All Stories

  1. Shaping the sustainable supply chain of organic milk in Brazil
  2. Green Growth and Agriculture in Brazil
  3. The governance of collaboration for sustainable development: Exploring the “black box”
  4. Coffee farmers' incentives to comply with sustainability standards
  5. How Social Impact and innovation Have Been Related in the Academic Literature?
  6. The adoption of Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and value chain upgrading in the Brazilian coffee production context
  7. Beauty is not Only Skin Deep: Food Ethics and Consequences to the Value Chain
  8. A Relação entre a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e a Transferência de Conhecimento como Fontes para Geração de Valor Compartilhado
  9. Commercialization channels of organic products in Brazil: analysis at the first level of the production chain
  10. Following the trail of crumbs: A bibliometric study on consumer behavior in the Food Science and Technology field
  11. Estratégia de gestão de múltiplos canais de distribuição: um estudo na indústria brasileira de alimentos
  12. Gestão estratégica dos relacionamentos na cadeia de suprimentos da alface
  13. An investigation about Brazilian mango and grape exports
  14. As transações entre varejistas e fornecedores de frutas, legumes e verduras na cidade de São Paulo