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  1. Microanatomy of growth arrest and digitate outgrowth in cultivated Haliclona sp .
  2. Sediment quality in a metal-contaminated tropical bay assessed with a multiple lines of evidence approach
  3. Biogeochemical factors controlling arsenic distribution in a densely populated tropical estuary (Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil)
  4. Evaluation of the Geochemical Behavior and Environmental Risk of Metals in an Area Impacted by Industrial Waste in Queimados (RJ)
  5. Evaluation of the Toxicity and Geochemical Behavior of Lead in Contaminated Soils of Santo Amaro da Purificação (BA) after Phosphorus Attenuation
  6. Metal Bioavailability in Contaminated Estuarine Sediments from a Highly-Impacted Tropical Bay
  7. The Determination of Acid-Volatile Sulphide in Sediments Using Microwave- Assisted Chemical Vapour Generation: An Alternative to the US EPA Method
  8. Corrigendum to “Ecological risk evaluation of sediment metals in a tropical Euthrophic Bay, Guanabara Bay, Southeast Atlantic” [Mar. Pollut. Bull. Volume 109, Issue 1, 15 August 2016, Pages 435–445]
  9. Ecological risk evaluation of sediment metals in a tropical Euthrophic Bay, Guanabara Bay, Southeast Atlantic
  10. Marking Triatoma brasiliensis, Triatoma pseudomaculata and Rhodnius nasutus Nymphs with Trace Elements: Element Persistence and Effects of Marking on Insect Mortality
  11. Evaluation of the Applicability of Aquatic Pollution Indices: A Case Study in Paraibuna River (Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil)
  12. Total zinc quantification by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and its speciation by size exclusion chromatography–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in human milk and commercial formulas: Importance in infant nutrition
  13. Screening of the chemical composition and occurring antioxidants in jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) and jussara (Euterpe edulis) fruits and their fractions
  14. Geochemical fractionation of metals and semimetals in surface sediments from tropical impacted estuary (Guanabara Bay, Brazil)
  15. Total Mercury in Carnivorous Fish from Brazilian Southeast
  16. Organic matter and pyritization relationship in recent sediments from a tropical and eutrophic bay
  17. Murine lung injury caused by Leptospira interrogans glycolipoprotein, a specific Na/K-ATPase inhibitor
  18. Speciation analysis of inorganic arsenic in river water by Amberlite IRA 910 resin immobilized in a polyacrylamide gel as a selective binding agent for As(v) in diffusive gradient thin film technique
  19. Microbial Activities and Bioavailable Concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb in Sediments from a Tropic and Eutrothicated Bay
  20. Na/K-ATPase assay in the intact mice lung subjected to perfusion
  21. Sixteenth Brazilian Meeting on Analytical Chemistry (Brazil, 2011)
  22. Evaluation of differential protein expression in Haliclona aquarius and sponge-associated microorganisms under cadmium stress
  23. Oleic acid inhibits lung Na/K-ATPase in mice and induces injury with lipid body formation in leukocytes and eicosanoid production
  24. Determination of labile barium in petroleum-produced formation water using paper-based DGT samplers
  25. Metals in water, sediments, and biota of an offshore oil exploration area in the Potiguar Basin, Northeastern Brazil
  26. Trace elements determination in high salinity petroleum produced formation water by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after matrix separation using Chelex-100® resin
  27. Geochemistry of intertidal sediment pore waters from the industrialized Santos-Cubatão Estuarine System, SE Brazil
  28. Use of the digestive gland of the oysterCrassostrea rhizophorae(Guilding, 1828) as a bioindicator of Zn, Cd and Cu contamination in estuarine sediments (south-east Brazil)
  29. Comparação de métodos convencional e alternativo para determinação de sódio, potássio e fósforo em extratos de solos obtidos com solução de mehlich-1
  30. Determination of inorganic trace elements in edible marine fish from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
  31. Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in Atlantic Rain Forest fragments, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  32. Direct determination of manganese in produced waters from petroleum exploration by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry using Ir–W as permanent modifier
  33. Sedimentary geochemical record of historical anthropogenic activities affecting Guanabara Bay (Brazil) environmental quality
  34. Evaluation of Cu potential bioavailability changes upon coastal sediment resuspension: an example on how to improve the assessment of sediment dredging environmental risks
  35. Determination of trace metals in high-salinity petroleum produced formation water by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry following on-line analyte separation/preconcentration
  36. Biogeochemical indicators of environmental changes from 50Ka to 10Ka in a humid region of the Brazilian Amazon
  37. Mass balance in the monitoring of pollutants in tidal rivers of the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  38. Relation of acid-volatile sulfides (AVS) with metals in sediments from eutrophicated estuaries: Is it limited by metal-to-AVS ratios?
  39. The anticancer drug perillyl alcohol is a Na/K-ATPase inhibitor
  40. Occurrence and chemical speciation analysis of organotin compounds in the environment: A review
  41. Application of multivariate techniques in the optimization of a procedure for the determination of bioavailable concentrations of Se and As in estuarine sediments by ICP OES using a concomitant metals analyzer as a hydride generator
  42. Preconcentration procedure for determining trace amounts of Ni, Cd, Pb and Cu in high-salinity waters after cloud-point extraction
  43. Partial magnetic ordering and crystal structure of the ludwigitesCo2FeO2BO3andNi2FeO2BO3
  44. Regional geochemical baselines for sedimentary metals of the tropical São Francisco estuary, NE-Brazil
  45. Na/K-ATPase assay in the intact guinea pig liver submitted to in situ perfusion
  46. Simultaneous speciation of chromium by spectrophotometry and multicomponent analysis
  47. Response surface methodology (RSM) as a tool for optimization in analytical chemistry
  48. On-line redox speciation analysis of antimony using l-proline immobilized on controlled pore glass and hydride generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for detection
  49. Combined use of Pd and HF as chemical modifiers for the determination of total chromium in produced waters from petroleum exploration by ET AAS
  50. Non-volatile vanadium determination in petroleum condensate, diesel and gasoline prepared as detergent emulsions using GF AAS
  51. Relation of Reactive Sulfides with Organic Carbon, Iron, and Manganese in Anaerobic Mangrove Sediments: Implications for Sediment Suitability to Trap Trace Metals
  52. Total sulfur determination in gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after direct sample introduction as detergent emulsions
  53. Mercury accumulation in sediments along an eutrophication gradient in Guanabara Bay, southeast Brazil
  54. Optimization of an open-focused microwave oven digestion procedure for determination of metals in diesel oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
  55. Internal standardization for the determination of cadmium, cobalt, chromium and manganese in saline produced water from petroleum industry by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after cloud point extraction
  56. Distribution of copper in the vicinity of a deactivated mining site at Carajás in the Amazon region of Brazil
  57. Application of hydrocyanic acid vapor generation via focused microwave radiation to the preparation of industrial effluent samples prior to free and total cyanide determinations by spectrophotometric flow injection analysis
  58. Automated Flow Injection Method for Monitoring Total Cyanide Concentration in Petroleum Refinery Effluents Using Ninhydrin as Color Reagent
  59. Contaminant Metal Behaviour During Re-suspension of Sulphidic Estuarine Sediments
  60. Letter to the Editor
  61. Separation and determination of metallocyanide complexes of Fe(II), Ni(II) and Co(III) by ion-interaction chromatography with membrane suppressed conductivity detection applied to analysis of oil refinery streams (sour water)
  62. Thirteenth National Analytical Chemistry Meeting and First Ibero–American Analytical Chemistry Congress (Brazil, 2005)
  63. Multivariate technique for optimization of digestion procedure by focussed microwave system for determination of Mn, Zn and Fe in food samples using FAAS
  64. Direct determination of lead in produced waters from petroleum exploration by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry X-ray fluorescence using Ir–W permanent modifier combined with hydrofluoric acid
  65. Focussed microwave-assisted sample preparation: total phenol determination in petroleum refinery effluents by flow injection spectrophotometry
  66. Solid-Phase Extraction of Cd(II) as Diethyldithiocarbamate Complex by Polyurethane Foam: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Characterization
  67. Reactive sulfides relationship with metals in sediments from an eutrophicated estuary in Southeast Brazil
  68. Direct determination of arsenic and antimony in naphtha by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with microemulsion sample introduction and iridium permanent modifier
  69. Rapid on-line sample dissolution assisted by focused microwave radiation for silicate analysis employing flame atomic absorption spectrometry: iron determination
  70. Determination of lead by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry employing a novel sampling strategy of polyurethane foam impregnated with thiazolylazo-p-cresol (TAC)
  71. Solid phase extraction of Cu(II) as diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) complex by polyurethane foam
  72. Determination of arsenic in petroleum refinery streams by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after multivariate optimization based on Doehlert design
  73. Precipitation–dissolution system for silver preconcentration and determination by flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry
  74. A novel sampling strategy for cobalt determination by ETAAS using polyurethane foam
  75. Off-Line and On-Line Determination of Eleven Rare Earth Elements in Silicate Rocks by ICP-AES Using Dowex Minicolumns for Separation of Interfering Elements in Continuous Flow Systems
  76. Flow Injection/Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Zineb in Commercial Formulations of Pesticide Based on Slurry Sampling.
  77. Selenium determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry in petroleum refinery aqueous streams containing volatile organic compounds
  78. Flow injection determination of cobalt after its sorption onto polyurethane foam loaded with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-p-cresol (TAC)
  79. An automated on-line flow system for the pre-concentration and determination of lead by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
  80. Application of polyurethane foam loaded with BTAC in an on-line preconcentration system: cadmium determination by FAAS
  81. Spectrophotometric determination of carbaryl by on-line elution after its preconcentration onto polyurethane foam
  82. Determination of cadmium by FAAS after on-line enrichment using a mini column packed with Amberlite XAD-2 loaded with TAM
  83. Atomic fluorescence determination of inorganic arsenic in soils after microwave-assisted distillation
  84. Flow injection-FTIR determination of dithiocarbamate pesticides
  85. Retention of carbaryl by polyether type polyurethane foam: a critical study
  86. Determination of sulfide in waters by flow-injection solid phase spectrophotometry
  87. An on-line continuous flow system for copper enrichment and determination by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
  88. On Line Dissolution of ZnS For Sulfide Determination in Stabilized Water Samples with Zinc Acetate, Using Spectrophotometry by Methylene Blue Method
  89. On-line preconcentration system for flame atomic absorption spectrometry using unloaded polyurethane foam: determination of zinc in waters and biological materials
  90. Alkaline solubilization of biological materials for trace element analysis by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
  91. Selectivity enhancement in spectrophotometry: on-line interference suppression using polyurethane foam minicolumn for aluminum determination with Methyl Thymol Blue
  92. An on-line solid phase extraction system using polyurethane foam for the spectrophotometric determination of nickel in silicates and alloys
  93. Polyurethane foam as a sorbent for continuous flow analysis: Preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of zinc in biological materials
  94. Flow Injection Microwave-assisted Dissolution of Silicate Rocks for Magnesium Determination by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  95. A new approach for compensating concentration gradients in flow analysis
  96. Lead preconcentration onto C-18 minicolumn in continuous flow and its determination in biological and vegetable samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
  97. On the spectrophotometric flow injection determination of chromium(VI) in natural waters after on-line preconcentration on activated alumina
  98. Turbidimetric determination of sulphate in waters employing flow injection and lead sulphate formation
  99. Preconcentration and atomic absorption determination of copper traces in waters by on-line adsorption-elution on an activated carbon minicolumn
  100. Determination of nickel in rocks by use of a continuous precipitation–preconcentration system coupled on-line to a flame atomic absorption spectrometer
  101. Determination of molybdenum in silicates by flame atomic absorption spectrometry exploiting activated carbon as collector
  102. A flow injection system with ion-exchange for spectrophotometric determination of copper in rocks
  103. Spectrophotometric flow injection determination of titanium in rocks
  104. Determination of bromazepam by coupling a continuous liquid—liquid extractor to an atomic-absorption spectrometer
  105. Atomic absorption determination of copper in silicate rocks by continuous precipitation preconcentration
  106. Determination of cobalt at low levels in silicate rocks by atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuous on-line precipitation-dissolution procedure based on 1-nitroso-2-naphthol