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  1. Effect of the haptic anchors during balancing and walking tasks in older adults: A systematic review
  2. The effects of age and postural constraints on prehension
  3. Fear of falls is associated with fear of COVID-19 in older adults
  4. Fatigue modifies hip and knee kinematics during single- and double-leg dynamic tasks: An investigation with female handball players
  5. Three days of beam walking practice improves dynamic balance control regardless of the use of haptic anchors in older adults
  6. Beam width and arm position but not cognitive task affect walking balance in older adults
  7. High Definition tDCS Effect on Postural Control in Healthy Individuals: Entropy Analysis of a Crossover Clinical Trial
  8. Gait control of migraine patients with increasing light and sound levels
  9. Falls and motor behavior in older adults
  10. Comprometimento da organização sensorial em pacientes com migrânea com e sem aura e migrânea crônica - estudo controlado
  11. Star-Shape Kinesio Taping Is Not Better Than a Minimal Intervention or Sham Kinesio Taping for Pain Intensity and Postural Control in Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  12. Influence of Side Uncertainty on Knee Kinematics of Female Handball Athletes During Sidestep Cutting Maneuvers
  13. Older adults reduce the complexity and efficiency of neuromuscular control to preserve walking balance
  14. Trunk balance control during beam walking improves with the haptic anchors without the interference of an auditory-cognitive task in older adults
  15. The Influence of Photophobia on Postural Control in Patients With Migraine
  16. Stability control in older adults with asymmetrical load carrying when stepping down a curb
  17. The rapid recovery of vertical force propulsion production and postural sway after a specific fatigue protocol in female handball athletes
  18. Force stability training decreased force variability of plantar flexor muscles without reducing postural sway in female older adults
  19. Effect of lower limb dominance on walking adaptations in young adults when stepping into a hole
  20. Effects of the Use of Anchor Systems in the Rehabilitation of Dynamic Balance and Gait in Individuals With Chronic Dizziness of Peripheral Vestibular Origin: A Single-Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial
  21. Severe Dizziness Related to Postural Instability, Changes in Gait and Cognitive Skills in Patients with Chronic Peripheral Vestibulopathy
  22. The Critical Point to Step into a Hole is Similar in Young and Older Adults
  23. Asymmetrical load-carrying while stepping down a curb in young adults
  24. Motor adjustments during time-constrained sit-to-walk in people with Parkinson's disease
  25. Are there attentional demands associated with haptic modalities while walking in young, healthy adults?
  26. Haptic information provided by anchors and the presence of cognitive tasks contribute separately to reducing postural sway in young adults
  27. Does the Level of Difficulty in Balancing Tasks Affect Haptic Sensitivity Via Light Touch?
  28. Manipulation of Human Verticality Using High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
  29. Beam Walking to Assess Dynamic Balance in Health and Disease: A Protocol for the “BEAM” Multicenter Observational Study
  30. Walking combined with reach-to-grasp while crossing obstacles at different distances
  31. Haptic information and cognitive-visual task reduce postural sway in faller and non-faller older adults
  32. The variability of the force produced by the plantar flexor muscles does not associate with postural sway in older adults during upright standing
  33. Effect of a cognitive task on online adjustments when avoiding stepping on an obstacle and stepping on a target during walking in young adults
  34. Additional Haptic Information Provided by Anchors Reduces Postural Sway in Young Adults Less Than Does Light Touch
  36. Kicking Performance in Young U9 to U20 Soccer Players: Assessment of Velocity and Accuracy Simultaneously
  37. Task difficulty has no effect on haptic anchoring during tandem walking in young and older adults
  38. Haptic cues and muscle fatigue in older adults
  39. Changes in interlimb coordination during walking and grasping task in older adult fallers and non-fallers
  40. Construct validity of tests that measure kick performance for young soccer players based on cluster analysis: exploring the relationship between coaches rating and actual measures
  41. The effects of haptic input on biomechanical and neurophysiological parameters of walking: A scoping review
  42. Performance of Faller and Nonfaller Older Adults on a Motor–Motor Interference Task
  43. Effects of functional taping compared with sham taping and minimal intervention on pain intensity and static postural control for patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomised clinical trial protocol
  44. Different haptic tools reduce trunk velocity in the frontal plane during walking, but haptic anchors have advantages over lightly touching a railing
  45. Prehension Combined With Gait in Individuals With Chronic Low Back Pain
  46. A contribuição do sistema âncora em diferentes segmentos corporais para o controle da postura em idosos
  47. Coupling between visual information and body sway in adults with Down syndrome
  48. Synchrony of gaze and stepping patterns in people with Parkinson’s disease
  49. The effect of supervised and home based exercises on balance in elderly subjects: a randomized controlled trial to prevent falls
  50. Quality of Visual Cue Affects Visual Reweighting in Quiet Standing
  51. Older adults with history of falls are unable to perform walking and prehension movements simultaneously
  52. Additional sensory input improves the strategy of stepping over obstacle in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
  53. Haptic information provided by the “anchor system” reduces trunk sway acceleration in the frontal plane during tandem walking in older adults
  54. Uso do sistema âncora nas duas mãos e na mão não dominante reduz a oscilação corporal em idosos
  55. Is there a relationship between complaints of impaired balance and postural control disorder in community-dwelling elderly women? A cross-sectional study with the use of posturography
  56. Gait and reach-to-grasp movements are mutually modified when performed simultaneously
  57. Lower limb ice application alters ground reaction force during gait initiation
  58. Saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements attenuate postural sway similarly
  59. Effects of saccadic eye movements on postural control in older adults.
  60. Braking and propulsive impulses in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome when walking up and down stairs
  61. Visual cues and gait improvement in Parkinson’s disease: Which piece of information is really important?
  62. A model for selecting alternate foot placement during human locomotion.
  63. Haptic anchoring and human postural control.
  64. Effects of saccadic eye movements on postural control stabilization
  65. Intermittent use of an “anchor system” improves postural control in healthy older adults
  66. A influência da dança na percepção de estruturas rítmicas monotônicas em adolescentes surdos
  67. Use of monocular and binocular visual cues for postural control in children
  68. Visual Feedforward Control in Human Locomotion During Avoidance of Obstacles that Change Size
  69. Haptic Stabilization of Posture in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Using a Nonrigid Tool
  70. Relação entre percepção e ação durante os movimentos de sentar e levantar em indivíduos idosos
  71. Motor perseveration during an “A not B” task in children with intellectual disabilities
  72. Monocular vision and increased distance reducing the effects of visual manipulation on body sway
  73. Validating Determinants for an Alternate Foot Placement Selection Algorithm During Human Locomotion in Cluttered Terrain
  74. Determinants guiding alternate foot placement selection and the behavioral responses are similar when avoiding a real or a virtual obstacle
  75. Strategies and determinants for selection of alternate foot placement during human locomotion: influence of spatial and temporal constraints
  76. The effects of distant and on-line visual information on the control of approach phase and step over an obstacle during locomotion