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  1. Effects of Acetic Acid and Morphine in Shore Crabs, Carcinus maenas: Implications for the Possibility of Pain in Decapods
  2. Trade-Offs between Avoidance of Noxious Electric Shock and Avoidance of Bright Light in Shore Crabs Are Consistent with Predictions of Pain
  3. The Effects of Caustic Soda and Benzocaine on Directed Grooming to the Eyestalk in the Glass Prawn, Palaemon elegans, Are Consistent with the Idea of Pain in Decapods
  4. Behavioural Indicators of Pain and Suffering in Arthropods and Might Pain Bite Back?
  5. Humane Slaughter of Edible Decapod Crustaceans
  6. Why Protect Decapod Crustaceans Used as Models in Biomedical Research and in Ecotoxicology? Ethical and Legislative Considerations
  7. Stress was never said to be pain: response to Stevenset al.(2016)
  8. Electric shock causes physiological stress responses in shore crabs, consistent with prediction of pain
  9. Pain expression is linked to personality in horses
  10. Assessments in contests are frequently assumed to be complex when simple explanations will suffice
  11. Evidence for the role of personality in stereotypy predisposition
  12. Harnessing the power of personality assessment: subjective assessment predicts behaviour in horses
  13. Aggression in spiders
  14. Shock avoidance by discrimination learning in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas) is consistent with a key criterion for pain
  15. Understanding how animals fight with Lloyd Morgan's canon
  16. Vocal rate as an assessment process during fallow deer contests
  17. Evidence for pain in decapod crustaceans
  18. Freshwater pearl mussels show plasticity of responses to different predation risks but also show consistent individual differences in responsiveness
  19. No evidence of morphine analgesia to noxious shock in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas
  20. Pain and Suffering in Invertebrates?
  21. The costs of bearing arms and armour in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  22. Repeated measures analysis of contests and other dyadic interactions: problems of semantics, not statistical validity
  23. Startle durations reveal visual assessment abilities during contests between convict cichlids
  24. Do non‐native invasive fish support elevated lamprey populations?
  25. Signal residuals and hermit crab displays: flaunt it if you have it!
  26. Gender differences, responsiveness and memory of a potentially painful event in hermit crabs
  27. Gender differences in aggressive behaviour in convict cichlids
  28. Probing aggressive motivation in a cichlid fish
  29. Motivational trade-offs and potential pain experience in hermit crabs
  30. Pain experience in hermit crabs?
  31. Assessment of fighting ability in animal contests
  32. Pain and stress in crustaceans?
  33. Difficulties remain in distinguishing between mutual and self-assessment in animal contests
  34. Claw removal and feeding ability in the edible crab, Cancer pagurus: Implications for fishery practice
  35. Information gathering and decision making about resource value in animal contests
  36. Embryo retrieval and kin recognition in an amphipod (Crustacea)
  37. Motivation matters: cheliped extension displays in the hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus, are honest signals of hunger
  38. Large body size for winning and large swords for winning quickly in swordtail males, Xiphophorus helleri
  39. Nociception or pain in a decapod crustacean?
  40. Fighting for shells: how private information about resource value changes hermit crab pre-fight displays and escalated fight behaviour
  41. Physiological stress responses in the edible crab, Cancer pagurus, to the fishery practice of de-clawing
  42. Monoamines and decision making during contests in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  43. Shared or Unshared Parental Care in Overwintering Brent Geese (Branta bernicla hrota)
  44. Self-assessment by males during energetically costly contests over precopula females in amphipods
  45. Honest and dishonest displays, motivational state and subsequent decisions in hermit crab shell fights
  46. Predatory interactions between the invasive amphipod Gammarus tigrinus and the native opossum shrimp Mysis relicta
  47. Sexual cannibalism and mate choice
  48. Metabolic consequences of shell choice in Pagurus bernhardus: do hermit crabs prefer cryptic or portable shells?
  49. Rapid change in energy status in fighting animals: causes and effects of strategic decisions
  50. Ecological impacts of the microsporidian parasite Pleistophora mulleri on its freshwater amphipod host Gammarus duebeni celticus
  51. Sexual dimorphism in amphipods: the role of male posterior gnathopods revealed in Gammarus pulex
  52. Validation of urinary cortisol as an indicator of hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal function in the bearded emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator subgrisescens)
  53. Priority versus Brute Force: When Should Males Begin Guarding Resources?
  54. Mate guarding, competition and variation in size in male orb-web spiders, Metellina segmentata: a field experiment
  55. Effects of the acanthocephalan parasite Echinorhynchus truttae on the feeding ecology of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  56. Sex Ratios – Concepts and Research Methods
  57. The mismeasure of animal contests
  58. Editorial
  59. Parasite altered micro-distribution of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  60. Power of shell-rapping signals influences physiological costs and subsequent decisions during hermit crab fights
  61. Size-assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): a test of the timing hypothesis
  62. Maternal care in the rockpool amphipod Apherusa jurinei: developmental and environmental cues
  63. The validity of the Gammarus:Asellus ratio as an index of organic pollution: abiotic and biotic influences
  64. Decision rules, energy metabolism and vigour of hermit-crab fights
  65. Motivational change during shell fights in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  66. Information gathering and communication during agonistic encounters: A case study of hermit crabs
  67. Cumulative or sequential assessment during hermit crab shell fights: effects of oxygen on decision rules
  68. Differential physico-chemical tolerances of amphipod species revealed by field transplantations
  69. Analysis of the finescale timing of repeated signals: does shell rapping in hermit crabs signal stamina?
  70. Sexual Size Dimorphism and Reproductive Investment by Female Spiders: A Comparative Analysis
  71. Intraguild predation may explain an amphipod replacement: evidence from laboratory populations
  72. Predator–prey interactions between brown trout Salmo trutta and native and introduced ampbipods; tbeir implications for fisb diets
  73. Sleeping Site Selection by the Golden‐handed Tamarin Saguinus midas midas: The Role of Predation Risk, Proximity to Feeding Sites, and Territorial Defence
  74. The dynamics of predation on Gammarus spp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  75. The dynamics of predation on Gammarus spp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  76. Differential microdistributions and interspecific interactions in coexisting Gammarus and Crangonyx amphipods
  77. Active brood care in an amphipod: influences of embryonic development, temperature and oxygen
  78. Analysis of repeated signals during shell fights in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  79. Parental state and offspring recognition in the biparental cichlid fishPelvicachromis pulcher
  82. The effect of experimental removal of male wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) on both male and femal numbers
  83. Effects of Natural Variation in Sex Ratio and Habitat Structure On Mate-Guarding Decisions in Amphipods (Crustacea)
  84. The behavioural basis of a species replacement: differential aggresssion and predation between the introduced Gammarus pulex and the native G. duebeni celticus (Amphipoda)
  85. Motivational change during resource assessment by hermit crabs
  86. Consequences of shell-species preferences for female reproductive success in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  87. Multivariate morphometrics and sexual dimorphism in the orb-web spider Metellina segmentata (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Metidae)
  88. Temporal-based kinship recognition: A switch in time saves mine
  89. Effects of age, sex, and odours from conspecific adult males on ultrasonic vocalizations of infant CS1 mice
  90. Assessments and decisions in Metellina segmentata (Araneae: Metidae): evidence of a pheromone involved in mate guarding
  91. The couvade and the onset of paternal care: A biological perspective
  92. The influence of prey size and female reproductive state on the courtship of the autumn spider, Metellina segmentata: a field experiment
  93. Male exploitation of female predatory behaviour reduces sexual cannibalism in male autumn spiders, Metellina segmentata
  94. Infanticide and maternal defence in the wood mouseApodemus sylvaticus
  95. The couvade and the onset of paternal care in humans: a biological perspective
  96. The mating system of Gammarus pulex: a negligible role for micro-habitat segregation
  97. Replacement of the Indigenous Amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus by the Introduced G. pulex: Differential Cannibalism and Mutual Predation
  98. Software multiple review
  99. Coexistence and Exclusion among Gammarus Species: Behavioural Avoidance of Interspecific Precopulation by Male G. pulex (Amphipoda)
  100. Ethical recommendations for workers on aggression and predation in animals
  101. Ethical implications of studies on infanticide and maternal aggression in rodents
  102. Selectivity in paternal and infanticidal responses by male mice: Effects of relatedness, location, and previous sexual partners
  103. Maternal aggression in response to the risk of infanticide by male mice, Mus domesticus
  104. Symmetrical assessment of female quality by male Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda) during struggles over precopula females
  105. Protecting pups in tests for infanticidal responsiveness in mice, Mus domesticus
  106. Interrupting an assessment process to probe changes in the motivational state
  107. The amorous Gammarus: the relationship between precopula duration and size-assortative mating in G. pulex
  108. Responses of infant mice to odors of urine from infanticidal, noninfanticidal, and paternal male mice
  109. The relationship between infanticide and pregnancy block in mice
  110. Differential predation by males on moulted females may explain the competitive displacement of Gammarus duebeni by G. pulex (Amphipoda)
  111. How animals make assessments: information gathering by the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  112. The causal and functional organization of mating behaviour in Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda)
  113. Biology of the land crabs
  114. Memory of information gained during shell investigation by the hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus
  115. Assessments and Decisions During Mate Choice in Gammarus Pulex (Amphipoda)
  116. Epileptic tendencies in relation to behavioral responses to a novel environment in the Mongolian gerbil
  117. AN INTRODUCTION TO BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY (second edition). By J. R. Krebs and N. B. Davies
  118. Strain differences in the inhibition of infanticide in male mice (Mus musculus)
  119. The amorous Gammarus: size assortative mating in G. pulex
  120. Discrimination between conspecific and allospecific infants by male gerbils and mice before and after experience of their own young
  121. What makes male mice paternal?
  122. Asymmetric contests involving two resources
  123. Factors Influencing Shell Investigation in the Hermit Crab, Pagurus bernhardus
  124. Inhibition of infanticide and onset of paternal care in male mice (Mus musculus).
  125. Behavioural modifications during egg-brooding in the hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus L.
  126. The timing of decisions during shell investigation by the hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus
  127. Shell wars II: the influence of relative size on decisions made during hermit crab shell fights
  128. Current Problems in the Study of Infanticidal Behavior of Rodents
  129. Elwood, R. W. (ed.) PARENTAL BEHAVIOUR OF RODENTS. John Wiley & Sons, New York, x + 296 pp., 1983. Price (hardbound), $49.95
  130. Parental Behaviour of Rodents. R. W. Elwood
  131. Hunger and the vocalizations of infant gerbils
  132. Does copulation inhibit infanticide in male rodents?
  133. Helpers(?) At the Nest in the Mongolian Gerbil, Meriones Unguiculatus
  134. The effects of food deprivation, aggression, and isolation on infanticide in the male Mongolian gerbil
  135. Pup recognition in Mus musculus: Parental discrimination between their own and alien young
  136. Shell Wars: Assessment Strategies and the Timing of Decisions in Hermit Crab Shell Fights
  137. Social organization and aggression within small groups of female siamese fighting fish, betta splendens
  138. Social organization in the Mongolian gerbil
  139. Temporal organization of ultrasonic vocalizations in infant mice
  140. Negotiation or aggression during shell fights of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus?
  141. Postparturitional reestablishment of pup cannibalism in female gerbils
  142. The development, inhibition and disinhibition of pup-cannibalism in the Mongolian gerbil
  143. The development of shell preferences by the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
  144. Ultrasounds and maternal behavior in the Mongolian gerbil
  145. Maternal and paternal behavior of the Mongolian gerbil: a correlational study
  146. The influence of litter size and parental behaviour on the development of Mongolian gerbil pups
  147. Changes in the responses of male and female gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) towards test pups during the pregnancy of the female
  148. Paternal and maternal behaviour in the Mongolian gerbil