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  1. Reserves alleviate climate change effects
  2. Patterns of climate-induced density shifts of species: poleward shifts faster in northern boreal birds than in southern birds
  3. Matching trends between recent distributional changes of northern-boreal birds and species-climate model predictions
  4. Climate Change, Northern Birds of Conservation Concern and Matching the Hotspots of Habitat Suitability with the Reserve Network
  5. Does the protected area network preserve bird species of conservation concern in a rapidly changing climate?
  6. Preserving species populations in the boreal zone in a changing climate: contrasting trends of bird species groups in a protected area network
  7. Climate change affects populations of northern birds in boreal protected areas
  8. Predicting range shifts of northern bird species: Influence of modelling technique and topography
  9. Climate change and freshwater biodiversity: detected patterns, future trends and adaptations in northern regions
  10. Projected large-scale range reductions of northern-boreal land bird species due to climate change
  11. Biotic interactions improve prediction of boreal bird distributions at macro-scales
  12. The role of land cover in bioclimatic models depends on spatial resolution
  13. Uneven regional distribution of protected areas in Finland: Consequences for boreal forest bird populations
  14. Methods and uncertainties in bioclimatic envelope modelling under climate change
  15. The role of land cover in bioclimatic models depends on spatial resolution
  16. Spatial Variation of Bird Species in Landscapes Dominated by Old-growth Forests in Northern Boreal Finland
  17. Spatiotemporal variation of breeding gull species in a boreal lake complex in Finland: Implications for conservation
  18. Distribution patterns of boreal marshland birds: modelling the relationships to land cover and climate
  20. Effects of habitat cover, landscape structure and spatial variables on the abundance of birds in an agricultural-forest mosaic
  21. Effects of landscape composition on farmland and red-listed birds in boreal agricultural-forest mosaics
  22. Bird species dynamics in a managed southern boreal forest in Finland
  23. The Significance of Protected Areas for the Land Birds of Southern Finland
  24. Ranges of Northern Forest Passerines: A Fractal Analysis
  25. Population contraction of the white-backed woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Finland as a consequence of habitat alteration
  26. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Bird Communities and Populations in North-Boreal Coniferous Forests: A Multiscale Approach
  27. Population trends of forest birds in a Finnish Lapland landscape of large habitat blocks: Consequences of stochastic environmental variation or regional habitat alteration?
  28. Ecology of the Siberian Tit Parus cinctus in Relation to Habitat Quality: Effects of Forest Management