All Stories

  1. Assessing complex PTSD and PTSD: validation of the German version of the International Trauma Interview (ITI)
  2. Culture-Specific Trauma Responses in Switzerland
  3. Auf dem Weg zu kulturellen Skripten von Traumafolgen
  4. Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in intergenerational trauma transmission among Eritrean asylum-seeking mother-child dyads
  5. The association between dissociative symptoms and schizophrenia-related negative symptoms: A transdiagnostic approach
  6. A cross-disasters comparison of psychological distress: Symptoms network analysis
  7. The association between daily life changes and anxiety among Ukrainians following the Russian invasion
  8. Gender differences in posttraumatic stress symptoms, marital satisfaction, and parenting behaviors in adults following typhoon Lekima.
  9. The Ukraine–Russia war: A symptoms network of complex posttraumatic stress disorder during continuous traumatic stress.
  10. Trauma- und Belastungsfolgestörungen: Differenzialdiagnostik ICD-11 und DSM-5
  11. University Students' Life Stressors and Mental Health in Georgia and German-Speaking Switzerland
  12. Childhood Maltreatment is Linked to Larger Preferred Interpersonal Distances Towards Friends and Strangers Across the Globe
  13. Relationship between adjustment disorder symptoms and probable diagnosis before and after second lockdown in Israel: longitudinal symptom network analysis
  14. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
  15. Validation of the International Adjustment Disorder Questionnaire in Israel and Switzerland
  16. Social Functioning in Individuals Affected by Childhood Maltreatment: Establishing a Research Agenda to Inform Interventions
  17. Erratum
  18. The network structure of ICD-11 adjustment disorder: A comparison of clinical and nonclinical samples
  19. Validation of the French ADNM-20 in the assessment of emotional difficulties resulting from COVID-19 quarantine and outbreak
  20. Cross-cultural investigation of COVID-19 related acute stress: A network analysis
  21. The interpersonal implications of PTSD and complex PTSD: The role of disturbances in self-organization
  22. Symptoms of ICD-11 adjustment disorder – reduction of psychological strain throughout psychosomatic rehabilitation
  23. Trajectories of depression in aging veterans and former prisoners‐of‐war: The role of social support and hardiness
  24. Network structure of ICD-11 adjustment disorder: a cross-cultural comparison of three African countries
  25. Symptoms network analysis of serious mental illness: A cross disasters comparison
  26. Comparing the network structure of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD in three African countries
  27. Komplexe Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung und arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster
  28. Fatalism and ICD-11 CPTSD and PTSD diagnoses: results from Nigeria, Kenya & Ghana
  29. Posttraumatisches Wachstum im Wandel der Zeit
  30. Negative Affect, Fatalism, and Perceived Institutional Betrayal in Times of the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Control Beliefs
  31. Families in the Shadow of Traumatic Experiences: Negative World Assumptions and Family Relationships
  32. The 12-month course of ICD-11 adjustment disorder in the context of involuntary job loss
  33. Posttraumatic Stress and Sexual Satisfaction in Husbands and Wives: A Dyadic Analysis
  34. The aging of heroes: Posttraumatic stress, resilience and growth among aging decorated veterans
  35. Interpersonal manifestations of attachment avoidance: The moderating role of impostorism
  36. Cumulative lifetime adversity and depression among a national sample of U.S. Latinx immigrants: Within-group differences in risk and protective factors using data from the HCHS/SOL sociocultural ancillary study.
  37. Measuring ICD‐11 adjustment disorder: the development and initial validation of the International Adjustment Disorder Questionnaire
  38. The role of parental negative world assumptions in the intergenerational transmission of war trauma
  39. ZIEL: Internet-Based Self-Help for Adjustment Problems: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
  40. ICD-11 Adjustment Disorder among Organ Transplant Patients and Their Relatives
  41. Long-Term Trajectories of Marital Adjustment in Israeli Couples Over Decades: Does Gender Matter?
  42. Double Jeopardy: The Effect of Multiple Secondary Trauma Exposure on Subjective Age
  43. What doesn’t kill you makes you feel older: lifespan adversity and its association with subjective age among former prisoners of war
  44. Symptom burden and work-related impairment among patients with PTSD and complex PTSD
  45. Longitudinal Development of Primary and Secondary Posttraumatic Growth in Aging Veterans and Their Wives: Domain-Specific Trajectories
  46. Long-Term Trajectories of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Categorical versus Continuous Assessment
  47. Growing Apart: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Relation Between Post-traumatic Growth and Loneliness Among Combat Veterans
  48. Trajectories of attachment in older age: interpersonal trauma and its consequences
  49. Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a Revised Sense of Coherence Scale
  50. Adjustment disorder: A diagnosis whose time has come
  51. The Role of Parental Posttraumatic Stress, Marital Adjustment, and Dyadic Self-Disclosure in Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: A Family System Approach
  52. Measuring the ICD-11 adjustment disorder concept: Validity and sensitivity to change of the Adjustment Disorder - New Module questionnaire in a clinical intervention study
  53. Traumatization, Marital Adjustment, and Parenting among Veterans and Their Spouses: A Longitudinal Study of Reciprocal Relations
  54. The Adjustment Disorder–New Module 20 as a Screening Instrument: Cluster Analysis and Cut-off Values
  55. Self-help interventions for adjustment disorder problems: a randomized waiting-list controlled study in a sample of burglary victims
  56. Adjustment Disorders Are Uniquely Suited for eHealth Interventions: Concept and Case Study
  57. Developmental and contextual factors in the role of severe childhood trauma in geriatric depression: The sample case of former indentured child laborers
  58. Life-review interventions as psychotherapeutic techniques in psychotraumatology