All Stories

  1. A theoretic analysis of magnetoactive GES-based turbulent solar plasma instability
  2. Nonlinear Jeans-Buneman instability in gravitating complex plasmas
  3. Nonlinear pulsational mode dynamics in strongly correlated dust molecular clouds
  4. A multi-order nonlinear meta-analysis of bifluidic fireball sheath fluctuations
  5. Nonlinear streaming instability in viscoelastic quantum dusty plasmas
  6. Instability of magnetosonic waves in magnetized degenerate half-spin-polarized quantum plasma
  7. Solar plasma characterization in Kappa (κ)-modified polytropic turbomagnetic GES-model perspective
  8. Evidence of oblique electron acoustic solitary waves triggered by magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetosphere
  9. A hybrid GNA instability
  10. Acoustic waves in the Jovian dusty magnetosphere: a brief review and meta-analysis
  11. Athermal GES-based solar plasma stability with sphero-logabarotropic special effects
  12. A kinetic theory of the pulsational mode of gravitational collapse in star-forming molecular clouds
  13. Jeans Instability in Nonideal MHD Plasma Clouds With Geometric Curvature Effects
  14. Adapted instabilities excited in spherical magnetized viscoelastic astroclouds with extreme dust-fugacity moderations
  15. Cloud fragmentation into stars
  16. Atypical gravito-electrostatic fluctuations in the presence of active ion-inertial dynamics
  17. An inertia-based theoretical study of the Debye shielding in different plasma configurations