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  1. One-pot Golden Gate Assembly of an avian infectious bronchitis virus reverse-genetics system
  2. Emergence and spread of two SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest in Nigeria
  3. SARS-CoV-2 variants-associated outbreaks of COVID-19 in a tertiary institution, North-Central Nigeria: Implications for epidemic control
  4. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Genital Human Papillomavirus Infections among Women in Lagos, Nigeria
  5. The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance
  6. The RNA pseudoknots in foot-and-mouth disease virus are dispensable for genome replication, but essential for the production of infectious virus
  7. A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa
  8. Acute gastroenteritis and the usage pattern of antibiotics and traditional herbal medications for its management in a Nigerian community
  9. Functional advantages of triplication of the 3B coding region of the FMDV genome
  10. Pertinent roles of African higher institutions in the COVID‐19 pandemic response: The University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria; An African Model
  11. Comparative Molecular Biology Approaches for the Production of Poliovirus Virus-Like Particles Using Pichia pastoris
  12. Dynamics in the murine norovirus capsid revealed by high-resolution cryo-EM
  13. The RNA pseudoknots in foot-and-mouth disease virus are dispensable for genome replication but essential for the production of infectious virus
  14. The broad-spectrum antiviral drug arbidol inhibits foot-and-mouth disease virus genome replication
  15. High-Resolution Cryo-EM Reveals Dynamics in the Murine Norovirus Capsid
  16. The broad-spectrum antiviral drug arbidol inhibits foot-and-mouth disease virus replication
  17. The Oxysterol 25-Hydroxycholesterol Inhibits Replication of Murine Norovirus
  18. Involvement of a Nonstructural Protein in Poliovirus Capsid Assembly
  19. Photodynamic inactivation of non-enveloped RNA viruses
  20. Photodynamic inactivation of bacteriophage MS2: The A-protein is the target of virus inactivation
  21. An assay to detect Hepatitis virus and a cellular marker as internal control.
  22. Dengue virus and malaria concurrent infection among febrile subjects within Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria
  23. Increasing Type 1 Poliovirus Capsid Stability by Thermal Selection
  24. Sero-Prevalence of Antenatal Rubella in UITH