All Stories

  1. Kanzi and Sue disagree, so Kanzi uses language to try to get his way.
  2. Issues in modelling the textual metafunction
  3. Presents important foundations of Systemic Functional Linguistics
  4. Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition
  5. On Subject and Theme
  6. Reflections on subject and theme: An introduction
  7. Examines the use of word order in written advertising to emphasize important ideas
  8. looking at patterns of meaning in a text
  9. Towards a Componential Approach to Text
  10. Preface
  11. Toward an Understanding of Language: Charles Carpenter Fries in Perspective. Edited by Peter Howard Fries, in collaboration with Nancy M. Fries
  12. Language features, textual coherence and reading
  13. Toward an Understanding of Language
  14. C.C. Fries’ view of language and linguistics
  15. Slot in referential hierarchy in relation to Charles C. Fries’ view of language
  16. looking at patterns of meaning in a text
  17. A review of Grammatical Analysis by Kenneth and Evelyn Pike