All Stories

  1. The Ethics of Research into Human Trafficking Beyond ‘Do No Harm’: Developing a ‘Living’ Ethical Protocol
  2. Exploring the Interface between Asylum, Trafficking and Hostile Environment in the UK
  3. Gender and trafficking of children and young people into, within and out of England
  4. Trust and mistrust in the lives of forcibly displaced women and children
  5. Research ethics in practice: lessons from studies exploring interpersonal violence in different contexts
  6. Trafficking, Exploitation and Modern Slavery e-learning course by Virtual College, Guiseley, West Yorkshire in association with ECPAT UK and Pete Nelson, West Yorkshire Police, 2016. Available from Virtual College:
  7. Missing Persons
  8. New Directions in the Sociology of Human Rights
  9. No ‘Magic Bullets’: Children, Young People, Trafficking and Child Protection in the UK
  10. Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements
  11. Self reported experiences of therapy following child sexual abuse: Messages from a retrospective survey of adult survivors
  12. Trafficking of Children and Young People: ‘Community’ Knowledge and Understandings
  13. Foreword
  14. Editorial Foreword
  15. Global points of ‘vulnerability’: understanding processes of the trafficking of children and young people into, within and out of the UK
  16. Sociology and human rights: confrontations, evasions and new engagements
  17. New Communities: Asylum Seekers and Dispersal
  18. Contemporary Compulsory Dispersal and the Absence of Space for the Restoration of Trust