All Stories

  1. A case-history using gravity data to validate alternate interpretations of the material below a deep seismic reflector in the Matheson area of Ontario, Canada
  2. A case-history tutorial describing the incorporation of geophysical, petrophysical and geological constraints to generate realistic geological models of the Matheson Study Area, Ontario
  3. Using gravity-data uncertainties in forward modeling to estimate uncertainties in model parameters: a case history in estimating the dip and the dip uncertainty of the Porcupine Destor Fault
  4. Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project
  5. 3D generalized spherical multifocusing seismic imaging
  6. Open-source software for two-dimensional Fourier processing of gridded magnetic data
  7. How magnetic susceptibilities measured on outcrops can be used for modelling (and constraining inversions of) aeromagnetic data
  8. Forward modeling and 3D inversion of electromagnetic data collected over the McArthur River uranium deposit in the Athabasca Basin, Canada
  9. Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the Central Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Larder Lake, Ontario
  10. Transformation of magnetic data to the pole and vertical dip and a related apparent susceptibility transform: Exact and approximate approaches
  11. Estimating the parameters of simple models from two-component on-time airborne electromagnetic data
  12. Convolutional neural networks applied to the interpretation of lineaments in aeromagnetic data
  13. Active and passive seismic imaging of the central Abitibi greenstone belt, Larder Lake, Ontario
  14. Multiple-order moments of the transient electromagnetic response of a one-dimensional earth with finite conductance – the Gaussian variation applied to a field example
  15. On Archean craton growth and stabilisation: Insights from lithospheric resistivity structure of the Superior Province
  16. Multiple-order moments of the transient electromagnetic response of a one-dimensional earth with finite conductance – theory
  17. On the time decay constant of AEM systems: a semi-heuristic algorithm to validate calculations.
  18. A new method for interpolating linear features in aeromagnetic data
  19. Resistivity and anisotropy as a proxy for structural complexity
  20. An airborne EM system for nickel sulphide exploration
  21. The impact of magnetic viscosity on time-domain electromagnetic data from iron oxide minerals embedded in rocks at Opemiska, Québec, Canada
  22. Inductive electromagnetic data interpretation using a 3D distribution of 3D magnetic or electric dipoles
  23. Modelling and straight-ray tomographic imaging studies of cross-hole radio-frequency electromagnetic data for mineral exploration
  24. Using constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field to produce a 3D litho-prediction model
  25. Approximate semianalytical solutions for the electromagnetic response of a dipping-sphere interacting with conductive overburden
  26. The effect of dielectric permittivity on the fields radiated from a radio-frequency electric dipole in a homogeneous whole space
  27. Combining spatial components and Hilbert transforms to interpret ground-time-domain electromagnetic data
  28. A multiple transmitter and receiver electromagnetic system for improved target detection
  29. Clustering of downhole physical property measurements at the Victoria property, Sudbury for the purpose of extracting lithological information
  30. Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury Structure
  31. Introduction to special section: Mining and minerals exploration interpretation
  32. A procedure for collecting electromagnetic data using multiple transmitters and receivers capable of deep and focused exploration
  33. Robust conductance estimates from spatial and temporal derivatives of borehole electromagnetic data
  34. Mapping lateral changes in conductance of a thin sheet using time-domain inductive electromagnetic data
  35. Using spatial derivatives of electromagnetic data to map lateral conductance variations in thin-sheet models: Applications over mine tailings ponds
  36. Qualitative geophysical interpretation of the Sudbury Structure
  37. Electromagnetic Induction Methods in Mining Geophysics from 2008 to 2012
  38. Using combinations of spatial gradients to improve the detectability of buried conductors below or within conductive material
  39. Precision requirements for specifying transmitter waveforms used for modelling the off-time electromagnetic response
  40. Qualitative geophysical interpretation of the Sudbury structure
  41. Using spatial gradients of electromagnetic data to map lateral variations in mine tailings
  42. A grid implementation of the SLUTH algorithm for visualising the depth and structural index of magnetic sources
  43. How to make better use of physical properties in mineral exploration: The exploration site measurement
  44. Metalliferous mining geophysics— State of the art after a decade in the new millennium
  45. Mapping laterally varying conductance using EM gradients over dry tailings ponds
  46. A comparison of airborne electromagnetic data with ground resistivity data over the Midwest deposit in the Athabasca basin
  47. Automation of the SLUTH method: a novel approach to airborne magnetic data interpretation
  48. Detection of alteration at the Millennium uranium deposit in the Athabasca Basin: a comparison of data from two airborne electromagnetic systems with ground resistivity data
  49. Combined airborne time-domain electromagnetics and power-line field survey
  50. Sferics noise reduction in time-domain electromagnetic systems: application to MegaTEMIIsignal enhancement
  51. Sensitivity cross-sections in airborne electromagnetic methods using discrete conductors
  52. Application of Occam's inversion to airborne time-domain electromagnetics
  53. Case histories illustrating the characteristics of the HeliGEOTEM system
  54. Advances in airborne geophysical systems for ordnance mapping and detection
  55. Interpretation of magnetic data using tilt-angle derivatives
  56. Mapping tailings around mine sites with reverse polarity airborne transient EM data
  57. Geological mapping with power line fields measured with MEGATEM data
  58. Tilt-depth method: A simple depth estimation method using first-order magnetic derivatives
  59. Source location using total-field homogeneity: Introducing the SLUTH method for depth estimation
  60. A discrete conductor transformation of airborne electromagnetic data
  61. Generalized magnetic tilt‐Euler deconvolution
  62. Combining airborne electromagnetic data from alternating flight directions to form a virtual symmetric array
  63. Airborne EM measurements over the Shea Creek uranium prospect, Saskatchewan, Canada
  64. A discrete conductor transformation of airborne electromagnetic data
  65. An analysis of geophysical and geological data from the Iso/New Insco test site, Quebec, Canada
  66. Geophysical Case Study of the Iso and New Insco Deposits, Quebec, Canada, Part I: Data Comparison and Analysis
  67. Geophysical Case Study of the Iso and New Insco Deposits, Quebec, Canada, Part II: Modeling and Interpretation
  68. Quantifying the Effects That Changes in Transmitter-Receiver Geometry Have on the Capability of an Airborne Electromagnetic Survey System to Detect Good Conductors
  69. Interpolation and gridding of aliased geophysical data using constrained anisotropic diffusion to enhance trends
  70. An enhanced method for source parameter imaging of magnetic data collected for mineral exploration
  71. Imaging depth, structure, and susceptibility from magnetic data: The advanced source-parameter imaging method
  72. Interpretation of magnetic data using an enhanced local wavenumber (ELW) method
  73. Gridding aeromagnetic data using longitudinal and transverse horizontal gradients with the minimum curvature operator
  74. Approximate apparent conductance (or conductivity) from the realizable moments of the impulse response
  75. Depth and structural index from normalized local wavenumber of 2D magnetic anomalies
  76. Using realizable moments of the impulse response to estimate the approximate apparent conductance or apparent conductivity of the ground
  77. Interpolation and gridding of aliased geophysical data using constrained anisotropic diffusion to enhance trends
  78. Using airborne EM surveys to investigate the hydrogeology of an area near Nyborg, Denmark
  79. Combining airborne electromagnetic data from alternate flight directions to improve data interpretability: the virtual symmetric array
  80. Using a non-integer moment of the impulse response to estimate the half-space conductivity
  81. To “The moments of the impulse response: A new paradigm for the interpretation of transient electromagnetic data” (Richard S. Smith and Terry J. Lee, GEOPHYSICS, 67, 1095–1103).
  82. The moments of the impulse response of a transient electromagnetic decay
  83. A multimodel method for depth estimation from magnetic data
  84. Using the moments of a thick layer to map conductance and conductivity from airborne electromagnetic data
  85. The moments of the impulse response, a new paradigm for the interpretation of transient electromagnetic data
  86. A comparison of data from airborne, semi‐airborne, and ground electromagnetic systems
  87. On removing the primary field from fixed-wing time-domain airborne electromagnetic data: some consequences for quantitative modelling, estimating bird position and detecting perfect conductors
  88. Using an induction coil sensor to indirectly measure theB-field response in the bandwidth of the transient electromagnetic method
  89. The realizable resistive limit: A new concept for mapping geological features spanning a broad range of conductances
  90. Robust estimation of the band‐limited inductive‐limit response from impulse‐response TEM measurements taken during the transmitter switch‐off and the transmitter off‐time: Theory and an example from Voisey’s Bay, Labrador, Canada
  91. An experiment to compare airborne, semi‐airborne and ground electromagnetic systems
  92. Model‐independent depth estimation with the SPI™ method
  93. iSPI TM — the improved source parameter imaging method
  94. Automatic conversion of magnetic data to depth, dip, and susceptibility contrast using the SPI (TM) method
  95. A special circumstance of airborne induced‐polarization measurements
  96. Application of a modified GEOTEM® system to reconnaissance exploration for kimberlites in the Point Lake area, NWT, Canada
  97. The usefulness of multicomponent, time‐domain airborne electromagnetic measurements
  98. Geology from geophysics; or, converting magnetic data to depth, dip, and susceptibility contrast using the source parameter imaging (SPITM) method
  99. An automatic technique for presentation of coincident‐loop, impulse‐response, transient, electromagnetic data
  100. Conductivity‐depth imaging of airborne electromagnetic step‐response data
  101. Response by Richard Smith to the authors’ reply
  102. On: “Induced‐polarization effects in time‐domain electromagnetic measurements” by M. F. Flis, G. A. Newman, and G. W. Hohmann (GEOPHYSICS, 54, 514–523, April 1989).
  103. Field examples of negative coincident‐loop transient electromagnetic responses modeled with polarizable half‐planes
  104. Inductive interaction between polarizable conductors: An explanation of a negative coincident‐loop transient electromagnetic response
  105. Electromagnetic induction in an inhomogeneous conductive thin sheet