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  1. The interaction of a mode-1 internal solitary wave with a step and the generation of mode-2 waves
  2. The evolution of second mode internal solitary waves over variable topography
  3. Formation of wave packets in the Ostrovsky equation for both normal and anomalous dispersion
  4. Dynamics of Rogue Waves on a Multisoliton Background in a Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
  5. Change of Polarity for Periodic Waves in the Variable‐Coefficient Korteweg‐de Vries Equation
  6. Combined Effect of Rotation and Topography on Shoaling Oceanic Internal Solitary Waves
  7. Rogue wave modes for a derivative nonlinear Schrödinger model
  8. Introduction
  9. Reflection of an internal wave at an interface representing a rapid increase in viscosity
  10. An extended equatorial plane: linear spectrum and resonant triads
  11. Global existence of small-norm solutions in the reduced Ostrovsky equation
  12. Rogue Wave Modes for the Long Wave–Short Wave Resonance Model
  13. Rogue waves: analytical predictions
  14. Stability of steady gravity waves generated by a moving localised pressure disturbance in water of finite depth
  15. Internal solitary wave transformation over a bottom step: Loss of energy
  16. Steady and unsteady nonlinear internal waves incident on an interface
  17. Modelling the effect of bottom sediment transport on beach profiles and wave set-up
  18. Rossby waves and zonons in zonostrophic turbulence
  19. Ernest Oliver Tuck 1939 - 2009
  20. A short comment on the effect of a shear layer on nonlinear water waves
  21. Homogenization of the variable-speed wave equation
  22. Interaction of a large amplitude interfacial solitary wave of depression with a bottom step
  23. Steady gap solitons in a coupled Korteweg–de Vries system: A dynamical systems approach
  24. Nonreflecting Internal Wave Beam Propagation in the Deep Ocean
  25. The long-time interaction of an eddy with shelf topography
  26. Stability of gravity-capillary waves generated by a moving pressure disturbance in water of finite depth
  27. On vorticity waves propagating in a waveguide formed by two critical layers
  28. Long‐time Solutions of the Ostrovsky Equation
  29. Gap-solitons in a three-layered stratified flow
  30. Fission of a weakly nonlinear interfacial solitary wave at a step
  31. Nonlinear Disintegration of the Internal Tide
  32. Asymmetric internal solitary waves with a trapped core in deep fluids
  33. Novel Solitary Pulses for a Variable-Coefficient Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
  34. Modelling Internal Solitary Waves in the Coastal Ocean
  35. The effect of depth‐dependent distribution of bubbles on internal waves
  36. Internal solitary waves in a variable medium
  37. Modelling internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf
  38. Rossby Waves on a Shear Flow with Recirculation Cores
  39. Generalized solitary waves and fronts in coupled Korteweg–de Vries systems
  40. Soliton dynamics in a strong periodic field: The Korteweg–de Vries framework
  41. Free surface flow under gravity and surface tension due to an applied pressure distribution II Bond number less than one-third
  42. Free surface flow under gravity and surface tension due to an applied pressure distribution: I Bond number greater than one-third
  43. Short‐Lived Large‐Amplitude Pulses in the Nonlinear Long‐Wave Model Described by the Modified Korteweg–De Vries Equation
  44. Nonlinear Waves in Fluids: Recent Advances and Modern Applications
  45. Reply
  46. Simulation of the Transformation of Internal Solitary Waves on Oceanic Shelves
  47. Interaction of two lump solitons described by the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili I equation
  48. Internal Waves in a Lagrangian Reference Frame
  49. The effect of barriers on the tidal range in estuaries
  50. Damping of large-amplitude solitary waves
  51. Solitary waves of a coupled Korteweg-de Vries system
  52. Environmental Stratified Flows
  53. Generation of large-amplitude solitons in the extended Korteweg–de Vries equation
  55. The effect of a barrier on tidally forced flow in a density-stratified estuary
  56. Solitary waves with recirculation zones in axisymmetric rotating flows
  57. Singular and regular gap solitons between three dispersion curves
  58. Dispersion management for solitons in a Korteweg–de Vries system
  59. Long‐Wave Instability in a Three‐Layer Stratified Shear Flow
  60. Cuspons and peakons vis-a-vis regular solitons and collapse in a three-wave system
  61. Wave group dynamics in weakly nonlinear long-wave models
  62. Models for Instability in Geophysical Flows
  63. On the generation of solitons and breathers in the modified Korteweg–de Vries equation
  64. Solitary waves in a two-layer quasigeostrophic model with wind stress forcing
  65. Recent Developments in the Theory and Modelling of Storm Surges
  66. The Formation of Coherent Structures in the Context of Blocking
  67. The Effect of Topography on the Dynamics of Interacting Solitary Waves in the Context of Atmospheric Blocking
  68. Dissipative effects in a nonlinear wave system with an unstable linear spectrum
  69. Solitary wave transformation in a medium with sign-variable quadratic nonlinearity and cubic nonlinearity
  70. Hamiltonian-versus-energy diagrams in soliton theory
  71. Exact periodic steady solutions for nonlinear wave equations: A new approach
  72. Stable two-dimensional parametric solitons in fluid systems
  73. Energetics of linear geostrophic adjustment in stratified rotating fluids
  74. Solitary Wave Transformation Due to a Change in Polarity
  75. Nonlinear analysis of instability produced by linear mode coupling
  76. Numerical Studies of the Periodically Forced Bonhoeffer van der Pol System
  77. Instability analysis of internal solitary waves in a nearly uniformly stratified fluid
  78. Solitary waves with a vortex core in a shallow layer of stratified fluid
  79. Hysteresis phenomena in the interaction of a damped solitary wave with an external force
  80. A Numerical Study of the Storm Surge Generated by Tropical Cyclone Jane
  81. Structural transformation of eigenvalues for a perturbed algebraic soliton potential
  82. Analytical and numerical studies of the Bonhoeffer van der Pol system
  83. Parametric envelope solitons in coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations
  84. The Influence of an External Force on a Solitary Wave
  85. A Numerical Study of Storm Surges and Tides, with Application to the North Queensland Coast
  86. An asymptotic approach to solitary wave instability and critical collapse in long-wave KdV-type evolution equations
  87. The effect of wind‐wave enhancement of bottom stress on the circulation induced by tropical cyclones on continental shelves
  88. Decay of a fundamental soliton in a periodically modulated nonlinear waveguide
  89. Numerical simulations of uniformly stratified fluid flow over topography
  90. A simple model for unsteady buoyancy-driven abyssal circulation
  91. A spectral transform for the intermediate nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  92. A Modal Analysis of Coastally Trapped Waves Generated by Tropical Cyclones
  93. Interacting “Morning Glories” over Northern Australia
  94. Gap-soliton hunt in a coupled Korteweg-de Vries system
  95. Nonexistence of gap solitons in nonlinearly coupled systems
  96. Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves in a Singularly Perturbed Korteweg–De Vries Equation
  97. Capture and Resonant Forcing of Solitary Waves by the Interaction of a Baroclinic Current with Topography
  98. Interaction of a solitary wave with an external force
  99. Topographic Forcing of Coastal Mesoscale Phenomena: Filamentation, Vortex Formation, and Eddy Detachment
  100. Analytical and Numerical Study of a Barotropic Eddy on a Topographic Slope
  101. New type of gap soliton in a coupled Korteweg–de Vries wave system
  102. Explosive resonant triads in a continuously stratified shear flow
  103. Effects of Friction on a Localized Structure in a Baroclinic Current
  104. Dynamics of a KdV soliton due to periodic forcing
  105. The generation of edge waves by radiation stress
  106. Reply
  107. Conduit solitary waves in a visco-elastic medium
  108. Continental shelf response to forcing by deep-sea internal waves
  109. Breaking Waves
  110. Resonant generation of finite-amplitude waves by the flow of a uniformly stratified fluid over topography
  111. Generation of Mesoscale Variability by Resonant Interaction between a Baroclinic Current and Localized Topography
  112. Large-Scale, Low-Frequency Barotropic Circulation on Continental Margins
  113. Spectral multigrid and collocation methods for barotropic nondivergent flow over irregular coastal topography
  114. Upstream-advancing waves generated by three-dimensional moving disturbances
  115. A Nondivergent Barotropic Model for Wind-Driven Circulation in a Closed Region
  116. The refraction of sound pulses
  117. High-frequency scattering by finite convex regions
  118. Internal Solitary Waves
  119. Solitary waves propagating over variable topography
  120. Atmospheric Internal Solitary Waves
  121. Rossby Solitary Waves in the Presence of a Critical Layer
  122. Korteweg de-Vries Equation