All Stories

  1. Measuring spiritual uncertainty for hospice and palliative care providers
  2. The things that hospice patients were most uncertain about were spiritual in nature.
  3. Family caregiver recruitment via social media: challenges, opportunities and lessons
  4. Difficult Conversations: Telling Adolescents About a Parent’s Life Limiting Illness and Death (TH370C)
  5. Interactions Between Hospice Clinicians and Adolescents with a Parent Enrolled In Hospice Care (TH370A)
  6. Using common attributes to frame spirituality
  7. family interaction at the end of life through blogging
  8. The Caregivers Experience with an Illness Blog: A Pilot Study (TH330B)
  9. Adolescents' descriptions of continued bonds with deceased parent
  10. The uncertainties families experience when one parent is in hospice.
  11. End-of-Life Spiritual Attributes
  12. Stories of spiritual uncertainty emerged from research about spirituality at the end of life.
  13. How compatible are spirituality and uncertainty as a blended construct for end-of-life care?
  14. Peer Involvement in Adolescent Dating Violence
  15. Ambiguity and Violence in Adolescent Dating Relationships
  16. Adolescent Dating Violence and Peplau’s Dimensions of the Self
  17. Understanding Denial