All Stories

  1. Much empirical evidence implies that some neutrinos are tachyons
  2. The Mont Blanc neutrinos from SN 1987A: Could they have been monochromatic (8 MeV) tachyons with m2=−0.38 keV2?
  3. Calculation of the decay rate of tachyonic neutrinos against charged-lepton-pair and neutrino-pair Cerenkov radiation
  4. 3 Neutrino mass experiments fit a strange 3 + 3 model, but will KATRIN reveal the model’s unique 3-part signature?
  5. Lepton Pair Čerenkov Radiation Emitted by Tachyonic Neutrinos: Lorentz-Covariant Approach and IceCube Data
  6. Six observations consistent with the electron neutrino being am2=-0.11±0.02eV2tachyon
  7. Could a Reported 2007 Analysis of Super-Kamiokande Data Have Missed a Detectable Supernova Signal from Andromeda?
  8. Sterile neutrino fits to dark matter mass profiles in the Milky Way and in galaxy clusters
  9. Tachyonic neutrinos and the neutrino masses
  10. Evidence for two neutrino mass eigenstates from SN 1987A and the possibility of superluminal neutrinos
  11. Faster-than-light speeds, tachyons, and the possibility of tachyonic neutrinos
  12. Neutrino mass2 inferred from the cosmic ray spectrum and tritium beta decay
  13. Is there a 4.5 PeV neutron line in the cosmic ray spectrum?
  14. Implications for the cosmic ray spectrum of a negative electron neutrino(mass)2
  15. Possible time variations inCl37solar-neutrino data and neutrino oscillations
  16. Time dependence of the Brookhaven solar-neutrino counting rate and the neutrino-oscillation hypothesis
  17. Possible evidence for neutrino oscillations in the Brookhaven solar-neutrino experiment