All Stories

  1. The Impact of Internet Celebrities on Algerian EFL Learners’ Lifestyle Habits
  2. The Impact of Internet Celebrities on Algerian EFL Learners’ Lifestyle Habits
  3. Literature in the Algerian EFL Bachelor of Arts degree: Reading Literature
  4. The Effects Of Self-Selected Topics On Learners Intrinsic Motivation To Speak English As A Foreign Language
  5. Les Stratégies Rédactionnelles En FLE Chez Les Lycéens Algériens:, Cas D’étude Lycéens De 3 ème Année Secondaire De L’établissement Cherif Tlemsani –Béni Saf
  6. An examination of reading strategies awareness among Algerian ESP students at the National Higher School for hydraulics
  7. Languages Proficiency And Multinational Settings:, Implications And Prospects
  8. Gender positioning in the visual discourse of Algerian secondary education EFL textbooks: Critical image analysis vs teachers’ perceptions
  9. Code structure common to Algerian writers of French expression
  10. Teacher’s Perceptions of Classroom Assessment Practices in the Algerian Primary School
  11. Diversity: Concept and Issues
  12. An Investigation into the Relationship between British Civilization Teachers’ Methodology and Students’ Learning Achievements
  13. Voices of Errancy, Spaces of Silence and Traces of Writing in the Narratives of Fadia Faqir, Leila Aboulela and Assia Djebar
  14. Thirdness and its bearings on students’ views of the ‘Other’: Tying the knot between the literary and the intercultural
  15. L’effet de la séquentialité dans le parler bilingue Algérien : Quelques procédés conversationnels productifs dans les codes mixtes
  16. Borrowing adaptation routines in Oran Arabic
  17. Matrix-Language Approaches to Classic Code-Switching: the MLF and 4-M models under scrutiny
  18. L’intérêt de l’approche paysagiste pour la didactique des langues étrangères L’apprentissage de la composante phonique du Français en contexte Algérien
  19. How to make sense of codes in plurilingual settings multiple choices or rational decision making
  20. Preliminaries on the Structural Aspects of A Spoken Variety: A case Study
  21. Adaptive Linguistic Change and Ecolinguistic Structures: Some processes of language dynamics within an Algerian Dialect
  22. Problèmes des correspondances syntaxiques du verbe entre l’Arabe et le Français : vers une étude contrastive
  23. Les valeurs temporelles et modales du verbe dans la langue Arabe: Perspectives comparatives
  24. Vers l’élaboration d’un questionnaire sur les stratégies d’apprentissage de la prononciation du français