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  1. Catalogue of Early Printed Books Containing Anglo-Saxon to 1705
  2. Library Abbreviations
  3. Abbreviations
  4. List of Type Designs
  5. Continental Anglo-Saxon Type-Designs
  6. Anglo-Saxon Type-Designs in the Seventeenth Century to 1705
  7. The Parkerian Great Primer Anglo-Saxon Type-Design
  8. Glossary of Printing, Book-Description and Type-Description Terms
  9. The Use of Sources, Scholarship and the Social Intellectual Network
  10. The Parkerian and Lambardian Pica Anglo-Saxon Type-Designs
  11. Anglo-Saxon and Its Uses
  12. Preliminary Material
  13. List of Punchcutters
  14. List of Printers and Booksellers also Draughtsmen/Engravers
  15. Section D. Readings: Theme and Message
  16. Introduction
  17. Section A. Manuscripts