All Stories

  1. A Sequential Metamorphic Testing Framework for Understanding Autonomous Vehicle's Decisions
  2. Testing ocean software
  3. System optimal dynamic traffic assignment: solution structures of the signal control in non-holding-back formulations
  4. Optimizing multi-agent based urban traffic signal control system
  5. Global mean sea level rise during the recent warming hiatus from satellite-based data
  6. A multiclass microscopic model for heterogeneous platoon with vehicle-to-vehicle communication
  7. Studying the Safety Impact of Autonomous Vehicles Using Simulation-Based Surrogate Safety Measures
  8. An improved empirical dynamic control system model of global mean sea level rise and surface temperature change
  9. A storm surge forecasting system for the Singapore Strait
  10. Sea level trend and variability around Peninsular Malaysia
  11. Sea level trend and variability in the Singapore Strait