All Stories

  1. Auditor Commitment and Turnover Intentions Following Negative Inspection Findings: The Effects of Regulator Enforcement Style and Firm Response
  2. Auditor Rotation and Perceived Auditor Competence and Independence
  3. The Association between Audit Manager and Auditor-In-Charge Experience, Effort, and Risk Responsiveness
  4. Say-on-pay judgements: the two-strikes rule and the pay-performance link
  5. Public Oversight of Audit Firms: The Slippery Slope of Enforcing Regulation
  6. The effect of inspections, rotations and client preferences on staffing decisions
  7. Impact of Segment-level Natural Resource Operational Risk Reporting on Earnings Predictions
  8. Editorial: Regulating Audit Quality - Ramifications and Research Opportunities
  9. Differences in Auditors' Materiality Assessments When Auditing Financial Statements and Sustainability Reports
  10. Principles-Based versus Rules-Based Auditing Standards: The Effect of the Transition from AS2 to AS5
  11. The association between audit committee effectiveness and audit risk
  12. Auditors’ going-concern-modified opinions after 2001: measuring reporting accuracy
  13. Industry- versus Task-Based Experience and Auditor Performance
  14. Evidence of assurance enhancing the quality of voluntary environmental disclosures: an empirical analysis
  15. Differences in Industry Specialist Knowledge and Business Risk Identification and Evaluation
  16. Internal audit, alternative internal audit structures and the level of misappropriation of assets fraud
  17. Does Industry Expertise Improve the Efficiency of Audit Judgment?
  18. Audit committee composition and the use of an industry specialist audit firm
  19. Auditor performance variation: impact of sub-specialty knowledge differences between industry-specialists