All Stories

  1. Elpistostege: a fish with legs or a tetrapod with fins?
  2. Modular organisation of the skull
  3. Effect of training on the development of fish skeleton
  4. Morphological integration and developmental progress during fish ontogeny in two contrasting habitats
  5. Ontogeny, variation, and homology in Salvelinus alpinus caudal skeleton (Teleostei: Salmonidae)
  6. Hans-Peter Schultze, a great paleoichthyologist for whom work is synonymous with enjoyment
  7. The oldest fossil shark
  8. Morphology, Characters, and the Interrelationships of Basal Sarcopterygians
  9. Sarcopterygian interrelationships: How far are we from a phylogenetic consensus?
  10. Literature relating to fossil coelacanths