All Stories

  1. Can we trust that CBT-based batterer intervention programmes are effective?—Use of evidence for the treatment of IPV offenders in the prison and probation service
  2. Working with emotions in social work practice. A pride-building model for institutional care of young people
  3. Is Methodological Pluralism Improving Our Ability to Uncover the Causal Mechanisms Behind Men’s Violence Against Women?
  4. I’m just a soul whose intentions are good – narratives in applications for debt reconstruction in Sweden
  5. Interaction of Ideology and Institutions in Treating Violent Men
  6. Therapies without Pride: An Explorative Study of the Therapist’s Perspective on the Quality of the Social Bond with Clients in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and a Psychodynamic Therapy against Men’s Violence in Sweden
  7. An Explorative Study of Men’s Masculinity Constructions and Proximity to Violence against Women.
  8. Exploring Pathways Related to Men’s Violence: A Qualitative Exploration of the Relationship between Violent Men’s Violence and Their Masculinities, Childhood, and Emotions
  9. Are asymmetrical power relations a hidden obstacle to successful rehabilitation of violent men? An explorative study on the methodology to investigate shame