
  45. Use of dental services by disability status in Brazil in 2013
  46. Clinical fracture incidence of rotary and reciprocating NiTi files: A systematic review and meta‐regression
  47. Association between dental visits at primary care and glycated hemoglobin level in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study
  48. Trends in general and public health scientific output of authors affiliated to Brazilian institutions among high-impact and SciELO journals: 1995-2019
  49. Motivational interviewing for preventing early childhood caries: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  50. Advancing racial equity in oral health (research): more of the same is not enough
  51. Prevalence and severity of tooth wear and risk factors among young adults in Southern Brazil
  52. Avaliação da adaptação transcultural da versão brasileira da Escala de Senso de Coerência: uma revisão sistemática
  53. Early socioeconomic position has indirect effect on latter life oral health
  54. Brazilian dentistry research productivity
  55. Experiências discriminatórias: narrativas de universitários do sul do Brasil
  56. Presença de Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas e sua relação com a realização de exodontias na rede de atenção de saúde bucal no Brasil
  57. Aspectos psicossociais e percepção de impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida em adultos do Sul do Brasil
  58. The Lancet Oral Health Series: Implications for Oral and Dental Research
  59. CAD/CAM or conventional ceramic materials restorations longevity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  60. Motivational interviewing effects on caries prevention in children differ by income: A randomized cluster trial
  61. Ending the neglect of global oral health: time for radical action
  62. Oral diseases: a global public health challenge
  63. The relationship between private health plans and use of medical and dental health services in the Brazilian health system
  64. Políticas sociais na saúde bucal – Revisão
  65. Utilização do e-SUS AB e fatores associados ao registro de procedimentos e consultas da atenção básica nos municípios brasileiros
  66. Threshold-effect of income on periodontitis and interactions with race/ethnicity and education
  67. O enfrentamento ao fenômeno discriminatório em uma população de adultos
  68. Pathways of socioeconomic inequalities in gingival bleeding among adolescents
  69. Using the Brazilian Explicit Discrimination Scale to assess experiences with mistreatment
  70. Concerns about dental aesthetics are associated with oral health related quality of life in Southern Brazilian adults
  71. Motivational Interviewing in Preventing Early Childhood Caries in Primary Healthcare: A Community-based Randomized Cluster Trial
  72. Decomposing early and adult life social position effects on oral health and chronic diseases in a cross-sectional study of Southern Brazil
  73. Citation Analysis and Trends in review articles in dentistry
  74. Racial Inequalities in Oral Health
  75. Social class and infirmity. The role of social class over the life-course
  76. Tendências no uso de serviços de saúde médicos e odontológicos e a relação com nível educacional e posse de plano privado de saúde no Brasil, 1998-2013
  77. Early-life socioeconomic status and malocclusion in adolescents and young adults in Uruguay
  78. Linking financial hardship throughout the life-course with psychological distress in old age: Sensitive period, accumulation of risks, and chain of risks hypotheses
  79. User satisfaction with public and private dental services for different age groups in Brazil
  80. Topical fluoride for treating dental caries
  81. The effect of statins on periodontal treatment—a systematic review with meta-analyses and meta-regression
  82. Despesas municipais em atenção primária à saúde no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: um estudo ecológico
  83. The role of municipal public policies in oral health socioeconomic inequalities in Brazil: A multilevel study
  84. Do socioeconomic inequalities in pain, psychological distress and oral health increase or decrease over the life course? Evidence from Sweden over 43 years of follow-up
  85. Four-year incidence rate and predictors of root caries among community-dwelling south Brazilian older adults
  86. Discrimination, gender and self-reported aesthetic problems among Brazilian Adults
  87. Oral health-related quality of life changes in patients with severe Class III malocclusion treated with the 2-jaw surgery-first approach
  88. Effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs and socio-economic status on sleep bruxism and tooth wear among schoolchildren: structural equation modelling approach
  89. Cumprimento de metas dos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas da Região Sul do Brasil.
  90. Essential oils-containing mouthwashes for gingivitis and plaque: Meta-analyses and meta-regression
  91. Half-century of Dental Public Health research: bibliometric analysis of world scientific trends
  92. Impacto das equipes de saúde bucal da Estratégia da Saúde da Família na saúde bucal de adolescentes do sul do Brasil
  93. Orthodontic bracket bonding without previous adhesive priming:A meta-regression analysis
  94. Factor analysis of two versions of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performance scale
  95. Impact of orthosurgical treatment phases on oral health–related quality of life
  96. Neighbourhood Determinants of Caries Experience in Preschool Children: A Multilevel Study
  97. Associação entre a cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal na saúde da família e o aumento na produção ambulatorial dos municípios brasileiros, 1999 e 2011
  98. Correlations between two different methods to score bleeding and the relationship with plaque in systemically healthy young adults
  99. Necessidade e alocação de laboratórios regionais de prótese dentária no Brasil: um estudo exploratório
  100. Discriminatory Experiences and Alcohol Consumption among Undergraduate Students from Florianopolis, Southern Brazil, 2013.
  101. The influence of methodological variables on the push-out resistance to dislodgement of root filling materials: a meta-regression analysis
  102. Experiências de discriminação relacionadas aos serviços de saúde: análise exploratória em duas capitais do Sul do Brasil
  103. Testing the applicability of a model of oral health-related quality of life
  104. Assessing mediators between discrimination, health behaviours and physical health outcomes: a representative cross-sectional study
  105. Validation of a score to guide endometriosis therapy for the non-specialized gynecologist
  106. Moderators of the association between discrimination and alcohol consumption: findings from a representative sample of Brazilian university students
  107. Associação entre resiliência e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em idosos
  108. Thermocompaction decreases long-term push-out bond strength of methacrylate-based sealers
  109. Preparation Time and Perceptions of Brazilian Specialists and Dental Students Regarding Simulated Root Canals for Endodontic Teaching: A Preliminary Study
  110. Coorte de Carlos Barbosa
  111. Association between tooth loss and overweight/obesity among Brazilian adults: the Pró-Saúde Study
  112. Produção bibliográfica brasileira da Saúde Bucal Coletiva em periódicos da saúde coletiva e da odontologia
  113. Análise da produção ambulatorial em municípios com e sem centros de especialidades odontológicas no Brasil em 2010
  115. Age, class and race discrimination: their interactions and associations with mental health among Brazilian university students
  116. Mid-point for open-ended income category and the effect of equivalence scales on the income-health relationship
  117. Análise das desigualdades socioeconômicas na cobertura da vacina contra difteria, tétano e coqueluche (DTP)/ tetravalente para menores de 1 ano de idade no Rio Grande do Sul, 2000-2009
  118. Effect of orthodontic treatment on oral health–related quality of life
  119. Occupational stress and self-perceived oral health in Brazilian adults: a Pro-Saude study
  120. Time Interval after Radiotherapy and Dental Implant Failure: Systematic Review of Observational Studies and Meta-Analysis
  121. The role of potential mediators in racial inequalities in tooth loss: the Pró-Saúde study
  122. The Oral Health Impact Profile-14:: a unidimensional scale?
  123. The Oral Health Impact Profile-14:: a unidimensional scale?
  124. Oxygenating Agents may Inhibit Tooth Staining Effect of Chlorhexidine
  125. Authors' response
  126. Association between Apical Periodontitis and Smoking
  127. WITHDRAWN: Letters to the Editor—Tobacco Smoking and Periapical Status: A Matched Case control Study
  128. A New System to Classify Submucous Myomas: A Brazilian Multicenter Study
  129. How does orthodontic treatment affect young adults' oral health-related quality of life?
  130. Influence of orthodontic treatment on adolescents’ self-perceptions of esthetics
  131. Explicit discrimination and health: development and psychometric properties of an assessment instrument
  132. Séries de procedimentos odontológicos realizadas nos serviços públicos brasileiros, 1994-2007
  133. P1-10 Development and psychometric properties of a scale to measure health effects of discrimination
  134. P2-38 Tooth loss and its association with obesity in an adult population of Brazil
  135. Trends in socioeconomic disparities in the utilization of dental care in Brazil and Sweden
  136. The relationship between levels of income inequality and dental caries and periodontal diseases
  137. Home Bleaching and in-office Bleaching may not be Equally Effective Clinically
  138. Feasibility of a new system of classification of submucous myomas: a multicenter study
  139. Trends in the investigation of social determinants of health: selected themes and methods
  140. Trends in socioeconomic disparities in oral health in Brazil and Sweden
  141. Public Policies explain most of the impact of income inequalities.
  142. Aspectos relacionados aos efeitos da desigualdade de renda na saúde: mecanismos contextuais
  143. O Uso de Drogas Ilegais está Associado a Complicações no Pós-operatório em Pessoas com Fracturas Mandibulares
  144. Uso de Drogas Ilegais está Associado a Complicações no Pós-operatório em Pessoas com Fraturas Mandibulares
  145. Racial discrimination and health: A systematic review of scales with a focus on their psychometric properties
  146. Why is there heterogeneity in the effect of dental checkups? Assessing cohort effect
  147. The association between educational level and age at the menopause: a systematic review
  148. Illegal Drug Use is Associated with Postoperative Complications in Persons with Mandibular Fractures
  149. Higher levels of income inequality were associated with more tooth loss and dental caries.
  150. Homicide and impunity: an ecological analysis at state level in Brazil
  151. Income and oral health relationship in Brazil: is there a threshold?
  152. The relationship between smoking and age at the menopause: A systematic review
  153. Associação entre procedimentos preventivos no serviço público de odontologia e a prevalência de cárie dentária
  154. Contextual Effect of Socioeconomic Status Influences Chronic Periodontitis
  155. Harmful social and biological risk factors accumulated early in life influences the oral health of 6-year-old children
  156. Análise comparativa da legislação sobre rótulo alimentício do Brasil, Mercosul, Reino Unido e União Européia