All Stories

  1. Testbeds and Evaluation Frameworks for Anomaly Detection within Built Environments: A Systematic Review
  2. PrivacyCube: Data Physicalization for Enhancing Privacy Awareness in IoT
  3. FooDS: Ontology-based Knowledge Graphs for Forest Observatories
  4. A Comparison of Open Data Observatories
  5. Knowledge-based Cyber Physical Security at Smart Home: A Review
  6. Empowering IoT Developers with Privacy-Preserving End-User Development Tools
  7. CASPER: Context-Aware IoT Anomaly Detection System for Industrial Robotic Arms
  8. ForestQB: Exploring Wildlife Data with a Combination of Visual and Conversational Interfaces
  9. Designing Privacy-Aware IoT Applications for Unregulated Domains
  10. Flow-Time Minimization for Timely Data Stream Processing in UAV-Aided Mobile Edge Computing
  11. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 10th International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies
  12. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
  13. Query Interface for Smart City Internet of Things Data Marketplaces: A Case Study
  14. Sensing within Smart Buildings: A Survey
  15. Interactive Privacy Management: Towards Enhancing Privacy Awareness and Control in Internet of Things
  16. Poster Abstract: Camera-Assisted Training of Non-Vision Sensors for Anomaly Detection
  17. PARROT
  18. Explainable AI (XAI): Core Ideas, Techniques, and Solutions
  19. Poster
  20. Privacy-Patterns for IoT Application Developers
  21. Cybersecurity Challenges in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry: An Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) Perspective
  22. Privacy Laws and Privacy by Design Schemes for the Internet of Things
  23. Causing a denial of service by jamming ModbusTCP communication
  24. Service placement in multi-Fog and multi-Cloud environments
  25. Cybersecurity of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: A Review
  26. General data protection regulation
  27. A privacy-preserving distributed platform for COVID-19 vaccine passports
  28. Synthesising Privacy by Design Knowledge Toward Explainable Internet of Things Application Designing in Healthcare
  29. Cyberattacks and Countermeasures for In-Vehicle Networks
  30. Security and Privacy Requirements for the Internet of Things
  31. Emotions Behind Drive-by Download Propagation on Twitter
  32. Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-based IoT Applications
  33. QoS-Aware VNF Placement and Service Chaining for IoT Applications in Multi-Tier Mobile Edge Networks
  34. NFV-Enabled Multicasting in Mobile Edge Clouds with Resource Sharing
  35. Fog Computing for the Internet of Things: A Survey
  36. A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing
  37. The Ethical Challenges of Publishing Twitter Data for Research Dissemination
  38. Can We Predict a Riot? Disruptive Event Detection Using Twitter
  39. A social content delivery network for e-Science
  40. Digital wildfires
  41. Cloud Computing at the Edges
  42. Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems
  43. Implementing Migration-Aware Virtual Machines
  44. Social Clouds: A Retrospective
  45. A classification framework for distinct cyber-attacks based on occurrence patterns
  46. 'Digital Wildfires'
  47. Data as a Currency and Cloud-Based Data Lockers
  48. Intelligent Cloud Computing
  49. Analysing Virtual Machine Security in Cloud Systems
  50. VMInformant: an instrumented virtual machine to support trustworthy cloud computing
  51. Modelling and Implementing Social Community Clouds
  52. Autonomic Clouds
  53. Economics of computing services
  54. Extending CometCloud to Process Dynamic Data Streams on Heterogeneous Infrastructures
  55. In-Transit Data Analysis and Distribution in a Multi-cloud Environment Using CometCloud
  56. The Costs of Cloud Migration
  57. Improving Resource Matchmaking through Feedback Integration
  58. The management of cloud systems
  59. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services
  60. Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Environment via Autonomic Meta-director Framework
  61. Constructing a Social Content Delivery Network for eScience
  62. Broker Emergence in Social Clouds
  63. Scaling Archived Social Media Data Analysis Using a Hadoop Cloud
  64. Editorial for special issue: Cloud computing and distributed data management in the AEC – Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry
  65. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services
  66. Integrating acceleration devices using CometCloud
  67. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services
  68. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services
  69. Contemporary Computing
  70. Security Architecture in a Collaborative De-Perimeterised Environment: Factors of Success
  71. Topic 1: Support Tools and Environments
  72. Measuring the Effectiveness of Throttled Data Transfers on Data-Intensive Workflows
  73. Towards SecureBPMN - Aligning BPMN with the Information Assurance and Security Domain
  74. Predicting client-side attacks via behaviour analysis using honeypot data
  75. Network-aware heuristics for inter-domain meta-scheduling in Grids
  76. Autonomic Network-Aware Metascheduling for Grids: A Comprehensive Evaluation
  77. Trading Service Level Agreements within a Peer-to-Peer market
  78. An uncoordinated asynchronous checkpointing model for hierarchical scientific workflows
  79. Social Cloud: Cloud Computing in Social Networks
  80. Honeyware: A Web-Based Low Interaction Client Honeypot
  81. Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems
  82. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services
  83. Automated State Machines Applied in Client Honeypots
  84. Self-adaptive Architectures for Autonomic Computational Science
  85. Research Challenges in Managing and Using Service Level Agreements
  86. Distributed Systems and Algorithms
  87. Business Models for On-line Social Networks
  88. Negotiation and Monitoring of Service Level Agreements
  89. The Convergence of Clouds, Grids, and Autonomics
  90. Critical perspectives on large-scale distributed applications and production Grids
  91. A Performance Evaluation of Network-Aware Grid Meta-schedulers
  92. Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems
  93. Grid Economics and Business Models
  94. A Belief-based Trust Model for Dynamic Service Selection
  95. A Social Networking Approach to F/OSS Quality Assessment
  96. Improving Grid Inter-Domain Scheduling with P2P Techniques: A Performance Evaluation
  97. Bringing semantics to visualization services
  98. Performance evaluation of semantic registries: OWLJessKB and instanceStore
  99. Managing Violations in Service Level Agreements
  100. A Decentralized Grid Market Infrastructure for Service Oriented Grids
  101. Optimising decentralised grid markets through group selection
  102. Service Level Agreements in Catallaxy-Based Grid Markets
  103. Automatic Assertion of Actor State in Service Oriented Architectures
  104. Dynamic Condor-based Services for Distributed Image Analysis
  105. Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
  106. A workflow portal supporting multi-language interoperation and optimization
  107. Securing the virtual organization, Part 2 – Grid computing in action
  108. Securing the virtual organization – Part 1: Requirements from Grid computing
  109. Evidence-Aware Trust Model for Dynamic Services
  110. Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools
  111. Recording Actor State in Scientific Workflows
  112. Trust Assessment Using Provenance in Service Oriented Applications
  113. Grid Based E-Procurement
  114. Formalising trust for online communities
  115. Mobile Agent-Based Service Provision in Distributed Data Archives
  116. High Performance Computing and Communications
  117. Building Scalable Virtual Communities — Infrastructure Requirements and Computational Costs
  118. Virtual Communities and Community Coordinator
  119. Agent Based Computational Grids: Research Issues and Challenges
  120. Secure Virtual Organisations: Protocols and Requirements
  121. Application deployment using catallactic Grid middleware
  122. Mathematical matchmaker for numeric and symbolic services
  123. Agent-based recognition of facial expressions
  124. Agent-based matchmaking of mathematical web services
  125. Agent-based computer vision
  126. Pattern/Operator Based Problem Solving Environments
  127. Grid Performance and Resource Management Using Mobile Agents
  128. Engineering Self-Organising Systems
  129. An OGSA-Based Quality of Service Framework
  130. Quality-of-Service Based Grid Communities
  131. Supporting FIPA Interoperability for Legacy Multi-agent Systems
  132. A Double Auction Economic Model for Grid Services
  133. Topic 17 Peer-to-Peer Computing
  134. Organizing Service-Oriented Peer Collaborations
  135. Service Design Patterns for Computational Grids
  136. Pattern Operators for Grid Environments
  137. Coordinating Learning Agents via Utility Assignment
  138. A software agent based virtual enterprise for electronic commerce
  139. Wrapping MPI-based legacy codes as Java/CORBA components
  140. A Collaborative Code Development Environment for Computational Electro-Magnetics
  141. Metacomputing and Grid Computing
  142. Data Management for Grid Environments
  143. A Modelling Approach for Agent Based Systems Design
  144. Special Issue: High Performance Agent Systems
  146. Automating Performance Analysis from UML Design Patterns
  147. Performance Analysis of Java Using Petri Nets
  148. Dynamic Resource Discovery through MatchMaking
  149. What is scalability in multi-agent systems?
  150. Performance management of mobile agent systems
  151. Implementing Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science
  152. The use of java in high performance computing: A data mining example
  153. Business Models for On-line Social Networks
  154. Integration of Descriptors for Software Component Retrieval
  155. Mathematical Service Discovery
  156. Topic 1: Support Tools and Environments
  157. Recording the Context of Action for Process Documentation
  158. Automating Performance Analysis from Taverna Workflows
  159. Business Models for On-line Social Networks
  160. Evidence-Based Assurance to Support Process Quality in the F/OSS Community