All Stories

  1. Blendstrings: an environment for computing with smooth functions
  2. Bohemian Matrix Geometry
  3. Finding patterns experimentally can help find proofs
  4. Stirling’s Original Asymptotic Series from a Formula Like One of Binet’s and its Evaluation by Sequence Acceleration
  5. Gamma and Factorial in the Monthly
  6. Linearization of a specific family of Bézout matrices
  7. Fibonacci-mandelbrot polynomials and matrices
  8. The bohemian eigenvalue project
  9. A new kind of companion matrix
  10. Jordan Canonical Form with Parameters from Frobenius Form with Parameters
  11. Rapidly Convergent Integrals and Function Evaluation
  12. Variations on a Theme of Euler
  13. Computation of Stirling Numbers and Generalizations
  14. Unwinding paths on the Riemann sphere for continuous integrals of rational functions
  15. The Bézout matrix for Hermite interpolants
  16. The kinetics of regeneration of rhodopsin under enzyme-limited availability of 11-cis retinoid
  17. Backward Error of Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems Solved by Linearization of Lagrange Interpolants
  18. Some definite integrals containing the Tree T function
  19. A Package for Parametric Matrix Computations
  20. High-Accuracy Series Solution for Two-Dimensional Convection in a Horizontal Concentric Cylinder
  21. The asymptotic analysis of some interpolated nonlinear recurrence relations
  22. Computing the topology of a real algebraic plane curve whose defining equations are available only “by values”
  23. Stability of rootfinding for barycentric Lagrange interpolants
  24. On the epistemological analysis of modeling and computational error in the mathematical sciences
  26. Pseudospectra of exponential matrix polynomials
  27. A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods
  28. The Largest Roots of the Mandelbrot Polynomials
  29. Stieltjes and other integral representations for functions of LambertW
  30. Algorithm 917
  31. Bernstein, Pick, Poisson and related integral expressions for LambertW
  32. Rounding coefficients and artificially underflowing terms in non-numeric expressions
  33. GCD of multivariate approximate polynomials using beautification with the subtractive algorithm
  34. Numerical stability of barycentric Hermite root-finding
  35. Using weighted norms to find nearest polynomials satisfying linear constraints
  36. Polynomial algebra for Birkhoff interpolants
  37. Symbolic computation of limit cycles associated with Hilbert’s 16th problem
  38. Preface
  39. Using symmetries in the eigenvalue method for polynomial systems
  40. Pseudospectra for exponential polynomial matrices
  41. Algebraic properties of the LambertWfunction from a result of Rosenlicht and of Liouville
  42. Adaptivity and computational complexity in the numerical solution of ODEs
  43. The Computational Complexity of Extrapolation Methods
  44. Linearization of matrix polynomials expressed in polynomial bases
  45. Polynomial cost for solving IVP for high-index DAE
  46. Broken symmetry and long-term forecasting
  47. Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials that Are Expressed in Alternative Bases
  48. Compact finite difference method for American option pricing
  49. Block
  50. Jeffery-hamel flow with maple
  51. The solution of s exp(s) = a is not always the lambert w function of a
  52. Convergence of the compact finite difference method for second-order elliptic equations
  53. Compact finite difference method for integro-differential equations
  54. Numerical solutions of index-1 differential algebraic equations can be computed in polynomial time
  55. The nearest polynomial with a given zero, revisited
  56. <tex>$QR$</tex>Factoring to Compute the GCD of Univariate Approximate Polynomials
  57. Numerical parameterization of affine varieties using
  58. Approximate computation of pseudovarieties
  59. The n th derivative
  60. Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, and Symbolic Computation
  61. The Wright ω Function
  62. Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Polynomials: some recent results
  63. An elementary solution of a minimax problem arising in algorithms for automatic mesh selection
  64. Initial value problems for ODEs in problem solving environments
  65. “According to Abramowitz and Stegun” or arccoth needn't be uncouth
  66. Emerging Tools for Experimental Mathematics
  67. Approximate polynomial decomposition
  68. Quadratic Nonlinear Predictive Control
  69. Graphing elementary Riemann surfaces
  70. Variations on a Theme of Newton
  71. Variations on a Theme of Newton
  72. Scientific Computing: One Part of the Revolution
  73. Two Perturbation Calculations in Fluid Mechanics using Large-expression Management
  74. A sequence of series for the Lambert W function
  75. Gröbner bases and matrix eigenproblems
  76. The unwinding number
  77. Cofactor iteration
  78. Bifurcation in a flow-induced vibration model
  79. Symbolic computation in nonlinear dynamics
  80. Approximate and Real Trajectories for Generic Dynamical Systems
  81. Essential Maple
  82. Evaluation of Upper Lyapunov Exponents on Hyperbolic Sets
  83. What good are numerical simulations of chaotic dynamical systems?
  84. Error backward
  85. Solution of Banded Linear Systems of Equations in Maple Using LU Factorization
  86. Sufficiency analysis for the calculus of variations
  87. What is a solution of an ODE?
  88. Mathematical Modelling of the Combined Effects of Vortex-Induced Vibration and Galloping. Part II
  89. Defect-controlled numerical methods and shadowing for chaotic differential equations
  90. Well … it isn't quite that simple
  91. Numerical evaluation of airy functions with complex arguments
  92. Solving linear integral equations in Maple
  93. Numerical methods can suppress chaos
  94. Chaos and continued fractions
  95. Solution of a hydrodynamic lubrication problem with Maple
  96. Stress moments of nearly touching spheres in low Reynolds number flow
  97. A model of the combined effects of vortex-induced oscillation and galloping
  98. Financial Applications of Symbolically Generated Compact Finite Difference Formulae
  99. On a Generalized Companion Matrix Pencil for Matrix Polynomials Expressed in the Lagrange Basis