All Stories

  1. Enrichment through virtual reality for palliative care: A scoping review
  2. Design, Mould, Grow!: A Fabrication Pipeline for Growing 3D Designs Using Myco-Materials
  3. Living Bits and Radical Aminos: A Workshop on Bio-Digital Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction
  4. How can HCI support end-of-life care? Critical perspectives on sociotechnical imaginaries for palliative care
  5. Sprayful Interaction: Perceptions of a Moss-based SLow-resolution Living Media Display
  6. Making Sustainable, Tangible Objects with Myco-materials
  7. Co-designing a Technology Probe with Experienced Designers
  8. Speculating on Biodesign in the Future Home
  9. The Nature of Biodesigned Systems
  10. Embedding a VR Game Studio in a Sedentary Workplace
  11. VRFit
  12. From the Analytical to the Artistic: A Review of Literature on Information Visualization