All Stories

  1. Meaning in Life and Care for the Environment: Bridging the Actions for Addressing Ecological Issues and Enhancing Residential Quality
  2. The Social Representation of Sustainable Mobility: An Exploratory Investigation on Social Media Networks
  3. Values and tourists' sustainable behaviours: An overview of studies and discussion of some theoretical, methodological and management issues
  4. Editorial: Outside the Comfort Zone: What Can Psychology Learn From Tourism (and Vice Versa)
  5. Attitudes and Tourists’ Sustainable Behavior: An Overview of the Literature and Discussion of Some Theoretical and Methodological Issues
  6. Comparing actual and perceived recycling skills and their determinants
  7. Youth and ecotourism: A qualitative exploration
  8. Measuring individual skills in household waste recycling: Implications for citizens' education and communication in six urban contexts
  9. The bicycle and the dream of a sustainable city: An explorative comparison of the image of bicycles in the mass-media and the general public
  10. The sustainable tourist: values attitudes and personality
  11. Understanding Preferences for Nature Based and Sustainable Tourism: The Role of Personal Values and General and Specific Environmental Attitudes
  12. The bicycle and the city: Desires and emotions versus attitudes, habits and norms
  13. Promoting Ecotourism Among Young People
  14. The Ambivalence of Attitudes Toward Urban Green Areas: Between Proenvironmental Worldviews and Daily Residential Experience
  15. Planned behavior and “local” norms: an analysis of the space-based aspects of normative ecological behavior
  16. Temporal pessimism and spatial optimism in environmental assessments: An 18-nation study
  17. Emotions, habits and rational choices in ecological behaviours: The case of recycling and use of public transportation
  18. Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere