All Stories

  1. ‘Kindling the fire’ of NHS patient data exploitations: The controversy in news media discourses
  2. E-Infrastructures and the divergent assetization of public health data: Expectations, uncertainties, and asymmetries
  3. Resisting big data exploitations in public healthcare: free riding or distributive justice?
  4. Trialling technologies to reduce hospital in‐patient falls: an agential realist analysis
  5. Market‐driven production of biospecimens and the role of NHS hospital‐led biobanks
  6. Understanding the conundrum: New information flows for economic growth
  7. Dissenting from an analysis of opt-out forms
  8. Evolution of primary care databases in UK: a scientometric analysis of research output
  9. Lessons Learned from the Implementation of an Emergency Department Information System
  10. On the adoption of personal health records: some problematic issues for patient empowerment
  11. Workplace violence against clinicians in Cypriot emergency departments: a national questionnaire survey
  12. National targets, process transformation and local consequences in an NHS emergency department (ED): a qualitative study
  13. Implementing lean methods in the Emergency Department
  14. Implementing an Emergency Department Information System:
  15. The Importance of Vital Signs in the Triage of Injured Patients
  16. Going paperless at the emergency department: A socio-technical study of an information system for patient tracking
  17. Building and Sustaining Collaboration in Cross Sector E-Learning Development