All Stories

  1. Overcommitment and employee outcomes in Swedish eldercare: the buffering effects of role clarity and leader support
  2. A joint training of healthcare line managers and health and safety representatives in facilitating occupational health interventions: a feasibility study protocol for the Co-pilot project
  3. Age as an antecedent to managers’ stress and inefficient leadership, with social support as a potential buffer
  4. Opportunities and challenges in designing and evaluating complex multilevel, multi-stakeholder occupational health interventions in practice
  5. Are young leaders more sensitive to contextual influences? A lifespan perspective on organizational antecedents of transformational leadership
  6. Depleting pathways of self-sacrificial and laissez-faire leadership: The roles of leader gender and perceived organizational support.
  7. A power-sharing perspective on employees’ participatory influence over organizational interventions: conceptual explorations
  8. The well-being of young leaders: demands and resources from a lifespan perspective
  9. Why do leaders engage in destructive behaviours? The role of leaders’ working environment and stress
  10. Alignment in implementation of evidence-based interventions: a scoping review
  11. The influence of job crafting on the quality of care provided by nursing home employees: The moderating effect of organizational identification
  12. Appetite for Destruction: A Psychometric Examination and Prevalence Estimation of Destructive Leadership in Sweden
  13. Consequences of Managers’ Laissez-faire Leadership During Organizational Restructuring
  14. Cold wind of change: Associations between organizational change, turnover intention, overcommitment and quality of care in Spanish and Swedish eldercare organizations
  15. No leader is an island: contextual antecedents to line managers' constructive and destructive leadership during an organizational intervention
  16. Evaluation of iLead, a generic implementation leadership intervention: mixed-method preintervention–postintervention design
  17. Aligning job redesign with leadership training to improve supervisor support: a quasi-experimental study of the integration of HR practices
  18. Line managers’ influence on employee usage of a web-based system for occupational health management
  19. How do iLead? Validation of a scale measuring active and passive implementation leadership in Swedish healthcare
  20. Making it fit: Associations of line managers' behaviours with the outcomes of an organizational-level intervention
  21. Leading for change: line managers’ influence on the outcomes of an occupational health intervention
  22. Meeting patient needs trumps adherence. A cross-sectional study of adherence and adaptations when national guidelines are used in practice
  23. The Dynamic Integrated Evaluation Model (DIEM): Achieving Sustainability in Organizational Intervention through a Participatory Evaluation Approach
  24. iLead—a transformational leadership intervention to train healthcare managers’ implementation leadership