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  1. LiDAR derived forest structure data improves predictions of canopy N and P concentrations from imaging spectroscopy
  2. The DIARS toolbox: a spatially explicit approach to monitor alien plant invasions through remote sensing
  3. An Iconic Pit Viper of the Central American Rainforests
  4. Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention
  5. Silicone Wristband Passive Samplers Yield Highly Individualized Pesticide Residue Exposure Profiles
  6. Improvised Hand Injury Treatment Using Traditional Veterinary Medicine in Ethiopia
  7. A unified framework to model the potential and realized distributions of invasive species within the invaded range
  8. The Dallol Volcano
  9. Invasion by the Alien Tree Prunus serotina Alters Ecosystem Functions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
  10. Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Afromontane highlands of Ethiopia: comparison of plantations and natural regeneration
  11. Conserving wild Arabica coffee: Emerging threats and opportunities
  12. Tree-related ecosystem services
  13. Mapping an invasive bryophyte species using hyperspectral remote sensing data
  14. Patterns of forest composition and their long term environmental drivers in the tropical dry forest transition zone of southern Africa
  15. Conservation of ecosystem services does not secure the conservation of birds in a Peruvian shade coffee landscape
  16. Plant diversity and regeneration in a disturbed isolated dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia
  17. Potential ecosystem services of urban agriculture: a review
  18. Conservation of the Ethiopian church forests: Threats, opportunities and implications for their management
  19. Biodiversity and carbon storage co-benefits of coffee agroforestry across a gradient of increasing management intensity in the SW Ethiopian highlands
  20. Trees in a human-modified tropical landscape: Species and trait composition and potential ecosystem services
  21. Management intensification in Ethiopian coffee forests is associated with crown habitat contraction and loss of specialized epiphytic orchid species
  22. Protecting coffee from intensification
  23. The potential of small exclosures in assisting regeneration of coffee shade trees in South-Western Ethiopian coffee forests
  24. Fragmentation and Management of Ethiopian Moist Evergreen Forest Drive Compositional Shifts of Insect Communities Visiting Wild Arabica Coffee Flowers
  25. Conserving Open Natural Pollination Safeguards Jatropha Oil Yield and Oil Quality
  26. Potential tree species extinction, colonization and recruitment in Afromontane forest relicts
  27. Contrasting Cloud Forest Restoration Potential Between Plantations of Different Exotic Tree Species
  28. Effects of forest management on mating patterns, pollen flow and intergenerational transfer of genetic diversity in wild Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) from Afromontane rainforests
  29. Global greenhouse gas implications of land conversion to biofuel crop cultivation in arid and semi-arid lands – Lessons learned from Jatropha
  30. A global meta-analysis of the biodiversity and ecosystem service benefits of coffee and cacao agroforestry
  31. Contribution of woody habitat islands to the conservation of birds and their potential ecosystem services in an extensive Colombian rangeland
  32. Both forest fragmentation and coffee cultivation negatively affect epiphytic orchid diversity in Ethiopian moist evergreen Afromontane forests
  33. Old Trees: Extraction, Conservation Can Coexist
  34. Effects of Coffee Management Intensity on Composition, Structure, and Regeneration Status of Ethiopian Moist Evergreen Afromontane Forests
  35. Invasiveness risk of the tropical biofuel cropJatropha curcasL. into adjacent land use systems: from the rumors to the experimental facts
  36. Altitudinal variation and conservation priorities of vegetation along the Great Rift Valley escarpment, northern Ethiopia
  37. Genetic variation and risks of introgression in the wild C offea arabica gene pool in south‐western E thiopian montane rainforests
  38. Crop wild relatives: more common ground for breeders and ecologists
  39. Seeds of Change for Restoration Ecology
  40. Status of Native Woody Species Diversity and Soil Characteristics in an Exclosure and in Plantations of Eucalyptus globulus and Cupressus lusitanica in Northern Ethiopia
  41. Dieback affects forest structure in a dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia
  42. Semi-forest coffee cultivation and the conservation of Ethiopian Afromontane rainforest fragments
  43. More than biofuel? Jatropha curcas root system symmetry and potential for soil erosion control
  44. Forest restoration, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  45. Woody plant communities of isolated Afromontane cloud forests in Taita Hills, Kenya
  46. Global mapping of Jatropha curcas yield based on response of fitness to present and future climate
  47. Towards domestication ofJatropha curcas
  48. The accumulation of Stone Age lithic artifacts in rock fragment mulches in northern Ethiopia
  49. Jatropha: From global hype to local opportunity
  50. Site requirements of the endangered rosewood Dalbergia oliveri in a tropical deciduous forest in northern Thailand
  51. On the difference between “exclosures” and “enclosures” in ecology and the environment
  52. Open-access publishing can survive recession
  53. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use
  54. Euphorbia abyssinica latex promotes rooting of Boswellia cuttings
  55. Digital identifiers could keep up with authors' moves
  56. Digital identifiers work for articles, so why not for authors?
  57. In situ persistence of African wild olive and forest restoration in degraded semiarid savanna
  58. Seedling mortality causes recruitment limitation of Boswellia papyrifera in northern Ethiopia
  59. Land rehabilitation and the conservation of birds in a degraded Afromontane landscape in northern Ethiopia
  60. Elevation and exposition rather than soil types determine communities and site suitability in Mediterranean mountain forests of southern Anatolia, Turkey
  61. Restoration of Dry Afromontane Forest Using Pioneer Shrubs as Nurse-Plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata
  62. Letters to the editor about the contents of past issues and comments on topics of current concern toFrontiersreaders
  63. Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability?
  64. Restoring dry Afromontane forest using bird and nurse plant effects: Direct sowing of Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata seeds
  65. Species composition and diversity of small Afromontane forest fragments in northern Ethiopia
  66. Effects of pioneer shrubs on the recruitment of the fleshy‐fruited tree Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata in Afromontane savanna
  67. Surface runoff and seed trapping efficiency of shrubs in a regenerating semiarid woodland in northern Ethiopia
  68. Effects of pioneer shrubs on the recruitment of the fleshy-fruited tree Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata in Afromontane savanna
  69. Ecosystem Thermal Buffer Capacity as an Indicator of the Restoration Status of Protected Areas in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands