All Stories

  1. Amyloid-Beta Induced CA1 Pyramidal Cell Loss in Young Adult Rats Is Alleviated by Systemic Treatment with FGL, a Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule-Derived Mimetic Peptide
  2. Age-Induced Loss of Mossy Fibre Synapses on CA3 Thorns in the CA3 Stratum Lucidum
  3. Increased neuronal firing in resting and sleep in areas of the macaque medial prefrontal cortex
  4. An NCAM Mimetic, FGL, Alters Hippocampal Cellular Morphometry in Young Adult (4 Month-Old) Rats
  5. Age-related changes in the hippocampus (loss of synaptophysin and glial–synaptic interaction) are modified by systemic treatment with an NCAM-derived peptide, FGL
  6. Amygdala afferents monosynaptically innervate corticospinal neurons in rat medial prefrontal cortex
  7. A neural cell adhesion molecule-derived peptide, FGL, attenuates glial cell activation in the aged hippocampus
  8. Dendritic Spine and Synapse Morphological Alterations Induced by a Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule Mimetic
  9. Dendritic Spine and Synapse Morphological Alterations Induced by a Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM) Mimetic
  10. A cell adhesion molecule mimetic, FGL peptide, induces alterations in synapse and dendritic spine structure in the dentate gyrus of aged rats: a three‐dimensional ultrastructural study
  11. Prefrontal cortex in the rat: Projections to subcortical autonomic, motor, and limbic centers
  12. Areal and synaptic interconnectivity of prelimbic (area 32), infralimbic (area 25) and insular cortices in the rat
  13. A simple method for reconditioning epoxy-coated microelectrodes for extracellular single neuron recording
  14. Morphological evidence that CA1 hippocampal afferents monosynaptically innervate PV-containing neurons and NADPH-diaphorase reactive cells in the medial prefrontal cortex (Areas 25/32) of the rat
  15. Differences in the laminar origin of projections from the medial prefrontal cortex to the nucleus accumbens shell and core regions in the rat
  16. Calretinin neurons in human medial prefrontal cortex (areas 24a,b,c, 32?, and 25)
  17. Local-circuit neurones in the medial prefrontal cortex (areas 25, 32 and 24b) in the rat: Morphology and quantitative distribution
  18. Amygdala input to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in the rat: A light and electron microscope study
  19. Local circuit neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (areas 24a,b,c, 25 and 32) in the monkey: I. Cell morphology and morphometrics
  20. Local circuit neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (areas 24a,b,c, 25 and 32) in the monkey: II. Quantitative areal and laminar distributions
  21. Local circuit neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (areas 24a,b,c, 25 and 32) in the monkey: II. Quantitative areal and laminar distributions
  22. Local circuit neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (areas 24a,b,c, 25 and 32) in the monkey: I. Cell morphology and morphometrics
  23. Dendritic spine density of NADPH diaphorase reactive neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of the rat
  24. Co-localisation of NADPH diaphorase activity and GABA immunoreactivity in local circuit neurones in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of the rat
  25. Two types of interneuron in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the rat: A combined NADPH diaphorase histochemical and GABA immunocytochemical study
  26. Loss of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity from mouse first somatosensory (SI) cortex following neonatal, but not adult, denervation
  27. Decreased levels of an astrocytic marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein, in the visual cortex of dark-reared rats: Measurement by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  28. The ‘single’ section Golgi-impregnation procedure: methodological description