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  1. Corrigendum to: “Trace metals and persistent organic pollutants in sediments from river-reservoir systems in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Spatial distribution and potential ecotoxicological effects” [Chemosphere 111 (2014) 485–492]
  2. Trace metals and persistent organic pollutants in sediments from river-reservoir systems in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Spatial distribution and potential ecotoxicological effects
  3. Trace metal distributions in the sediments from river-reservoir systems: case of the Congo River and Lake Ma Vallée, Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)
  4. Erratum to: Assessment of pathogenic bacteria in water and sediment from a water reservoir under tropical conditions (Lake Ma Vallée), Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo
  5. Assessment of pathogenic bacteria in water and sediment from a water reservoir under tropical conditions (Lake Ma Vallée), Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo
  6. Étude de l’activité antifalcemiante et de la thermo- et photo-dégradation des anthocyanes de Centella asiatica, Thomandersia hensii et Maesopsis eminii
  7. Ethnopharmacological survey of plants used against malaria in Lubumbashi city (D.R. Congo)
  8. Antisickling Activity and Membrane Stabilizing Effect of Anthocyanins Extracts from Adansonia digitata L. Barks on Sickle Blood Cells
  9. In vitro Antisickling and Radical Scavenging Activities of a Poly-herbal Formula (Drepanoalpha®) in Sickle Cell Erythrocyteand Acute Toxicity Study in Wistar Albino Rats
  10. Screening chimique, activités antioxydante et antiplasmodiale des extraits d’écorces de tronc d’Enantia olivacea Robyns & Ghesq (Annonaceae), une plante utilisée par les bonobos, Pan paniscus à Lui-Kotale en R.D. Con
  11. Concentration of metals in surface water and sediment of Luilu and Musonoie Rivers, Kolwezi-Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo
  12. Assessment of antidiabetic activity and acute toxicity of leaf extracts from Physalis peruviana L. in guinea-pig
  13. Effects of untreated hospital effluents on the accumulation of toxic metals in sediments of receiving system under tropical conditions: Case of South India and Democratic Republic of Congo
  14. Evaluation in vitro de l’activité antifalcémiante et effet antioxydant des extraits d’Uapaca heudelotii Baill. (Euphorbiaceae)
  15. WITHDRAWN: Ethno-botanical survey and ecological study of anti-pathogenic organisms medicinal plants species used in the Congolese folk medicine
  16. Antisickling properties, thermal and photochemical degradations of anthocyanin extracts from Annona senegalensis (Annonaceae)
  17. Anti-Hyperglycemic Activity of Raphia gentiliana De Wild. (Arecaceae)
  18. <i>In Vitro</i> Sickling Inhibitory Effects and Anti-Sickle Erythrocytes Hemolysis of <i>Dicliptera colorata</i> C. B. Clarke, <i>Euphorbia hirta</i> L. and <i>Sorghum bicolor</i> (L.) Moench
  19. Ethnopharmacological survey of plants used against diabetes in Kisangani city (DR Congo)
  20. Comparative antimalarial and cytotoxic activities of two Vernonia species: V. amygdalina from the Democratic Republic of Congo and V. cinerea subsp vialis endemic to Madagascar
  21. Antisickling activity of three species of Justicia from Kisangani (D.R. Congo): J. tenella,/i>, J. gendarussa and J. insularis
  22. Anti Sickle Erythrocytes Haemolysis Properties and Inhibitory Effect of Anthocyanins Extracts of Trema orientalis (Ulmaceae) on the Aggregation of Human Deoxyhemoglobin S in vitro
  23. Binding Reaction of Hemin with Chloroquine, Quinine and Quinidine in Water-propylene Glycol Mixture
  24. Activité antidrépanocytaire et thermodégradation des anthocyanes extraits de Sterculia quinqueloba et Ficus capensis
  25. Antisickling Activity and Thermostability of Anthocyanins Extract from a Congolese Plant, Hymenocardia acida Tul. (Hymenocardiaceae)
  26. Antisickling activity of anthocyanins from Bombax pentadrum, Ficus capensis and Ziziphus mucronata: Photodegradation effect
  27. In vitro Antisickling Activity of Anthocyanins Extract of a Congolese Plant: Alchornea cordifolia M. Arg.
  28. Interaction of Artemisinin Based Antimalarial Drugs with Hemin in Water-DMSO Mixture
  29. In vitro Antisickling Activity of Anthocyanins from Ocimum basilicum L. (Lamiaceae)
  30. In vitro antidrepanocytary actvity (anti-sickle cell anemia) of some congolese plants