All Stories

  1. Mimicking 3D bone microenvironment using a hybrid hydrogel-nanocomposite scaffold and human adipose-derived stem cells for bone differentiation and vascularization
  2. PolyQ length-dependent metabolic alterations and DNA damage drive human astrocyte dysfunction in Huntington’s disease
  3. Human platelet lysate enhances proliferation but not chondrogenic differentiation of pediatric mesenchymal progenitors
  4. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR)-Mediated Signaling in iPSC-Derived Human Motor Neurons
  5. Mechanical and morphological properties of parietal bone in patients with sagittal craniosynostosis
  6. Considering the Cellular Composition of Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Transplants for Spinal Cord Injury Repair: A Review of the Literature
  7. Stem cell-derived brain cells, astrocytes, from Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients are defective
  8. Mislocalization of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Proteins in Human Huntington’s Disease PSC-Derived Striatal Neurons
  9. Bio-electrosprayed human neural stem cells are viable and maintain their differentiation potential
  10. Modeling Normal and Pathological Ear Cartilage in vitro Using Somatic Stem Cells in Three-Dimensional Culture
  11. Three‐dimensional environment and vascularization induce osteogenic maturation of human adipose‐derived stem cells comparable to that of bone‐derived progenitors
  12. Modelling human CNS injury with human neural stem cells in 2- and 3-Dimensional cultures
  13. Bio-electrosprayed human neural stem cells are viable and maintain their differentiation potential
  14. Argon plasma modification promotes adipose derived stem cells osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation on nanocomposite polyurethane scaffolds; implications for skeletal tissue engineering
  15. Spontaneous Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells on Nanodiamonds
  16. Objectifying Micrognathia Using Three-Dimensional Photogrammetric Analysis
  17. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Aesthetic Surgery
  18. Pulling and Pushing Stem Cells to Control Their Differentiation
  19. Plasticity of human adipose-derived stem cells – relevance to tissue repair
  20. Cranial bone structure in children with sagittal craniosynostosis: Relationship with surgical outcomes
  21. Surface functionalisation of nanodiamonds for human neural stem cell adhesion and proliferation
  22. An overview of the therapeutic potential of regenerative medicine in cutaneous wound healing
  23. Chemical group-dependent plasma polymerisation preferentially directs adipose stem cell differentiation towards osteogenic or chondrogenic lineages
  24. Toward modeling the human nervous system in a dish: recent progress and outstanding challenges
  25. Nanotechnology for Stimulating Osteoprogenitor Differentiation
  26. Towards reconstruction of epithelialized cartilages from autologous adipose tissue-derived stem cells
  27. Combined soft and skeletal tissue modelling of normal and dysmorphic midface postnatal development
  28. MHC-class-II are expressed in a subpopulation of human neural stem cells in vitro in an IFNγ–independent fashion and during development
  29. Biocompatibility of nanostructured boron doped diamond for the attachment and proliferation of human neural stem cells
  30. Different regulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-regulated genes in response to dioxin in undifferentiated and neuronally differentiated human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
  31. A matter of identity — Phenotype and differentiation potential of human somatic stem cells
  32. The neural milieu of the developing choroid plexus: neural stem cells, neurons and innervation
  33. Culture and Transfection of Axolotl Cells
  34. Derivation and Long-Term Culture of Cells from Newt Adult Limbs and Limb Blastemas
  35. Adult Neurogenesis and Regeneration: Focus on Nonmammalian Vertebrates
  36. Elevated FGF21 Leads to Attenuated Postnatal Linear Growth in Preterm Infants Through GH Resistance in Chondrocytes
  37. Modulation of calcium-induced cell death in human neural stem cells by the novel peptidylarginine deiminase–AIF pathway
  38. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Dedifferentiation of neurons precedes tumor formation in Lola mutants.
  39. Monitoring ferumoxide-labelled neural progenitor cells and lesion evolution by magnetic resonance imaging in a model of cell transplantation in cerebral ischaemia
  40. Chondrogenic differentiation of adipose tissue-derived stem cells within nanocaged POSS-PCU scaffolds: A new tool for nanomedicine
  41. Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells for the Repair of Prenatal and Perinatal Defects
  42. Monitoring ferumoxide-labelled neural progenitor cells and lesion evolution by magnetic resonance imaging in a model of cell transplantation in cerebral ischaemia
  43. Regeneration of Vertebrate Appendages
  44. Cord Blood Lin−CD45− Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Are a Heterogeneous Population That Lack Self-Renewal Capacity
  45. Discovery of a structurally novel, drug-like and potent inhibitor of peptidylarginine deiminase
  46. Autologous stem cells for personalised medicine
  47. High Plasticity of Pediatric Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells: Too Much for Selective Skeletogenic Differentiation?
  48. Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Increase Embryo Survival Following Injury
  49. Is there a relationship between adult neurogenesis and neuron generation following injury across evolution?
  50. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for The cerebrospinal fluid provides a proliferative niche for neural progenitor cells.
  51. Protein deiminases: New players in the developmentally regulated loss of neural regenerative ability
  52. Regeneration of the Vertebrate Tail
  53. ASPP2 Binds Par-3 and Controls the Polarity and Proliferation of Neural Progenitors during CNS Development
  54. Post-translational regulation of Crmp in developing and regenerating chick spinal cord
  55. A single-point mutation in FGFR2 affects cell cycle and Tgfβ signalling in osteoblasts
  56. Coordination chemistry of amide-functionalised tetraazamacrocycles: structural, relaxometric and cytotoxicity studies
  57. Delayed Osteoprogenitor Differentiation in Cleft-Palate Models
  58. Considering the evolution of regeneration in the central nervous system
  59. Changes in progenitor populations and ongoing neurogenesis in the regenerating chick spinal cord
  60. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of endogenous neuroblasts labelled with a ferumoxide–polycation complex
  61. Embryos, Genes and Birth Defects
  62. Regenerative Biology and Medicine
  63. Fgf2 is expressed in human and murine embryonic choroid plexus and affects choroid plexus epithelial cell behaviour
  64. Molecular and Cellular Basis of Regeneration and Tissue Repair
  65. Potential use of craniosynostotic osteoprogenitors and bioactive scaffolds for bone engineering
  66. Putative Cholinergic-Specific Gangliosides in Guinea Pig Forebrain
  67. Growth of choroid plexus epithelium vesicles in vitro depends on secretory activity
  68. The Developing Human Spinal Cord Contains Distinct Populations of Neural Precursors
  69. Regeneration of Vertebrate Appendages
  70. Changes in response to spinal cord injury with development: Vascularization, hemorrhage and apoptosis
  71. Gene Expression during Palate Fusion in vivo and in vitro
  72. FGFR1 down-regulation in differentiating human brain and spinal cord neurospheres
  73. Changes in E2F5 intracellular localization in mouse and human choroid plexus epithelium with development
  74. Neural Stem Cell Plasticity: Recruitment of Endogenous Populations for Regeneration
  75. Distinct neural precursors in the developing human spinal cord
  76. Nogo and Nogo-66 receptor in human and chick: Implications for development and regeneration
  77. Up-regulation of neural stem cell markers suggests the occurrence of dedifferentiation in regenerating spinal cord
  78. Expression of FGF2 in the limb blastema of two Salamandridae correlates with their regenerative capability
  79. Differential expression of fibroblast growth factor receptors in the developing murine choroid plexus
  80. Changes in spinal cord regenerative ability through phylogenesis and development: Lessons to be learnt
  81. Recruitment of postmitotic neurons into the regenerating spinal cord of urodeles
  82. Differential regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptors in the regenerating amphibian spinal cord in vivo
  83. Induction of chondrogenesis in neural crest cells by mutant fibroblast growth factor receptors
  84. Blocking Endogenous FGF-2 Activity Prevents Cranial Osteogenesis
  85. FGF-2 Up-regulation and Proliferation of Neural Progenitors in the Regenerating Amphibian Spinal Cord in Vivo
  86. RA regulation of keratin expression and myogenesis suggests different ways of regenerating muscle in adult amphibian limbs
  87. Peter Thorogood (1947–1998)
  88. Hedgehog family member is expressed throughout regenerating and developing limbs
  89. Stability and Plasticity of Neural Crest Patterning and Branchial Arch Hox Code after Extensive Cephalic Crest Rotation
  90. Stability and plasticity of neural crest patterning and branchial arch hox code after extensive cephalic crest rotation
  91. Gene Expression during Amphibian Limb Regeneration
  92. Keratin 8 and 18 expression in mesenchymal progenitor cells of regenerating limbs is associated with cell proliferation and differentiation
  93. Expression of regeneration-associated cytoskeletal proteins reveals differences and similarities between regenerating organs
  94. A Role for Midline Closure in the Reestablishment of Dorsoventral Pattern Following Dorsal Hindbrain Ablation
  95. Restoration of Normal Hox Code and Branchial Arch Morphogenesis after Extensive Deletion of Hindbrain Neural Crest
  96. Teratogenic and morphogenetic effects of retinoic acid on the regenerating pectoral fin in zebrafish
  97. Hox genes, fin folds and symmetry
  98. Heads and tales: recent advances in craniofacial development
  99. Cell origin and identity in Limb regeneration and development
  100. The monoclonal antibody 22/18 recognizes a conformational change in an intermediate filament of the newt,Notophthalmus viridescens, during limb regeneration
  101. Culture of newt cells from different tissues and their expression of a regeneration-associated antigen
  102. An immunohistochemical study of synaptogenesis in the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata by use of antisera to vesicular and presynaptic plasma membrane components
  103. The localization and rate of disappearance of a synaptic vesicle antigen following denervation
  104. Effect of Denervation on a Cholinergic-Specific Ganglioside Antigen (Chol-1) Present in Torpedo Electromotor Presynaptic Plasma Membranes
  105. Morphine is most effective on gastrointestinal propulsion in rats by intraperitoneal route: Evidence for local action
  106. The Limbs