All Stories

  1. Erythema ab Igne
  2. Uncommon Presentation of Pityriasis Rosea After Yellow Fever Inoculation
  3. The dancer heel and the alpinist heel (black heel). Case reports
  4. Neonatal occipital alopecia in a newborn
  5. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (M)
  6. Not a make-up, but an alarm signal of a new onset of Addison's disease
  7. Confusion between vascular malformations and hemangiomas-practical issues
  8. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (L)
  9. Radiator-induced erythema ab igne in 8-year-old girl
  10. Yellow palms and feet in a child
  11. A case-control study and analyze the epidemiological importance risk of family history of psoriasis
  12. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (K)
  13. A case of subacute thyroiditis in a patient on adalimumab for treatment of refractory palmo-plantar psoriasis
  14. Erosio blastomycetica interdigitale sign of Candidiasis and diabetes!
  15. Small pustules (pin-sized) distributed on the lateral aspects of the face
  16. Autosensitisation (Autoeczematisation) reactions in a case of diaper dermatitis candidiasis
  17. Senile/solar purpura like lesions developed in association with use of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) inhibitors
  18. Pityriasis lichenoides chronica: – the role of infectious agents?
  19. Pityriasis Versicolor on the Face-Wrong First Diagnosis of Vitiligo
  20. Lichen striatus – case reports
  21. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (J)
  22. Petechiae- adverse reactions to Ciprofloxacin
  23. Piezogenic pedal nodules of young children and their parents
  24. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (H)
  25. Unusual presentations of cutaneous larva migrans
  26. comment:The selection of the types of shoes and its impact on the skin of the feet
  27. Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (G)
  28. Pityriasis rosea in 12-months-old infant
  29. Female breast cancer in relation to exposure to medical iatrogenic diagnostic radiation during life