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  1. Local dynamic responses of magnetic reconnection to three-dimensional perturbations in a laboratory plasma
  2. Using Direct Laboratory Measurements of Electron Temperature Anisotropy to Identify the Heating Mechanism in Electron-Only Guide Field Magnetic Reconnection
  3. Multi-dimensional incoherent Thomson scattering system in PHAse Space MApping (PHASMA) facility
  4. Electron-only reconnection and associated electron heating and acceleration in PHASMA
  5. Laboratory Observations of Electron Heating and Non-Maxwellian Distributions at the Kinetic Scale during Electron-Only Magnetic Reconnection
  6. First Results from the Phase Space Mapping Experiment
  7. Laboratory plasma devices for space physics investigation
  8. Incoherent Thomson scattering system for PHAse space MApping (PHASMA) experiment
  9. Alfvénic modes excited by the kink instability in PHASMA
  10. Experimental observation of kinetic Alfvén wave generated by magnetic reconnection
  11. Magnetic mirror end-plugged by field-reversed configurations formed via rotating magnetic fields
  12. Experimental Study of Magnetic Reconnection During the Merging Process of Two Colliding Field Reversed Configurations
  13. Translation speed measurements of hydrogen, helium, and argon field-reversed configurations in the central cell of a KMAX mirror device
  14. A new method to suppress the Rayleigh–Taylor instability in a linear device
  15. Observation of spontaneous decay of Alfvénic fluctuations into co- and counter-propagating magnetosonic waves in a laboratory plasma
  16. On the induced azimuthal electric field in the current drive of an odd-parity rotating magnetic field
  17. Formation of field-reversed configuration using an in-vessel odd-parity rotating magnetic field antenna in a linear device
  18. A 7.8 kV nanosecond pulse generator with a 500 Hz repetition rate
  19. Characterization of a medium-sized washer-gun for an axisymmetric mirror
  20. Field-reversed configuration formed by in-vessel θ-pinch in a tandem mirror device
  21. A high voltage pulse generator based on silicon-controlled rectifier for field-reversed configuration experiment
  22. Ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) systems for the Keda Mirror with AXisymmetry (KMAX)
  23. Electrode Biasing Experiment in KMAX Tandem Mirror