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  1. Left ventricular torsional mechanics in term fetuses and neonates
  2. Perinatal changes in fetal cardiac geometry and function in gestational diabetic pregnancies at term
  3. Perinatal changes in cardiac geometry and function in growth restricted fetuses at term
  4. Re: Differential effect of assisted reproductive technology and small-for-gestational age on fetal cardiac remodeling. B. Valenzuela-Alcaraz, F. Crispi, M. Cruz-Lemini, B. Bijnens, L. García-Otero, M. Sitges, J. Balasch and E. Gratacós. Ultrasound Obstet
  5. Perinatal cardiac changes in normal term pregnancies.
  6. Cardiac output assessment in pregnancy: comparison of two automated monitors with echocardiography
  7. Re: Maternal obesity affects fetal myocardial function as early as in the first trimester. C. B. Ingul, L. Lorås, E. Tegnander, S. H. Eik-Nes and A. Brantberg. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016; 47: 433-442.