All Stories

  1. Autistic traits modulate cortical responses to affective but not discriminative touch
  2. The role of mindfulness in physical activity: a systematic review
  3. Mindful breath awareness meditation facilitates efficiency gains in brain networks: A steady-state visually evoked potentials study
  4. Dispositional mindfulness and reward motivated eating: The role of emotion regulation and mental habit
  5. Frontal Theta Dynamics during Response Conflict in Long-Term Mindfulness Meditators
  6. Meditation and Cognitive Ageing: the Role of Mindfulness Meditation in Building Cognitive Reserve
  7. ‘I can’t accept that feeling’: Relationships between interoceptive awareness, mindfulness and eating disorder symptoms in females with, and at-risk of an eating disorder
  8. Attention with a mindful attitude attenuates subjective appetitive reactions and food intake following food-cue exposure
  9. Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults
  10. Mindfulness at Work: Positive Affect, Hope, and Optimism Mediate the Relationship Between Dispositional Mindfulness, Work Engagement, and Well-Being
  11. Neural mechanisms of attentional control in mindfulness meditation
  12. Regular, brief mindfulness meditation practice improves electrophysiological markers of attentional control
  13. A cross-sectional investigation of trait disinhibition and its association with mindfulness and impulsivity
  14. Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same?
  15. Meditation, mindfulness and cognitive flexibility
  16. Mindfulness as psychological dimension: Concepts and applications
  17. Sustained division of spatial attention to multiple locations within one hemifield
  18. Feature-selective attention enhances color signals in early visual areas of the human brain
  19. Modulation of oscillatory brain activity and evoked potentials in a repetition priming task in the human EEG
  20. Sustained division of the attentional spotlight
  21. The influence of response competition on cerebral asymmetries for processing hierarchical stimuli revealed by ERP recordings