All Stories

  1. Research as resistance: Naming and dismantling the master narrative of “good” science.
  2. Exploring how Black and white parents talk about race with their children
  3. From promoting healthy masculinities to nurturing healthy humans and societies: Commentary on Di Bianca and Mahalik (2022).
  4. “They’re always gonna notice my natural hair”: Identity, intersectionality and resistance among Black girls.
  5. “[I]t’s hard because it’s the cops that are killing us for stupid stuff”: Racial identity in the sociopolitical context of Black Lives Matter.
  6. Ideology and Identity Among White Male Teachers in an All-Black, All-Male High School
  7. Commentary on economic inequality: “what” and “who” constitutes research on social inequality in developmental science?
  8. Immigrant adolescents’ roots and dreams: Perceived mismatches between ethnic identities and aspirational selves predict engagement
  9. Who Am I, Who Are We? Erikson and a Transactional Approach to Identity Research