All Stories

  1. Personalizing interventions using real-world interactions: Improving symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia with tailored metacognitive therapy.
  2. Fostering intersubjectivity in the psychotherapy of psychosis: Accepting and challenging fragmentation.
  3. “Making sense of my diagnosis”: Assimilating psychoeducation into metacognitive psychotherapy for individuals with schizophrenia.
  4. Elements that enhance therapeutic alliance and short-term outcomes in metacognitive reflection and insight therapy: A session-by-session assessment.
  5. Emergence of insight in psychotherapy for early psychosis: A qualitative analysis of a single case study.
  6. Meaning, integration, and the self in serious mental illness: Implications of research in metacognition for psychiatric rehabilitation.
  7. Applying the concept of metacognition in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation: An introduction to the special issue.
  8. Individuals with psychosis and a lifetime history of cannabis use show greater deficits in emotional experience compared to non-using peers
  9. Metacognition and recovery in schizophrenia: From research to the development of metacognitive reflection and insight therapy
  10. Metacognitive deficits and social functioning in schizophrenia across symptom profiles: A latent class analysis
  11. Understanding the Course of Self-disorders and Alterations in Self- Experience in Schizophrenia: Implications from Research on Metacognition
  12. Application of Integrative Metacognitive Psychotherapy for Serious Mental Illness
  13. Phenomenological and recovery models of the subjective experience of psychosis: discrepancies and implications for treatment
  14. Going meta on metacognitive interventions
  15. Metacognitive approaches to the treatment of psychosis: a comparison of four approaches
  16. Recovery and Personhood in the Diagnostic Formulation and Treatment of Serious Mental Illness: A Commentary
  17. A Disorder by Any Other Name: Metacognition, Schizophrenia, and Diagnostic Practice
  18. Effects of the Indianapolis Vocational Intervention Program (IVIP) on defeatist beliefs, work motivation, and work outcomes in serious mental illness
  19. Association of medial prefrontal resting state functional connectivity and metacognitive capacity in early phase psychosis
  20. The Metacognition Assessment Scale (MAS-A): Results of a pilot study applying a German translation to individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  21. Empathy in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index
  22. M34. Metacognition is Necessary for the Emergence of Motivation in Schizophrenia: A Necessary Condition Analysis
  23. M43. Metacognitive Self-Reflectivity Moderates the Relationship Between Distress Tolerance and Empathy in Schizophrenia
  24. 61.2 The Functional Significance of Metacognitive Capacity in Schizophrenia: Associations With Negative Symptoms and Insight
  25. M42. Metacognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia; Comparisons With Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Use Disorder
  26. 98. Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy to Enhance Work Success in Persons With Mental Illness: A Pre–Post Pilot Study
  27. M121. Relatively More Intact Levels of Social Cognition Predict Fewer Impairments in Neurocognition, Metacognition, and Healthier Personality Functioning in a Sample With Prolonged Schizophrenia
  28. Overcoming fragmentation in the treatment of persons with schizophrenia.
  29. Subjective Experiences of the Benefits and Key Elements of a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Focused on Community Work Outcomes in Persons With Mental Illness
  30. The Role of Metacognitive Self-Reflectivity in Emotional Awareness and Subjective Indices of Recovery in Schizophrenia
  31. Reauthoring One's Own Life in the Face of Being HIV+: Promoting Healthier Narratives with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy
  32. The developmental origins of metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia
  33. Language and hope in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
  34. Metacognition deficits as a risk factor for prospective motivation deficits in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  35. Veteran identity as a protective factor: A grounded theory comparison of perceptions of self, illness, and treatment among veterans and non-veterans with schizophrenia
  36. Emergence of psychotic content in psychotherapy: An exploratory qualitative analysis of content, process, and therapist variables in a single case study
  37. Affective empathy in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis
  38. Agreement between clients with schizophrenia and mental health workers on clients' social quality of life: The role of social cognition and symptoms
  39. Self-clarity and different clusters of insight and self-stigma in mental illness
  40. A Preliminary Study of the Association Among Metacognition and Resting State EEG in Schizophrenia
  41. The Special Challenges of Psychotherapy with Persons with Psychosis: Intersubjective Metacognitive Model of Agreement and Shared Meaning
  42. Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia
  43. Addressing defeatist beliefs in work rehabilitation
  44. Painful Affect in the Experience and Treatment of Schizophrenia
  45. The Stigma of Voice-Hearing Experiences: Religiousness and Voice-Hearing Contents Matter.
  46. Psychoanalytic phenomenology of schizophrenia: Synthetic metacognition as a construct for guiding investigation.
  47. Metacognition moderates the relationship of disturbances in attachment with severity of borderline personality disorder among persons in treatment of substance use disorders
  48. Stigma Resistance at the Personal, Peer, and Public Levels: A New Conceptual Model.
  49. Integrative Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: Its Potential for a Central Role in Recovery Oriented Treatment
  50. Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) With a Patient With Severe Symptoms of Disorganization
  51. An Integrative Psychotherapy Approach to Foster Community Engagement and Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: A Case Study Illustration
  52. Intrinsic motivation and amotivation in first episode and prolonged psychosis
  53. Conceptual disorganization weakens links in cognitive pathways: Disentangling neurocognition, social cognition, and metacognition in schizophrenia
  54. The relationship between cognitive insight and quality of life in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Symptom severity as potential moderator
  55. The trees and the forest: mixed methods in the assessment of recovery based interventions' processes and outcomes in mental health
  56. The course of social cognitive and metacognitive ability in depression: Deficit are only partially normalized after full remission of first episode major depression
  57. Individual Psychotherapy and Changes in Self-Experience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Comparison of Patients in Metacognitively Focused and Supportive Psychotherapy
  58. Altered Self-Experience and Goal Setting in Severe Mental Illness
  59. Martin Buber and evidence-based practice: Can the lion really lie down with the lamb?
  60. Metacognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia
  61. Relationships over time of subjective and objective elements of recovery in persons with schizophreni
  62. Metacognition in Early Phase Psychosis: Toward Understanding Neural Substrates
  63. Trauma, Dissociation and Synthetic Metacognition in Schizophrenia
  64. Lexical analysis in schizophrenia: How emotion and social word use informs our understanding of clinical presentation
  65. Lexical Characteristics of Anticipatory and Consummatory Anhedonia in Schizophrenia: A Study of Language in Spontaneous Life Narratives
  66. Differential lexical correlates of social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia; a study of spontaneously-generated life narratives
  67. Bell Lysaker Emotion Recognition Test: a Contribution for the Italian Validation
  68. Metacognition and general functioning in patients with schizophrenia and a history of criminal behavior
  69. Metacognitive and social cognition approaches to understanding the impact of schizophrenia on social quality of life
  70. Metacognition in persons with substance abuse: Findings and implications for occupational therapists
  71. Associations of Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms with Psychotic and Affective Symptoms and General Functioning
  72. Reconciling the Ipseity-Disturbance Model with the Presence of Painful Affect in Schizophrenia
  73. Self-Experience in Schizophrenia: Metacognition as a Construct to Advance Understanding
  74. Behavioral activation revisited as a key principle of change in personality disorders psychotherapy.
  75. Effect of mindfulness on vocational rehabilitation outcomes in stable phase schizophrenia.
  76. Self-initiated helping behaviors and recovery in severe mental illness: Implications for work, volunteerism, and peer support.
  77. Interventions targeting mental health self-stigma: A review and comparison.
  78. Metacognition and Mentalizing in the Psychotherapy of Patients With Psychosis and Personality Disorders
  79. Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for Co-Occurrent Avoidant Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse
  80. Metacognitive Reflective and Insight Therapy for People in Early Phase of a Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder
  81. Plasma cortisol levels and illness appraisal in deficit syndrome schizophrenia
  82. A comparison of capacities for social cognition and metacognition in first episode and prolonged depression
  83. Anger Expression Styles in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  84. Physical Activity and Psychiatric Symptoms in Adults With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  85. Childhood sexual abuse moderates the relationship of self-reflectivity with increased emotional distress in schizophrenia
  86. Metacognition in psychosis: Comparison of schizophrenia with bipolar disorder
  87. Anhedonia in prolonged schizophrenia spectrum patients with relatively lower vs. higher levels of depression disorders: Associations with deficits in social cognition and metacognition
  88. Capacities for theory of mind, metacognition, and neurocognitive function are independently related to emotional recognition in schizophrenia
  89. Stages of recovery in early psychosis: Associations with symptoms, function, and narrative development
  90. Strong subjective recovery as a protective factor against the effects of positive symptoms on quality of life outcomes in schizophrenia
  91. Alexithymia in schizophrenia: Associations with neurocognition and emotional distress
  92. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Illness Management and Recovery With an Active Control Group
  93. Metacognitive functioning predicts positive and negative symptoms over 12 months in first episode psychosis
  94. Stereotype endorsement, metacognitive capacity, and self-esteem as predictors of stigma resistance in persons with schizophrenia
  95. Metacognition and Severe Adult Mental Disorders: From Research to Treatment, edited by Giancarlo Dimaggio and Paul H. Lysaker
  98. Higher-order social cognition in first-episode major depression
  99. Between self-clarity and recovery in schizophrenia: reducing the self-stigma and finding meaning
  100. Metacognitive mastery moderates the relationship of alexithymia with cluster C personality disorder traits in adults with substance use disorders
  101. Literature as an exploration of the phenomenology of schizophrenia: disorder and recovery in Denis Johnson'sJesus’ Son
  102. Overcoming recruitment barriers revealed high readiness to participate and low dropout rate among people with schizophrenia in a randomized controlled trial testing the effect of a Guided Self-Determination intervention
  103. A manual-based individual therapy to improve metacognition in schizophrenia: protocol of a multi-center RCT
  104. Metacognition in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  105. Metacognition-Oriented Social Skills Training
  106. Anhedonia in Schizophrenia: A Brief History and Overview of the Construct
  107. Metacognitive Mastery and Intrinsic Motivation in Schizophrenia
  108. Emotional Inhibition in Personality Disorders
  109. Metacognitively Focused Psychotherapy for People with Schizophrenia
  110. Adapted-Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy Applied to Paranoid Schizophrenia
  111. Supporters of a single orientation may do less for science and the health of patients than integrationists: A reply to Govrin (2014).
  112. Social cognition in schizophrenia. From evidence to treatment By David L.Roberts, David L.Penn (eds). Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2013. 420 pp., Hardback, £50.00. ISBN: 978-0-19-977758-7
  113. The relationship between post-traumatic symptom severity and object relations deficits in persons with schizophrenia
  114. Jumping to conclusions and delusions: The impact of discussion of the bias on the bias
  115. Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy (NECT) Effectiveness: A Quasi-Experimental Study
  116. Metakognitive und sozial-kognitive Defizite bei Schizophrenien. Funktionelle Bedeutung und Behandlungsstrategien
  117. DSM-5: a collection of psychiatrist views on the changes, controversies, and future directions
  118. Positive and negative caregiver experiences in first-episode psychosis: Emotional overinvolvement, wellbeing and metacognition
  119. Anxious and avoidant attachment styles and indicators of recovery in schizophrenia: Associations with self-esteem and hope
  120. Individual psychotherapy for schizophrenia: trends and developments in the wake of the recovery movement
  121. Depression and insight in schizophrenia: Comparisons of levels of deficits in social cognition and metacognition and internalized stigma across three profiles
  122. Poor insight into schizophrenia: contributing factors, consequences and emerging treatment approaches
  123. Relationships of Social-Sexual Function with Stigma and Narrative Quality Among Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Over One Year
  124. Metacognition-Oriented Social Skills Training for Individuals with Long-Term Schizophrenia: Methodology and Clinical Illustration
  125. Associations of personality with intrinsic motivation in schizophrenia
  126. Criminal history in schizophrenia: associations with substance use and disorganized symptoms
  127. Internalized stigma and quality of life among persons with severe mental illness: The mediating roles of self-esteem and hope
  128. Challenges to assisting with the recovery of personal identity and wellness for persons with serious mental illness: Considerations for mental health professionals
  129. Self-Compassion
  130. Self perception of empathy in schizophrenia: Emotion recognition, insight, and symptoms predict degree of self and interviewer agreement
  131. Levels of Patient Activation Among Adults With Schizophrenia
  132. Meaning in life, insight and self-stigma among people with severe mental illness
  133. Metacognition, self-reflection and recovery in schizophrenia
  134. Insight, Neurocognition, and Schizophrenia: Predictive Value of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
  135. Socially naïve self-appraisal moderates the relationship between cognitive insight and positive symptoms in schizophrenia
  136. Consummatory and anticipatory anhedonia in schizophrenia: Stability, and associations with emotional distress and social function over six months
  137. Emotional episodes in the everyday lives of people with schizophrenia: The role of intrinsic motivation and negative symptoms
  138. Agency: its nature and role in recovery from severe mental illness
  139. Concerns and issues that have emerged with the evolution of evidence-based practice
  140. The Mutual Development of Intersubjectivity and Metacognitive Capacity in the Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia
  141. Metacognition and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: Stability and Relationship to Concurrent and Prospective Symptom Assessments
  142. From being subjected to being a subject: recovery in relation to schizophrenia
  143. Intrinsic motivation and metacognition as predictors of learning potential in patients with remitted schizophrenia
  144. Computer-assisted cognitive remediation for schizophrenia: A randomized single-blind pilot study
  145. Self-Esteem and Insight as Predictors of Symptom Change in Schizophrenia: A Longitudinal Study
  146. Associations of Metacognition With Symptoms, Insight, and Neurocognition in Clinically Stable Outpatients With Schizophrenia
  147. Personal Narratives, Coping, and Quality of Life in Persons Living With HIV
  148. Schizophrenia and alterations in the experience of self and agency: Comparisons of dialogical and phenomenological views
  149. Dissociation and social cognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorder
  150. Metacognitive functioning and social cognition as predictors of accuracy of self-appraisals of vocational function in schizophrenia
  153. Development of Personal Narratives as a Mediator of the Impact of Deficits in Social Cognition and Social Withdrawal on Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
  154. Dependent personality disorders unlike avoidant personality disorders are not related to alexithymia after controlling for depression: A reply to Loas
  155. The relationships between trauma history, trait anger, and stigma in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  156. Les rapports entre métacognition, cognition et fonctionnement dans la schizophrénie : données issues de l'étude de récits personnels
  157. Psychotherapy and rehabilitation for schizophrenia: Thoughts about their parallel development and potential integration.
  158. The Relationship of Metacognition with Jumping to Conclusions among Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  159. Autobiographical memory and mentalizing impairment in personality disorders and schizophrenia: clinical and research implications
  160. The processes of recovery from schizophrenia: The emergent role of integrative psychotherapy, recent developments, and new directions.
  161. Group-based treatment for internalized stigma among persons with severe mental illness: Findings from a randomized controlled trial.
  162. Change in self-stigma among persons with schizophrenia enrolled in rehabilitation: Associations with self-esteem and positive and emotional discomfort symptoms.
  163. Deficits in the ability to recognize one’s own affects and those of others: Associations with neurocognition, symptoms and sexual trauma among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  164. Mental state understanding in adult psychiatric disorders: Impact on symptoms, social functioning and treatment
  165. Alexithymia in personality disorders: Correlations with symptoms and interpersonal functioning
  166. Metacognition in schizophrenia: Correlates and stability of deficits in theory of mind and self-reflectivity
  167. Alexithymia and Irony Comprehension and their Relations with Depression, Anxiety, General Symptomatology and Personality Disorders: A Comparison Between Clinical and Non-Clinical Participants
  168. Job Satisfaction and Burnout Among VA and Community Mental Health Workers
  169. Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy: A New Group-Based Treatment for Internalized Stigma Among Persons with Severe Mental Illness
  170. The relation between objective and subjective domains of recovery among persons with schizophrenia-related disorders
  171. Insight and negative symptoms as predictors of functioning in a work setting in patients with schizophrenia
  172. Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations of mastery with functional skills competence
  173. Metacognition and Social Functioning in Schizophrenia: Evidence, Mechanisms of Influence and Treatment Implications
  174. Metacognition as a predictor of therapeutic alliance over 26weeks of psychotherapy in schizophrenia
  175. Relationships between stereotyped beliefs about mental illness, discrimination experiences, and distressed mood over 1 year among persons with schizophrenia enrolled in rehabilitation
  176. Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations over a period of five months
  177. Vulnerable Self, Poor Understanding of Others' Minds, Threat Anticipation and Cognitive Biases as Triggers for Delusional Experience in Schizophrenia: A Theoretical Model
  178. Prevalence of Internalized Stigma among Persons with Severe Mental Illness
  179. Metacognition in schizophrenia: The relationship of mastery to coping, insight, self-esteem, social anxiety, and various facets of neurocognition
  180. Individual Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: An Overview of Its History, Recent Developments and New Directions
  181. Delusional Ideation and Self-esteem in Individuals With Psychotic Disorders
  182. The relationships between schizophrenia symptom dimensions and executive functioning components
  183. Deficits in theory of mind and social anxiety as independent paths to paranoid features in schizophrenia
  184. Clinical significance of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia: Factor analysis of the Neurological Evaluation Scale
  185. La schizophrénie et les troubles de l’expérience en première personne: convergence et divergence de six points de vue
  186. Talking About Life and Finding Solutions to Different Hardships
  187. Psychotherapy and Recovery from Schizophrenia: A Model of Treatment as Informed by a Dialogical Model of the Self Experience in Psychosis
  188. Assessing metacognition in schizophrenia with the Metacognition Assessment Scale: Associations with the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale
  189. Metacognition and schizophrenia: The capacity for self-reflectivity as a predictor for prospective assessments of work performance over six months
  190. Dimensional Versus Categorical Use of the PHQ-9 Depression Scale Among Persons with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Pilot Study Including Quality-of-Life Comparisons
  191. Coping with Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  192. Therapeutic Alliance in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Schizophrenia: Association with History of Sexual Assault
  193. Verbal memory intrusions in schizophrenia: Associations with self-reflectivity, symptomatology, and neurocognition
  194. Personal narratives and recovery from schizophrenia
  195. Cognitive insight in non-psychiatric individuals and individuals with psychosis: An examination using the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale
  196. Clinical and psychosocial significance of trauma history in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  197. Clinical Supervision for the Treatment of Adults With Severe Mental Illness: Pertinent Issues When Assisting Graduate Nursing Students
  198. Internalized stigma as a barrier to improvement in vocational functioning among people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
  199. Self-Esteem and Delusion Proneness
  200. The Impact of Illness Identity on Recovery from Severe Mental Illness
  201. Association of Stigma, Self-Esteem, and Symptoms with Concurrent and Prospective Assessment of Social Anxiety in Schizophrenia
  202. Negative symptoms and concomitant attention deficits in schizophrenia: Associations with prospective assessments of anxiety, social dysfunction, and avoidant coping
  203. Psychotherapeutic and relational processes and the development of metacognitive capacity following five years of individual psychotherapy: A case study of a person with psychotic symptoms
  204. Decrements in Sustained Attention Across Trials in a Continuous Performance Test
  205. Psychotherapy and recovery from schizophrenia: A review of potential applications and need for future study.
  206. Addressing metacognitive capacity for self reflection in the psychotherapy for schizophrenia: A conceptual model of the key tasks and processes
  207. Impaired self-reflection in psychiatric disorders among adults: A proposal for the existence of a network of semi independent functions
  208. The role of insight in the process of recovery from schizophrenia: A review of three views
  209. Lack of awareness of illness in schizophrenia: conceptualizations, correlates and treatment approaches
  210. Health-Related Quality of Life and Trauma History in Adults With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  211. Negative symptoms and concordant impairments in attention in schizophrenia: Associations with social functioning, hope, self-esteem and internalized stigma
  212. Suspiciousness and low self-esteem as predictors of misattributions of anger in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  213. Addressing Recovery from Sever Mental Illness in Clinical Supervision of Advanced Students
  214. Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on work outcomes in vocational rehabilitation for participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  215. Associations of Executive Function With Concurrent and Prospective Reports of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Schizophrenia
  216. Associations of Executive Function With Concurrent and Prospective Reports of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Schizophrenia
  217. Patterns of coping preference among persons with schizophrenia: Associations with self-esteem, hope, symptoms and function.
  218. Clinical and psychological correlates of two domains of hopelessness in schizophrenia
  219. Call It a Monster for Lack of Anything Else
  220. Narrative accounts of illness in schizophrenia: Association of different forms of awareness with neurocognition and social function over time
  221. Pathways Between Internalized Stigma and Outcomes Related to Recovery in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  222. Deficits in mindreading in stressful contexts and their relationships to social withdrawal in schizophrenia
  223. Know yourself and you shall know the other… to a certain extent: Multiple paths of influence of self-reflection on mindreading
  224. Schizophrenia and the Fate of the Self
  225. Establishing and sustaining dialogue in individual psychotherapy
  226. Schizophrenia and Alterations in Self-experience: A Comparison of 6 Perspectives
  227. The prevalence and correlates of trauma-related symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorder
  228. Insight and Schizophrenia: Correlates, Etiology and Treatment
  229. Metacognition in Schizophrenia
  230. Associations of multiple domains of self-esteem with four dimensions of stigma in schizophrenia
  231. Associations of metacognition and internalized stigma with quantitative assessments of self-experience in narratives of schizophrenia
  232. Participant evaluation of a CBT program for enhancing work function in schizophrenia.
  233. The recovery of metacognitive capacity in schizophrenia across 32 months of individual psychotherapy: A case study
  234. Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Divide Between Self and Others
  235. Psychotherapy and schizophrenia: An analysis of requirements of individual psychotherapy with persons who experience manifestly barren or empty selves
  236. Personality Dimensions in Schizophrenia: Associations with Symptoms and Coping Concurrently and 12 Months Later
  237. Metacognition within narratives of schizophrenia: Associations with multiple domains of neurocognition
  238. Associations of Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder With Social Cognition and Cognitive Perceptual Organization
  239. Jumping to conclusions and the continuum of delusional beliefs
  240. Relationship and technique in the long-term integrative psychotherapy of schizophrenia: A single case study
  241. Are self-reports valid for schizophrenia patients with poor insight? Relationship of unawareness of illness to psychological self-report instruments
  242. Narrative, Pain, and Suffering. Progress in Pain Research and Management, Volume 34
  243. Therapeutic Alliance and Improvements in Work Performance Over Time in Patients With Schizophrenia
  244. An intersubjective perspective on negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Implications of simulation theory
  245. Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation on Metacognition and Coping in Schizophrenia
  246. Insight, Outcome and Recovery in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: An Examination of their Paradoxical Relationship
  247. Cognitive insight and psychotic disorder: The impact of active delusions
  248. The dialogical self in psychotherapy for persons with schizophrenia: A case study
  249. Poor metacognition in Narcissistic and Avoidant Personality Disorders: four psychotherapy patients analysed using the Metacognition Assessment Scale
  250. Psychotherapy and recovery in schizophrenia: A proposal of key elements for an integrative psychotherapy attuned to narrative in schizophrenia.
  251. The "chemical imbalance" explanation for depression: Origins, lay endorsement, and clinical implications.
  252. Coping With Psychosis
  253. Overcoming Barriers to Increase the Contribution of Clinical Psychologists to Work With Persons With Severe Mental Illness
  254. Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia: Associations With Multiple Assessments of Executive Function
  255. Association of delusions and lack of cognitive flexibility with social anxiety in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  256. Cluster B and C Personality Traits, Symptom Correlates, and Treatment Utilization in Postacute Schizophrenia
  257. Psychotherapy and schizophrenia: An analysis of requirements of an individual psychotherapy for persons with profoundly disorganized selves
  258. Enactment in Schizophrenia: Capacity for Dialogue and the Experience of the Inability to Commit to Action
  259. A typology of narrative impoverishment in schizophrenia: Implications for understanding the processes of establishing and sustaining dialogue in individual psychotherapy
  260. Obsessive–compulsive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Associations with coping preference and hope
  261. Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation on Metacognition and Coping in Schizophrenia
  262. The Scale to Assess Narrative Development
  263. Associations of symptoms, psychosocial function and hope with qualities of self-experience in schizophrenia: Comparisons of objective and subjective indicators of health
  264. Facilitating the emergence of interpersonal relatedness in individual psychotherapy of schizophrenia: A case study
  265. Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry
  267. Schizophrenia and the experience of intersubjectivity as threat
  268. Association of neurocognition, anxiety, positive and negative symptoms with coping preference in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  269. Reported History of Child Sexual Abuse in Schizophrenia
  270. Perceived Need for Medical Care in the Geriatric General Medical Population: Relationship to Neuropsychological and Psychological Function
  271. Associations of Anxiety-Related Symptoms With Reported History of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  272. Cognitive behavioral therapy and functional and metacognitive outcomes in schizophrenia: A single case study
  273. Relationship of impaired processing speed and flexibility of abstract thought to improvements in work performance over time in schizophrenia
  274. Personal Narratives of Illness in Schizophrenia: Associations with Neurocognition and Symptoms
  275. Hope, Awareness of Illness, and Coping in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  276. Quality of sleep in patients with schizophrenia is associated with quality of life and coping
  277. Being Interrupted: The Self and Schizophrenia
  278. Personality traits in schizophrenia and related personality disorders
  279. Changes in narrative structure and content in schizophrenia in long term individual psychotherapy: a single case study
  280. Personal Narratives in Schizophrenia: Increases in Coherence Following 5 Months of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  281. Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for vocational rehabilitation in schizophrenia: Effects on hope and work
  282. Vocational function among persons with schizophrenia with and without history of childhood sexual trauma
  283. Awareness of illness in schizophrenia: advances from psychosocial rehabilitation research
  284. Neurocognitive Correlates of Therapeutic Alliance in Schizophrenia
  285. Heightened interpersonal dependency in schizophrenia: Associations with graver impairment in neurocognition but not with negative or positive symptoms
  287. Brief Reports: Hopelessness as a Predictor of Work Functioning Among Patients With Schizophrenia
  288. Patterns of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and social function in schizophrenia
  289. Attributional style and symptoms as predictors of social function in schizophrenia
  290. Response to Vocational Rehabilitation During Treatment With First- or Second-Generation Antipsychotics
  291. Coping Style in Schizophrenia: Associations With Neurocognitive Deficits and Personality
  292. EEG Synchronization to Modulated Auditory Tones in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder
  293. Narrative transformation as an outcome in the psychotherapy of schizophrenia
  294. Neuroticism and visual memory impairments as predictors of the severity of delusions in schizophrenia
  295. Movement Towards Coherence in the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia: A Method for Assessing Narrative Transformation
  298. Psychometrically matched visual-processing tasks in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
  299. Insight in schizophrenia: associations with executive function and coping style
  300. Psychometrically matched visual-processing tasks in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
  302. Longitudinal Wisconsin Card Sorting Performance in Schizophrenia Patients in Rehabilitation
  303. Association of Obsessions and Compulsions in Schizophrenia With Neurocognition and Negative Symptoms
  304. Association of Obsessions and Compulsions in Schizophrenia With Neurocognition and Negative Symptoms
  305. Insight and Personal Narratives of Illness in Schizophrenia
  306. Visual processing and neuropsychological function in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
  307. Narrative Structure in Psychosis: Schizophrenia and Disruptions in the Dialogical Self
  308. Quality of Life Benefits of Paid Work Activity in Schizophrenia
  309. Childhood Sexual Trauma and Psychosocial Functioning in Adults With Schizophrenia
  310. Neurocognitive Correlates of Helplessness, Hopelessness, and Well-Being in Schizophrenia
  311. Neurocognitive and Symptom Correlates of Self-Reported Childhood Sexual Abuse in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  312. Psychosis and the disintegration of dialogical self-structure: Problems posed by schizophrenia for the maintenance of dialogue
  313. Schizophrenia and the collapse of the dialogical self: Recovery, narrative and psychotherapy.
  314. Schizophrenia and the collapse of the dialogical self: Recovery, narrative and psychotherapy.
  315. Emotional discomfort and impairments in verbal memory in schizophrenia
  316. Self-Appraisal of Illness Questionnaire (SAIQ): relationship to researcher-rated insight and neuropsychological function in schizophrenia
  317. Obsessive and Compulsive Symptoms in Schizophrenia
  318. Self-Appraisal of Illness Questionnaire
  319. Psychotherapy as an Element in Supported Employment for Persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
  320. Personality and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia: The Association between Personality Traits and Symptoms
  321. Personality as a Predictor of the Variability of Insight in Schizophrenia
  322. Personality and psychosocial dysfunction in schizophrenia: the association of extraversion and neuroticism to deficits in work performance
  323. Insight and Interpersonal Function in Schizophrenia
  324. Affect recognition in deficit syndrome schizophrenia
  325. Positive and negative affect recognition in schizophrenia: a comparison with substance abuse and normal control subjects
  326. Affect recognition in schizophrenia: a function of global impairment or a specific cognitive deficit
  327. Extroversion and work performance in schizophrenia
  328. Positive and negative affect recognition in schizophrenia: A comparison of substance abuse and normal controls
  329. Impairment in insight: Evidence for an association with specific cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
  330. Affect recognition in schizophrenia: A function of global impairment of a specific cognitive deficit
  331. Cognitive Impairment and Substance Abuse History as Predictors of the Temporal Stability of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
  332. Clinical Benefits of Paid Work Activity in Schizophrenia: 1-year Followup
  333. Performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test as a Predictor of Rehospitalization in Schizophrenia
  334. Levels of expectation for work activity in schizophrenia: Clinical and rehabilitation outcomes.
  335. Clinical Benefits of Paid Work Activity in Schizophrenia
  336. Work and Meaning: Disturbance of Volition and Vocational Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
  337. Social Skills at Work
  338. The frequency of associations between positive and negative symptoms and dysphoria in schizophrenia
  339. Work Rehabilitation and Improvements in Insight in Schizophrenia
  340. Work performance over time for people with schizophrenia.
  341. Wisconsin card sorting test and work performance in schizophrenia
  342. Paid work activity in schizophrenia: Program costs offset by costs of rehospitalizations.
  343. Insight and Psychosocial Treatment Compliance in Schizophrenia
  344. Insight and Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia Performance on Repeated Administrations of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
  345. Concurrent validity of the cognitive component of schizophrenia: Relationship of PANSS scores to neuropsychological assessments
  346. Five-component model of schizophrenia: Assessing the factorial invariance of the positive and negative syndrome scale
  347. Soft signs, attention, and startle in schizophrenia
  348. Relationship of Positive and Negative Symptoms to Cocaine Abuse in Schizophrenia
  349. Pay as an Incentive in Work Participation by Patients With Severe Mental Illness
  350. Clinical benefits of work therapy for patients with schizophrenia
  351. Relationship of positive and negative symptoms to cocaine abuse in schizophrenia
  352. Work Capacity in Schizophrenia
  353. Pay and participation in work activity: Clinical benefits for clients with schizophrenia.
  354. Object relations deficits in subtypes of schizophrenia
  355. Dialogical transformation in the psychotherapy of schizophrenia
  356. Schizophrenia and alterations in first-person experience: advances offered from the vantage point of dialogical self theory
  357. Metacognitive Capacity and Theory of Mind As Predictors of the Ability to Respond to Complex Social Tasks
  358. Predictors of stigma resistance in persons with schizophrenia