All Stories

  1. Linked Open Government Data: Still a Viable Option for Sharing and Integrating Public Data?
  2. Travelling Culture - The Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage Through a Conceptualization of Thematic Path: A Preliminary Characterization
  3. The W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary, Version 2: Rationale, Design Principles, and Uptake
  4. Quality of word and concept embeddings in targetted biomedical domains
  5. An RDF metadata model to describe the quality of datasets and web exposed entities
  6. Applying Predictive Models to Support skos:ExactMatch Validation
  7. Quality measures for skos
  8. LusTRE: a framework of linked environmental thesauri for metadata management
  9. Documenting Context-based Quality Assessment of Controlled Vocabularies
  10. Linked Thesauri Quality Assessment and Documentation for Big Data Discovery
  11. Overall quality assessment of SKOS thesauri: An AHP-based approach
  12. Linkset Quality Assessment for the Thesaurus Framework LusTRE
  13. Integrated Quality Assessment of Linked Thesauri for the Environment
  14. Environmental Thesauri under the Lens of Reusability
  15. EARTh: An Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data cloud
  16. Assessing linkset quality for complementing third-party datasets
  17. SSONDE: Semantic Similarity on LiNked Data Entities
  18. Context dependent semantic granularity
  19. An Ontology-Driven Search Module for Accessing Chronic Pathology Literature
  20. Semantic Similarity and Selection of Resources Published According to Linked Data Best Practice
  21. Asymmetric and Context-Dependent Semantic Similarity among Ontology Instances
  22. Context Enabled Semantic Granularity
  23. Semantic Similarity of Ontology Instances Tailored on the Application Context
  24. Semantic Granularity for the Semantic Web
  25. Visualization and semantic analysis of geographic metadata
  26. Ontology-Based Searching Framework for Digital Shapes
  27. Semantic Analysis of Categorical Metadata to Search for Geographic Information
  28. Information Search: The Challenge of Integrating Information Visualization and Semantic Web