All Stories

  1. President Trump’s Verbal Hostility against Immigrants and DACA grantees.
  2. Will the courts outlaw legislation by an official who verbalized racism?
  3. Three currently competing concepts of US citizenship: Blood, Soil, and Race.
  4. The structure and danger of Donald Trump's demagogic rhetoric.
  5. The cowboy and the goddess: Television news mythmaking about immigrants
  6. book review of Landau et al.
  7. Juan in a Hundred.
  8. Jay Leno's anti-immigrant jokes
  10. Review of Fought (2003): Chicano English in Context
  11. book review of BROWN TIDE RISING
  12. Empirical study of the "Speech Community" construct
  13. Sonority and syllable structure in Chicano English
  14. review of Carmen Silva-Corvalán's book
  15. Chicano English evidence for the exponential hypothesis: A variable rule pervades lexical phonology
  16. Form and Function in Chicano English
  17. Three anti-immigrant images in the US public discourse of the 1990s