All Stories

  1. Levelling-up national economies through regional development? a panel fsQCA approach applied to Great Britain
  2. Religion, personality traits and the nature of entrepreneurial activities: insights from Scottish Muslim entrepreneurs
  3. Behavioural Profiling and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
  4. Introduction
  5. Entrepreneurial ecosystems, agency and regional development: Emergence and new path creation in the Cardiff city region
  6. Understanding the contemporary history of urban economic change: The case of entrepreneurial innovation
  7. Financial literacy and advice perceptions among UK higher education students: an ethnicity tale?
  8. Time effect and shifted motivations in deprived areas: an overall perspective of entrepreneurial process
  9. The relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic entrepreneurship: The impact and scale of investments in China
  10. Defining networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: the openness of ecosystems
  11. A matter of life and death? Knowledge intensity of FDI activities and domestic enterprise
  12. Cities, innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems: assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  13. Human agency, network dynamics and regional development: the behavioural principles of new path creation
  14. Behavioral Explanations of Spatial Disparities in Productivity: The Role of Cultural and Psychological Profiling
  15. Historical industrialisation, path dependence and contemporary culture: the lasting imprint of economic heritage on local communities
  16. A Behavioural Theory of Economic Development
  17. Cities, innovation and behavioural change: how the machine is evolving
  18. Exports and Female Entrepreneurs
  19. Networking and strategic planning to enhance small and medium‐sized enterprises growth in a less competitive economy
  20. Human behavior and economic development: culture, psychology and the competitiveness of cities and regions
  21. The impact of foreign influence on exporting through open innovation
  22. Human agency, entrepreneurship and regional development: a behavioural perspective on economic evolution and innovative transformation
  23. Behavioural economic geography and regional history
  24. Universities and open innovation: the determinants of network centrality
  25. Investments in managerial human capital: Explanations from prospect and regulatory focus theories
  26. Exports and Female Entrepreneurs
  27. Human behaviour and economic growth: A psychocultural perspective on local and regional development
  28. Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Examining the Association in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods
  29. The foreign business and domestic enterprise relationship: Its implications for local entrepreneurial resilience
  30. Challenges and issues facing ethnic minority small business owners
  31. The behavioural foundations of urban and regional development: culture, psychology and agency
  32. Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: Does the Relationship Hold in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods?
  33. Factors Holding Back Small Third Sector Organizations’ Engagement with the Local Public Sector
  34. Networks and regional economic growth: A spatial analysis of knowledge ties
  35. Entrepreneurship and the determinants of firm survival within regions: human capital, growth motivation and locational conditions
  36. Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness
  37. Entrepreneurial networks and open innovation: the role of strategic and embedded ties
  38. Foreign business ownership and domestic entrepreneurial exports
  39. Socio-Spatial Culture and Entrepreneurship: Some Theoretical and Empirical Observations
  40. Determinants of SME Exporting
  41. The potential of trading activity income to fund Third Sector organisations operating in deprived areas
  42. Network evolution and the spatiotemporal dynamics of knowledge sourcing
  43. Social capital and innovation: A comparative analysis of regional policies
  44. An appropriate tool for entrepreneurial learning in SMEs? The case of the 20Twenty Leadership Programme
  45. Compulsory school-based enterprise education as a gateway to an entrepreneurial career
  46. Foreign direct investment and the SME sector
  47. Local entrepreneurial resilience and culture: the role of social values in fostering economic recovery
  48. Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional growth: a network theory
  49. The When and Why: Student Entrepreneurial Aspirations
  50. Culture, entrepreneurship and uneven development: a spatial analysis
  51. Regional evolution and waves of growth: A knowledge-based perspective
  52. Foreword to the Autumn 2014 Special Issue: Coming out of an economic crisis: the role of entrepreneurship in fostering innovation in times of greater uncertainty
  53. The Global Competitiveness of Regions
  54. Culture and Place-Based Development: A Socio-Economic Analysis
  55. The competitiveness of China's Leading Regions: Benchmarking Their Knowledge-based Economies
  56. Are UK SMEs with active web sites more likely to achieve both innovation and growth?
  57. Regional Competitiveness: Theories and Methodologies for Empirical Analysis
  58. Competitiveness and the post-regional political economy
  59. Use of the Internet and SME Characteristics to Expand Scale and Geographic Scope of Sales
  60. A Network-based view of regional growth
  61. Taking Your Eyes Off the Objective: The Relationship Between Income Sources and Satisfaction with Achieving Objectives in the UK Third Sector
  62. The Effectiveness of Social Business Plan Competitions in Developing Social and Civic Awareness and Participation
  63. The Role of Environment in Fostering Conductive Entrepreneurial Learning: Teaching the ‘Art’ of Entrepreneurship in Boot Camps
  64. Network Capital, Social Capital and Knowledge Flow: How the Nature of Inter-organizational Networks Impacts on Innovation
  65. Differences in perceptions of access to finance between potential male and female entrepreneurs
  66. Entrepreneurship and Community Culture: A Place-Based Study of Their Interdependency
  67. Entrepreneurship in Deprived Urban Communities: The Case of Wales
  68. Chapter 2 Enterprise Education and the Adoption of New Technologies Within Small Firms
  69. Well-being and competitiveness: are the two linked at a place-based level?
  70. Entrepreneurship amongst Minority Language Speakers: The Case of Wales
  71. SME Characteristics and the Use of the Internet to Expand the Scale and Geographic Scope of Sales
  72. Education and entrepreneurial activity: A comparison of White and South Asian Men
  73. Small Business Sales Growth and Internationalization Links to Web Site Functions in the United Kingdom
  74. Nascent entrepreneurial activity within female ethnic minority groups
  75. The Spatial Dispersion of Informal Investment at a Regional Level: Evidence from the UK
  76. Women and Home-based Entrepreneurship
  77. Entrepreneurial attitudes, intentions and activities a comparison of urban and rural areas in Wales
  78. Is investment time irreversible? Some empirical evidence for disaggregated UK manufacturing data
  79. Process-related patterns in dioxin emissions: a simplified assessment procedure applied to coke combustion in sinter plant☆
  80. SME Characteristics and the Use of the Internet to Expand the Scale and Geographic Scope of Sales
  81. Small Business Sales Growth and Internationalization Links to Web Site Functions in the United Kingdom